Qin Lie sighed in his heart, didn't say anything, and let Yang Hao drive back to Haitang Village.

After dinner, Ye Yuqing called Qin Lie, and the two had a further discussion on entering the cosmetics industry.

It is a discussion, in fact, it is mainly Ye Yuqing that Qin Lie listens. After all, Ye Yuqing has been in the business world for many years and has rich experience. With her guiding Qin Lie, Qin Lie can avoid many detours.

When the two chatted until nearly eight o'clock, Ye Yuqing suddenly told Qin Lie that she had another urgent meeting to open, and the two ended the conversation.

However, just after hanging up, Qin Lie's phone rang again.

He thought it was Ye Yuqing who called again, but after looking at it, he found out that Han Yixian made the call.

"Hey, Master Han, do you have any instructions for me?"

After connecting the phone, Qin Lie asked with a joke.

"Brother Qin, don't say that. How dare I instruct you. I mainly want to tell you that tomorrow morning we will have a charity auction in Lucheng. Brother Qin doesn't know if you are interested in participating."

Han Yixian got straight to the point.

"Is this auction really for charity, or is it a show-off reception held in the name of charity?"

Qin Lie asked with a playful expression.

These days, too many businessmen hold charity auctions in order to establish a positive image for themselves, but in fact they are selling dog meat with sheep's heads. The so-called charity auction is just a game for the rich.

Qin Lie has no interest in such a charity auction.

"Don't worry, this charity auction is specially held for those orphans and disabled children. The sponsor is the Aihua Charity Foundation. You should have heard of this charity organization?"

Han Yixian replied quickly.

"I heard that since it was held by them, I have to make time to participate even if I don't have time."

Qin Lie changed his previous attitude and replied very clearly.

Aihua Charitable Foundation is a household name in their Lucheng city, and the name of the foundation "Aihua" originated from the founder, Ms. Yang Aihua.

Yang Aihua was originally a very successful businessman, with a fortune of over 100 million at the age of 30.

You know, that was 30 years of money, and the 10,000-million-dollar households in those days were already very big, but Yang Aihua was already worth hundreds of millions, and he became the most popular man in Lucheng. Courtesy three points.

However, no one expected that just when her career was booming, she resolutely devoted herself to charity, which has been 30 years.

Over the years, her charitable foundation has helped thousands of lonely elderly people, poor children and disabled patients. Even 20 years ago, the Aihua Charity Foundation found his grandfather and wanted to fund Qin Lie's schooling. cost.

However, his grandfather was a strong man, and finally refused the help of the charitable foundation, and just pulled Qin Lie up by himself.

After so many years, Yang Aihua's name has always been deeply hidden in Qin Lie's mind. Every year before Chinese New Year, he will donate 1,000 yuan to the Aihua Foundation. It is not much, but it is his heart.

So when he heard that this charity auction was organized by Yang Aihua, he agreed to participate without thinking.

"An auction will be held at Tianyuan Hotel at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Call me when you arrive here, and I'll pick you up."

Han Yixian quickly told Qin Lie the time and place of the auction.

"Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

Qin Lie replied, and then hung up the phone after chatting with Han Yixian for a few more words.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to have some fun with Chen Xiaoyu, but considering that the sound insulation of the old house was too bad, and their love, the next door was almost like listening to the live broadcast, so he could only sleep with Chen Xiaoyu.

The next day, the morning sun was slightly dewy, and Chen Xiaoyu got up.

After grooming, Chen Xiaoyu dressed up and put on the new dress she just bought.

Of course, she didn't dress up so carefully to participate in the charity auction, but to go to worship his grandfather with Qin Lie.

For Chen Xiaoyu, it was like going to see her future in-laws, so she naturally had to pay enough attention.

"Xiaoyu, you are extraordinarily beautiful today."

Seeing the pure and beautiful Chen Xiaoyu dressed up in front of him, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly lit up who had just woken up.

"Hee hee, aren't you going to see grandpa? Of course they have to dress up beautifully."

Chen Xiaoyu replied with a smile.

"Little Nizi has a heart. If grandpa was still alive, he would definitely praise you as a qualified granddaughter-in-law."

Qin Lie smiled slightly, and pinched Chen Xiaoyu's face dotingly.

At the beginning, he was just greedy for Chen Xiaoyu's body, but now, he really fell in love with this exquisite woman in front of him.

I have to say that Chen Xiaoyu not only knows how to conquer men with her body, but also knows how to please men. Such women are really rare.

"Brother Qin, hurry up and wash up. Don't forget to pay homage to grandpa. We are going to participate in the charity auction."

Chen Xiaoyu happily reminded Qin Lie that, for her, such recognition would definitely make her happier than a thousand sweet words.


Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, and hurried to the pool to wash up, while Chen Xiaoyu prepared milk and bread for him in advance.

After a simple breakfast, Qin Lie took Chen Xiaoyu and the offerings to the back mountain.

Seeing Qin Lie coming, Zhao Kai, who was in charge of guarding the grave, quickly walked out of the newly built simple cabin.

"Xiaolie, everything is normal here at Uncle Derong's grave. No suspicious person has approached these two days."

Zhao Kai quickly reported.

"Don't be nervous, Uncle Kai, I'm here to worship my grandpa."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, and then took Chen Xiaoyu to his grandfather's grave.

After placing the offerings, Qin Lie knelt down first, and Chen Xiaoyu quickly followed.

"Grandpa, haven't you been urging me to find a girlfriend before, this is my girlfriend Chen Xiaoyu, I brought her to see you..."

Qin Lie stayed in front of his grandfather's grave for nearly half an hour, and did not leave with Chen Xiaoyu until 7:30.

An hour later, Qin Lie came to the New Century Hotel.

This hotel is also the property of the Wang family, but Qin Lie is here to participate in the auction this time. He is not afraid that the Wang family will deal with him here.

Because this auction still needs an invitation letter, of course Qin Lie didn't have it, so he called Han Yixian, and within five minutes, Han Yixian appeared in front of Qin Lie.

Since the auction was about to start, Han Yixian took Qin Lie upstairs after a simple exchange of words.

At this time, there were already many people in the auction, roughly seventy or eighty people.

According to Han Yixian, those who can be invited to participate in today's auction must at least be multi-millionaires.

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