Qin Lie pulled open the little girl's sleeve again, and there were also bruises on her arm.

"Little sister, who did the injury on your body?"

Qin Lie asked in a deep voice.

"No one hit me, I fell myself."

The little girl replied quickly.

"To be honest, who beat you!"

Qin Lie questioned again, he was sure the little girl was lying.

Because those bruises look like whiplashes, and the fall is not like that at all, let alone the back.

"Big brother, please let me go, I want to go home."

The little girl was talking, tears streaming down her cheeks, which made Qin Lie feel distressed again.

"Little sister, tell the truth to big brother, who beat you up, is it your father? Don't worry, big brother will definitely do justice for you."

Qin Lie squatted down and tried to ask in a gentle tone.

Because he was naughty, he was beaten a lot when he was a child, but there are too many injuries on the little girl. This is not just a beating, it is clearly abuse!

So even if this matter has nothing to do with Qin Lie, he will still manage to the end.

"Big brother, let me go, I beg you, big brother."

The girl cried and begged and knelt down.

Qin Lie quickly helped the little girl up.

He didn't know why the little girl was so scared. Just when he was about to appease the little girl and try to get her to tell the truth, a van stopped less than three meters away from him.

The door opened, and the disabled man Qin Lie had seen yesterday came out of the cab.

It's just that today's disabled men don't rely on crutches anymore, but have prosthetic limbs, and they are no longer in the smelly dirty clothes, but replaced by clean casual clothes.

"Boy, let go of my daughter!"

The disabled man pointed at Qin Lie aggressively and shouted.

"Did you beat her wounds?"

Qin Lie looked at the man in front of him with cold eyes.

If the little girl was really hurt by him, then he is not worthy of being a father.

"Don't worry about your own business and get out of my way!"

The disabled man replied arrogantly, and when he got up, he was ready to take the little girl away.

However, Qin Lie pushed the disabled man to the side.

"Listen to me. I don't care if you are a real beggar or a fake beggar. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation for why you beat her today, you don't want to leave this place today."

Qin Lie coldly warned the other party.

"Explain your mother!"

The disabled man scolded Qin Lie again, and reached out to catch the little girl again.

Qin Lie was rude, grabbed the man's arm with one hand and twisted it abruptly, then kicked him in the chest and directly pressed him to the ground.

"Say, why do you want to be so cruel, are you still worthy of being a father!"

Qin Lie asked sharply.

"Help, the bully hit someone."

What Qin Lie did not expect was that the disabled man bit back and shouted for help.

When he shouted, the guests who had just come out of the hotel and the newcomers who passed by gathered around them.

At the same time, a police car that just passed by also stopped not far away, and a female police officer got off the car.

"Let him go!"

After the policewoman came over, she immediately shouted to stop Qin Lie's atrocities.

Hearing this, Qin Lie raised his head.

The moment they looked at each other, Qin Lie and the policewoman were stunned.

Qin Lie found out that the policewoman was the same policeman named Qiao Li who came to interrogate him only yesterday. Qiao Li also did not expect to meet Qin Lie here.

"Comrade police, save me, this bastard wanted to molest my daughter, and I caught him right there. He also wanted to beat someone. You see, he made my daughter cry."

Seeing the police, the disabled man complained again.

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

Being so slandered by the disabled man, Qin Lie was instantly furious.

And Qiao Li is jealous of evil, and because of her preconceived ideas, she believes that Qin Lie is the kind of social gangster who likes to bully men and women, so when she saw the girl was still sobbing, she believed it on the spot of disabled men.

"Qin Lie, don't resist. I'm going to arrest you now on charges of picking quarrels and provoking trouble and molesting children. Everything you say next will be used as evidence in court."

As Qiao Li said, she took out the handcuffs and prepared to handcuff Qin Lie.

"I'm not guilty, why arrest me!"

Qin Lie, who was wronged, was very angry, and then slapped Qiao Li's handcuffs out.

"You dare to resist the law violently, I think you are really lawless!"

Seeing that Qin Lie actually made a move, Qiao Li, who had no good feelings for Qin Lie, didn't hesitate any longer. She grabbed Qin Lie's arm on the spot and wanted to forcibly arrest him.

"Grandma's, it's hard to be bullied when I'm an old man!"

Qin Lie had a clear conscience, and he immediately fought back.

Just like that, the two fought directly.

And the disabled man actually took the opportunity to take the opportunity and started to sneak away with the little girl and the mentally retarded boy.

"Don't catch big big brother, big big brother is a good guy!"

At this moment, the little girl suddenly shouted loudly.

"Shut up Laozi!"

The disabled man shouted loudly and covered the little girl's mouth, ready to flee the scene quickly.

But the little girl bit the hand of the handicapped man fiercely, and quickly broke free from the hand of the handicapped man while the handicapped man was in pain.

After passing through the crowd, the little girl hugged Qiao Lie's leg and cried out, "big sister, don't catch big brother, big brother is a good person."

Hearing this, Qiao Li, who had already regarded Qin Lie as a pervert who molested a girl, was stunned.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, tell your sister the truth, did he really not bully you?"

Qiao Li asked patiently.

"No, big brother gave me a lot of money, he is really a good person, big sister, don't arrest him."

The little girl replied quickly.

"Did you hear me, I didn't commit a crime at all!"

Qin Lie pointed at Qiao Li angrily and shouted.

At this moment, Qiao Li felt embarrassed. She suddenly thought that Qin Lie, who was accused by the little girl's father just now, was about to question the little girl's father, but she didn't know that the disabled man had already driven away.

"Little sister, where is your father?"

Seeing that the disabled man could not be found, Qiao Li could only ask the little girl.

"I have no idea."

The little girl immediately shook her head.

"Little sister, come to big brother, don't pay attention to this madness."

Qin Lie said and grabbed the little girl's arm.

"Who are you calling crazy!"

Being scolded by Qin Lie as insane, Qiao Li, who was still ashamed at first, couldn't help but get angry.

"Of course I scolded you. The surname is Qiao, you wait for me, and I will go to your police station to file a complaint with you later. I will also sue you for abusing the power of law enforcement. You can go to jail!"

Qin Lie pointed at Qiao Li and shouted sternly, he is still full of fire.

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