Seeing that it was already six o'clock, Qin Lie guessed that Chen Xiaoyu's dinner should be almost ready, so he said goodbye to Liu Guangming.

That night, Chen Xiaoyu cooked a very hearty seafood dinner.

Steamed crab, braised prawns, abalone, sea cucumber and tofu soup, spicy shredded squid, scallops with garlic...

Each dish can be said to be full of color, flavor, and craftsmanship, and the craftsmanship is not inferior to that of the hotel chef.

After eating and drinking, and having nothing to do, Qin Lie took Chen Xiaoyu to the beach.

Yang Hao and the others were very winking. In order not to disturb Qin Lie, they always kept a distance of more than ten meters from Qin Lie, so that even if there was an accident, they could rush over to protect Qin Lie at any time.

Qin Lie was enjoying the sunset with Chen Xiaoyu when his phone suddenly rang.

Qin Lie took a look, and the call was from Chen Jinhu.

"Hey, Jinhu, what's the matter?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

"Brother lie, I received news that Wang Yongnian will personally lead someone to destroy your grandfather's grave tonight. Remember to bring someone to guard there in advance."

Chen Jinhu quickly reminded Qin Lie.

"This dead thing."

Hearing Chen Jinhu's words, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a killing intent in his heart.

He was worried about not having a chance to deal with Wang Yongnian, but he actually brought it to the door himself, this time Qin Lie just happened to settle the old and new grievances with him.

"Brother lie, did you hear what I said?"

On the other end of the phone, seeing that Qin Lie did not respond, Chen Jinhu quickly asked another question.

"heard it."

Qin Lie replied.

"Okay, then be careful yourself. My elder brother has arranged for me tonight, so I won't go."

Chen Jinhu knew very well that his eldest brother Wei Zhe deliberately chose to arrange a job for him tonight. He must have wanted to transfer him away, but he had no way to refuse. After all, he still respected Wei Zhe in his heart, and he had no idea that Wei Zhe had already started. Conspiracy against him.

Fortunately, Qin Lie had already told him that he had successfully reached a cooperation with Xu Yuanliang. With Xu Yuanliang supporting Qin Lie, he believed that Wang Yongnian would not dare to go too far.

After the two brothers had a brief chat, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

"Xiaoyu, let's go, go home."

Qin Lie originally wanted to stay at the seaside for a while, but in order to deal with Wang Yongnian, he had to go back in advance to make some arrangements.


Although Qin Lie didn't say it clearly, Chen Xiaoyu is also a smart girl. She has probably guessed what happened, and naturally she will not ask Qin Lie to accompany her to enjoy the scenery here. After returning home, Qin Lie asked Chen Xiaoyu to While watching TV at home, he took Yang Hao and several others out the door.

After a while, Qin Lie came to Yang ***'s house and briefly explained his plan to Yang ***.

"Qin Lie, it won't hurt to do this, right?"

Yang *** asked a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, at night, they can't even see our appearance. As long as you don't leak your mouth, make sure there's nothing wrong. Take a step back and say, if it really happens, I will bear all the responsibility alone, I promise. You won't be involved."

Qin Lie smiled slightly, and said with an expression of Zhizhu in his hand.

After hearing this, Yang *** pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision.

"Okay. You wait here, I'll find someone."

Without wasting any more time, Yang *** went out immediately.

About half an hour later, Yang *** came back with fifteen villagers, with Gao Lei Haoran in the queue.

Qin Lie paid a labor fee of 2,000 yuan on the spot, and then arranged for Gao Lei to go to the entrance of the village, while he took people to the back mountain.


Time flickered, and it was one o'clock in the morning.

Gao Lei, who was in charge of watching the wind at the entrance of the village, called Qin Lie. Three cars drove into the village, and it was roughly estimated that there should be nine people in the car.

After hearing the news, Qin Lie immediately led people to ambush on the only way to his grandfather's grave.

After another ten minutes, a group of people sneaked over.

Qin Lie saw Wang Yongnian who took the lead at a glance.

"Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you."

In the darkness, a cold light flashed in Qin Lie's eyes, he suddenly shouted "Do it", and took the lead in rushing out, followed by Yang Hao and others.

This time, Wang Yongnian and the others only had nine people, while Qin Lie had twenty-three people. They were already in an absolute advantage in numbers. In addition, it was a sneak attack. Wang Yongnian and the others had not yet realized what was going on. The stick fell to the ground.

"Hit me hard, and I'll take care of it if something goes wrong."

Qin Lie shouted again.

Hearing this, Yang Hao and the others became even more ruthless.

Although Wang Yongnian and the others resisted desperately, Nai He was knocked to the ground one by one.

There were screams, and people kept screaming like killing pigs. Unfortunately, this is the back mountain, and the people in the village couldn't hear it at all, or even if they heard it, no one would come here to check it in the middle of the night.


Seeing that everyone was lying on the ground, Qin Lie stopped everyone.

Qin Lie's words were like an imperial decree. In an instant, everyone stopped their hands and automatically formed a circle, so that even if someone wanted to escape, they would not be able to escape.

Qin Lie picked up the stick and walked to Wang Yongnian's side.

"Qin Lie, you'd better let me go, or I'll let you die without a burial!"

Although Qin Lie was wearing a mask, Wang Yongnian still recognized from his voice that the person in front of him was Qin Lie. At this time, Wang Yongnian was still quite arrogant because he was from the Wang family.

"I really don't know whether to live or die."

After hearing Wang Yongnian's threat, Qin Lie sneered, stepped out and stepped on his knee.



Wang Yongnian's leg was broken in response, and a miserable scream came out of his mouth.

"Qin're dead, I'll cut you to pieces! hurts to death."

Wang Yongnian roared angrily, the killing intent in his heart made him want to smash Qin Lie to ashes.

However, now he is like a prisoner, and Qin Lie can't even touch a single hair.

Qin Lie didn't speak, but stepped out again, breaking Wang Yongnian's other leg.

Wang Yongnian had never suffered such a crime in his life, and passed out on the spot.

"What a waste."

Qin Lie originally wanted to ridicule Wang Yongnian, but when he saw him in a coma, he lost interest.

"Listen to me, get out of here with Wang Yongnian immediately. In addition, help me with a word for him, if he dares to appear in Haitang Village again, I will kill him!"

Qin Lie looked at the group of people on the ground and shouted coldly, and there was a strong ferocity in him.

Looking at Qin Lie, who was like a demon king, all the people Wang Yongnian brought were silent, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

"Don't hurry up and get out!"

Qin Lie shouted again. Those people were like being granted amnesty, and they didn't dare to hesitate. They hurriedly carried Wang Yongnian and fled to see the place.

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