"no problem."

Seeing that Qiao Li's request was not excessive, Qin Lie quickly agreed.

"And you, Han Yixian, listen to me. If she gets hurt a little bit, I will never let you go."

Then, Qiao Li warned Han Yixian sharply.

"Don't worry, I promise to take care of her."

Han Yixian hurriedly replied.

"Little sister, can you tell me what your father's name is?"

Qiao Li squatted down and asked the little girl again.

If the little girl's father's name is known, it will be much easier for her to look up each other.

But the little girl just looked at Qiao Li and said nothing.

"Forget it, I won't ask you anymore, I'll check it myself."

Seeing that the little girl couldn't ask anything at all, Qiao Li finally stopped wasting time.

"I'll go first, you take care of her for me."

After reminding Qin Lie again, Qiao Li was ready to leave first.

"Jolly, why don't we have dinner together?"

Han Yixian politely invited.

"Eating with you is disgusting."

After saying this, Qiao Li left here.

Seeing that the little girl was so pitiful, many passersby came to greet her with concern. Some people even offered money to ask Qin Lie to buy new clothes for the little girl, but Qin Lie refused.

Then Qin Lie told everyone to disperse, and he took the little girl into Han Yixian's car.

Originally, Chen Xiaoyu wanted the little girl to sit with her, but she was very wary and refused directly, always holding Qin Lie's hand.

"Young Master Han, do you have any grudge against that Qiao Li? I see her tone is quite aggressive when she talks to you."

On the way to Longfenglou, Qin Lie asked casually.

"Originally, I didn't want to say it. Since you asked, I won't hide it from you. I was in love with Qiao Li's sister for two years before, but then we broke up because of the relationship, and Qiao Li always thought it was me. She abandoned her sister because she likes the new and hates the old, so she has always had a bad attitude towards me."

Han Yixian replied with a wry smile.

Every time she saw Qiao Li, she would scold herself, so Han Yixian would take the initiative to avoid Qiao Li when he saw Qiao Li before. If Qin Lie had quarreled with Qiao Li for the little girl just now, he would not show up this time.

"So it is."

After listening to Han Yixian's explanation, Qin Lie suddenly realized.

Although he didn't know whether Han Yixian was telling the truth or not, it was someone else's private matter, and he, as an outsider, would naturally not comment.

On the way to Longfenglou, Qin Lie made Han Yixian stop the car and bought some new clothes for the little girl at the children's clothing store.

In the process of helping the little girl change clothes, Chen Xiaoyu found that in addition to her back and arms, the little girl also had many scars on her legs, some of which were even burned by cigarette butts!

This discovery made Qin Lie and the others even more furious. He also took some photos as evidence, and was ready to help sue the little girl's father, so that the beast could be punished.

But it is worth mentioning that after putting on new clothes and cleaning the dirt on her body, the little girl immediately changed from a dirty little beggar to a cute little girl carved with pink and jade, especially her big watery eyes , is really very flattering.

At about twelve o'clock, Qin Lie and the others arrived at the Longfeng Building. Han Yixian was obviously a frequent visitor here, so he ordered a large table of dishes without looking at the menu.

"Qin Lie, you order some dishes for your sister. This beef, abalone and shrimp are all the specialties of Longfenglou. They taste super good."

Han Yixian took the initiative to introduce.

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, took a little girl from each of the dishes next to him, and put them on her plate. "Little sister, eat it. Tell big brother what you want to eat later, and big brother will give it to you."

The little girl looked at the dishes on the plate, gulped her saliva, and then devoured it, just like a starving ghost.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie immediately understood that the little girl was afraid that she hadn't eaten enough, otherwise she couldn't be like this.

"Eat slowly and don't choke."

Qin Lie patted the little girl's back lightly, her eyes were full of tenderness, but she hated her father in her heart.

You must know that yesterday he gave the little girl more than 1,000 yuan, and her father didn't even give him food. It was really inhuman!


After eating and drinking, Qin Lie specially took the little girl to the nearby playground. Until then, the little girl showed a pure smile on her face.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to ask the little girl's name, but she was still reluctant to speak, but Qin Lie didn't force her.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie and his party left the playground. On the way he took the little girl to the mall, the little girl fell asleep in his arms.

In order to avoid waking up the little girl, Qin Lie's arms were sore but he never moved.

"Qin Lie, do you want to take her to the hotel and let her sleep for a while?"

Seeing the little girl falling asleep, Han Yixian, who took the initiative to accompany Qin Lie, asked.

"No, let her sleep like this, and when she wakes up, I'll take her to the mall."

Qin Lie replied.

Although he is not related to the little girl, he has secretly made up his mind that he will take good care of her.

"OK then."

Hearing this, Han Yixian continued to drive the car to the mall.

When passing a traffic light, the sleeping little girl suddenly woke up.

"Don't hit me, Dad, please don't hit me."

The little girl begged for mercy loudly, and tears flowed out like beads with a broken thread.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, no one hits you."

Qin Lie quickly hugged the little girl.

Looking around, when she realized that she was not in that dark hell, the little girl quickly regained her composure.

"Tell big brother, did you have a nightmare?"

Qin Lie looked at the little girl with a smile and asked.


This time, the little girl who had been silent for a while finally spoke up.

Qin Lie knew that this was a good start, so he quickly hit the railroad while it was hot: "Don't be afraid, big brother will protect you. By the way, can you tell big brother what your name is?"

"I... my name is Kexin."

The little girl hesitated for a moment before replying timidly.

"Ke Xin? It's such a nice name."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Ke Xin, tell my sister, does your father beat you often?"

Chen Xiaoyu on the side couldn't help but interjected.

"He's not my dad, he's a big badass!"

After taking a look at Chen Xiaoyu, Ke Xin suddenly said such a sentence.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly asked: "Ke Xin, wasn't that disabled man your father?"

"No, he's a big bad guy. He didn't let Kexin eat and beat Kexin. He also said that he would cut Kexin's tongue. Woohoo..."

After talking, the little girl started to cry again.

"Don't cry, don't cry, big brother is here."

Qin Lie quickly hugged Ke Xin and comforted her softly.

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