"Wu Bo, a professor at our Lucheng Agricultural College, is an expert in agricultural planting. I will send you the phone number later, so you can contact him directly."

For Zeng Meili, this is just a little effort, and she will not refuse, "Okay, thank you Sister Zeng."

Qin Lie quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, I'll tell Professor Wu first, and the two of you will talk alone later."

After saying this, Zeng Meili hung up the phone.

"Brother Qin, who is this sister Zeng, I haven't heard of you before?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"What, are you jealous?"

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he asked with a smile.

"No, I'm just curious."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly denied it.

She knew very well that it was impossible for her to monopolize Qin Lie. In this case, as long as she had a place in Qin Lie's mind, she didn't mind whether Qin Lie had other women at all.

"The tongue is not the heart."

Qin Lie smiled, but didn't hide it.

"Sister Zeng was introduced to me by Sister Yuqing to help me deal with the Wang family. We just met today."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Chen Xiaoyu originally thought that this sister Zeng was Qin Lie's old friend, but when she heard that it was introduced by Ye Yuqing, she felt relieved.

Although she didn't mind Qin Lie and other women, it would be best to have one less competitor.

During the conversation between the two, Zeng Meili sent a text message to Qin Lie, and the text message was exactly that Professor Wu's mobile phone number.

Qin Lie didn't waste time and immediately called Professor Wu.

Because Zeng Meili greeted him in advance, Professor Wu spoke very politely. He directly told Qin Lie that he could go to the Agricultural College to find him at any time, and he could help Qin Lie cultivate blood rouge for free.

In order to achieve large-scale planting as soon as possible, Qin Lie quickly drove to the Agricultural College, took out half of the seeds of blood rouge and handed them over to Professor Wu.

Although Professor Wu said that he could help him cultivate for free, Qin Lie gave him 100,000 yuan in the name of sponsoring scientific research funds.

"Ahao, stop the car."

Just when Qin Lie's car passed the school gate, Qin Lie suddenly stopped Yang Hao.

"What's the matter, Brother Qin?"

Yang Hao stopped the car and turned around to ask a question.

However, Qin Lie didn't make any answer, just opened the door and got out of the car.

After taking a few steps forward, Qin Lie stopped.

On the sidewalk in front of him was a middle-aged man in his forties and a little girl of seven or eight years old.

The man is a disabled man with a broken leg. The clothes on his body are black. He hasn't washed them for some days. Even if he is half a meter away, Qin Lie can smell a sour smell.

The little girl next to her was also dirty, her hair was disheveled and her face was full of dirt. She didn't know if the clothes on her body were picked up or not.

"Big brother, give me some money, I'm hungry."

Seeing Qin Lie coming, the little girl immediately stretched out the broken enamel bowl in her hand, and those big watery eyes were full of hope.

"Brother, give me some money, my daughter and I haven't eaten for a day."

The middle-aged man also begged from Qin Lie.

If only this middle-aged man was begging here, Qin Lie might not even get out of the car, but the girl's eyes really made Qin Lie feel distressed, and he couldn't be indifferent at all.

Without hesitation, Qin Lie took out his wallet and prepared to put all the 1,100 yuan in the wallet into the little girl's bowl.

However, at this moment, a young student like a student suddenly stopped Qin Lie.

"Brother, these two are professional beggars. I have seen them in several places. They can ask for four or five hundred dollars a day at least. They are not poor. Don't be deceived by their disguise. ."

The youth quickly reminded Qin Lie.

"Thank you brother for the reminder, but I still want to give them some money."

Qin Lie replied with a light smile.

He believed that the young man didn't lie to him, but the little girl's eyes were like an arrow, which instantly pierced Qin Lie's heart. Even if he knew that the two were professional beggars and did not deserve sympathy, he still couldn't do the same. gone.

Hearing what Qin Lie said, the young man said nothing, while Qin Lie handed the money to the little girl.

"Brother, you are really a good person, and you will definitely be rewarded."

The disabled middle-aged man was almost old enough to be Qin Lie's father, but seeing that Qin Lie gave them more than 1,000 yuan at once, he called Qin Lie brother.

Then the middle-aged man patted the little girl again: "Daughter, what are you doing, hurry up and kowtow to this big brother."

"No need." Qin Lie stopped the little girl immediately, then he turned his eyes to the middle-aged man, and persuaded very sincerely, "I don't care if you are a professional beggar or not, I hope you don't let her beg with you again in the future. , send her to school."

"It's not because the family is poor and can't help it. When I save some more money, I will definitely send her to school."

The middle-aged man replied with a wry smile.

"I hope you do what you say."

Qin Lie knew very well that he was just an outsider and had no way to interfere in other people's lives. He only hoped that his kindness could awaken the conscience of this middle-aged man and stop letting the little girl continue to be a beggar with him.


The middle-aged man quickly responded.

"Little sister, take care of yourself, big brother is gone."

Qin Lie touched the little girl's head and said goodbye to her.

However, the little girl took Qin Lie's hand and did not want to let go.

"Daughter, let go."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man quickly pulled the little girl's hand away.

"I'm sorry, brother, my girl is ignorant, don't be angry."

The middle-aged man smiled again.

"It's all right. Be nice to her."

After saying this, he glanced at the little girl again, and Qin Lie returned to his car.

"Brother Qin, people say they are professional beggars. How can you pay them back?"

Seeing all this, Chen Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"The little girl looked so pitiful, it reminded me of myself when I was a child, so even if they were liars, I was still willing to give her money."

Qin Lie replied with a reminiscence.

For a moment just now, he even felt that this little girl was himself back then, which was really distressing.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu didn't know what to say.

"forget it. I'm done here."

Qin Lie didn't want to recall those sad past events, and directly asked Yang Hao to drive.

However, when passing a supermarket in front, Qin Lie asked Yang Hao to park the car on the side of the road again. He went into the supermarket and bought a large bag of snacks that children like to eat.

Qin Lie originally wanted to give the food to the little girl, but when they returned to the school gate, they found that the little girl and the middle-aged man had disappeared.

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