Qin Lie spent 10 million to buy a necklace. It can be said that he was willing to spend a lot of money for Bomei's smile. However, if he donated 10 million directly, it is really rich and powerful. There are only a handful of people like this in Lucheng.

"Young man, do you really want to donate another ten million?"

At this time, Yang Aihua couldn't help but confirm.

Although she has even received hundreds of millions of donations, the large donations are basically from big companies or celebrities on the rich list, but Qin Lie is an ordinary young man in her eyes, she really It's hard to believe that Qin Lie can be so generous.

"Don't worry, Grandma Yang, since I said it, I will definitely donate it. If you are afraid that I will not accept the account, then I will transfer the money to your public account now."

Qin Lie smiled, without saying a word of nonsense, and directly transferred 10 million to the public account of the charity foundation in front of everyone.

According to the foundation's regulations, the staff who received such a large amount of money need to inform Yang Aihua as soon as possible, so within five minutes of Qin Lie's transfer, a staff member of the charity foundation called Yang Aihua and talked to Yang Aihua. She said there was an extra 10 million yuan in the account.

Because Yang Aihua is old and has poor hearing, the speakerphone is turned on when answering the phone, and this news has been heard by everyone present.

This time, everyone believed that Qin Lie must be the son of a top rich man, otherwise, it would be impossible not to treat money like money.

After Yang Aihua hung up the phone, he thanked Qin Lie again.

Qin Lie was very bland. To him, his kindness was nothing at all.

And don't look at Qin Lie, who can donate 10 million to Yang Aihua's charity and foundation without blinking, but he will not donate a cent to a certain Cross Society. The reason for this is because Yang Aihua has spared no effort for 30 years Helping those in need, all the money raised goes to where it should be spent.

But as for a certain cross society, the corruption that has been exposed will not be mentioned, and even the most basic expenditure details cannot be disclosed, especially those who do charity but drive sports cars and live in mansions, and everyone is full of food. Intestinal fat, this is simply a big joke in the world!

After that, Qin Lie exchanged mobile phone numbers with Yang Aihua, and Qin Lie also told Yang Aihua that she could contact her anytime she needed financial support.

Yang Aihua said goodbye to Qin Lie because he was going to participate in a poverty alleviation activity.

Qin Lie went to the backstage to pay 10 million yuan to receive the necklace, and put it on Chen Xiaoyu's neck on the spot.

"Well, not bad, this chain is a perfect match for you."

Qin Lie praised without hesitation.

Chen Xiaoyu herself belongs to the kind of girl who wears pure clothes and takes off her clothes to be sexy. After wearing this necklace, it undoubtedly adds a bit of elegance to her, and it really suits her very well.

"The necklace is pretty, but it's a little expensive."

Chen Xiaoyu knew that Qin Lie was rich, but she was still a little cautious when she saw that Qin Lie spent 10 million to buy a necklace worth no more than one million.

"What's more expensive, that money is used for charity, and it's not into other people's private pockets."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"That's true."

When Chen Xiaoyu thought about it this way, she didn't feel distressed at once, instead she felt sweet in her heart.

After all, this necklace was photographed by Qin Lie specially for her. It is not only a necklace, but also Qin Lie's love for her.

In particular, he was the first woman Qin Lie brought to worship his grandfather, which was 'officially' recognized, so that even if there were other women around Qin Lie in the future, her status should not be threatened.

"Brother Qin, let's have a light meal together, I'll treat you."

Han Yixian, who had just finished the delivery, came out and invited him.

"You must go to Han Shao's treat."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Then let's go, take my car, let's go to Longfenglou and have a good drink."

After Han Yixian finished speaking, he went downstairs with Qin Lie chatting and laughing.

However, Qin Lie stopped again before exiting the hotel door.

Because he actually saw the little girl he saw at the gate of Lucheng University yesterday afternoon!

It's just that it's no longer the lame man who is begging with the little girl today, but another boy with a very yellow face and thin skin.

The boy still had a slap in the corner of his mouth, and he kept a smirk on his face. He was obviously mentally retarded.

"Young Master Han, wait for me."

After speaking to Han Yixian, Qin Lie walked quickly to the little girl.

"Little sister, where's your father, why did he ask you to beg again?"

Qin Lie questioned on the spot.

"Big brother, please give me some more money."

The little girl obviously recognized Qin Lie, and once again handed the broken bowl in her hand to Qin Lie with a pitiful look on her face.

And the little boy next to her was still sitting there and giggling, letting the lazi flow everywhere.

"Brother Qin, don't give her any more money. She and her father are clearly here to cheat. Look at the piece of paper on the ground."

Chen Xiaoyu grabbed Qin Lie's arm and said.

There was a piece of cardboard on the ground in front of the little girl, and on the cardboard was written something like begging good-hearted people to sponsor medical expenses for her brother's treatment.

"Is this your brother?"

Qin Lie pointed to the mentally retarded little boy next to him and asked.

"Well, he's my younger brother. I beg the big brother to give me some money so that I can treat my brother's illness."

The little girl replied pleadingly.

"You repeat that he is your brother."

Qin Lie frowned, and his tone became a little more severe.

The little girl was slightly scared, but insisted: "big brother, he is really my brother."

"You lied to me, right? Okay, I'll call the police now, and let the police Uncle take you to the police station."

Qin Lie said, took out his mobile phone, and made an appearance of calling the police.

Seeing this, the little girl quickly pulled up the giggling little boy on the ground and was about to leave, but was stopped by Qin Lie.

"Want to run? Stop for me!"

Qin Lie originally wanted to help the little girl, but when he thought of his kindness being deceived by her, he was a little angry for no reason.

"Big brother, please let me go."

The little girl had tears in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Qin Lie's heart suddenly softened.

Just when he was about to let go of the little girl, he glanced inadvertently, and suddenly found that there was a bruise on the back of the little girl's neck, and there seemed to be more than one place.

Qin Lie stepped forward, came to the little girl, and directly lifted the little girl's collar.

I saw crisscrossing bruises on her back, which looked shocking!

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