The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 308 Hell Is Empty, The Devil Is In The World

A few minutes later, when Ke Xin's mood regained stability, Qin Lie asked again, "Ke Xin, can you tell big brother, when did you start begging with that bad guy Uncle?"

"Ke Xin can't remember, the bad Uncle kept asking Ke Xin to follow him to ask for money, but if Ke Xin didn't ask for the money, the bad Uncle would beat Ke Xin, and wouldn't let Ke Xin eat. Bad Uncle said it, and wouldn't let Ke Xin talk to others. Say these things, or you will cut off Ke Xin's tongue and poke Ke Xin's eyes, Ke Xin is so scared."

Ke Xin replied in a choked voice, her tender little face was full of horror.

Hearing this, Qin Lie finally understood why Kexin had been afraid to speak before.

She was absolutely terrified.

"Ke Xin, besides you, are there any other bullied children around that bad Uncle?"

Qin Lie suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to ask.

"Yes, there are many children who beat us every day when Uncle drinks alcohol. There was a big brother who cut off both legs because Uncle didn't listen to Uncle. Ke Xin cried for Uncle. Just use a whip to whip Kexin, all the injuries on my body were hit by the bad Uncle."

Ke Xin recalled the past events that terrified her, and her body couldn't help trembling.

As the inquiries deepened, Qin Lie and the others gradually realized that the disabled man should be a member of a certain person-trafficker gang, but these people-traffickers do not directly sell children, but help them beg for profit by controlling these children.

Qin Lie saw similar news when he was in high school. At that time, the news said that some criminals deliberately mutilated children, poked their eyes, hoarse their voices, cut off their limbs, and destroyed their faces...

And the reason why they are so cruel and vicious is just because disabled children can more easily win the sympathy of others and beg for more money!

Qin Lie thought that this kind of criminal organization had long since ceased to exist, but he had no idea that it would appear by his side.

"Brother Qin, let's call the police, these beasts must be punished by the law!"

After listening to Ke Xin's story, Chen Xiaoyu was also filled with righteous indignation.

She always thought that her fate was quite miserable, but compared with Kexin, she immediately felt that she was so happy.

At least she has parents, at least she doesn't have to go hungry, at least she doesn't have to be beaten every day, at least she doesn't have to stand on the street every day begging.

"I'll call Qiao Li now."

Qin Lie hated these people who were comparable to demons - the traffickers. He picked up the phone and told Qiao Li what Kexin had just said.

Qiao Li originally thought it was a simple case of domestic abuse of children, but after listening to what Qin Lie said, she instantly understood the seriousness of the problem, and immediately reported it to her leader, and asked Qin Lie to bring Kexin quickly. Police, cooperate with their investigation.

Qin Lie did not refuse, and took Kexin to the police station.

After further learning about the case from Kexin, the police leader immediately ordered the establishment of a special task force. The team leader was an acquaintance of Qin Lie—Hu Xiguang, who had investigated Qin Lie before.

However, because of the lack of valuable clues, the police can only start by tracing the disabled man.

Originally, Qiao Li wanted to use the car to find someone, but the DMV told Qiao Li that the car driven by the disabled man was a licensed car, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for them to solve the case.

As for Kexin, Qin Lie will take care of her for the time being.

This is mainly because Kexin is wary of everyone except Qin Lie, not to mention being close, and she is reluctant to speak.

In order to destroy this criminal gang as soon as possible, Qin Lie directly contacted Yang Jinhu and Xu Yuanliang, and asked them to find the disabled man through their respective channels.

"Ke Xin, what do you want to eat tonight, big brother will take you to eat."

After leaving the police station, Qin Lie asked very kindly.

"Ke Xin wants to eat fried chicken legs."

Ke Xin thought about it and said.

For other children of the same age, wanting to eat fried chicken legs is just a matter of words, but to her, fried chicken legs are like a luxury, and she can't eat them several times a year.

"Okay, big brother will take you to fried chicken legs."

Qin Lie readily agreed, and as he spoke, he was ready to take her to the snack street.

"Qin Lie, aren't you going to have dinner with Luo Xiaoxiao? This opportunity is very rare."

Han Yixian couldn't help reminding Qin Lie.

"I'm not going, I'm not interested."

Although Luo Xiaoxiao is known as the number one beauty in Lucheng, Qin Lie has seen a lot more, not to mention that he doesn't plan to go to Luo Xiaoxiao, so there is absolutely no need to invite him to dinner.

Besides, for him at this time, it is more important to accompany Kexin than to eat with Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Brilliant, I dare to say that there is no other person in Lucheng who dares to say such a thing except you."

Han Yixian immediately extended his thumb and praised.

Others broke their heads and fought for the necklace just to have dinner with Luo Xiaoxiao, but Qin Lie was better, he didn't take Luo Xiaoxiao seriously at all, even he couldn't help but admire.

"If you want to go, you can go."

Qin Lie continued.

"Forget it, she's not my type."

Han Yixian immediately shook his head.

Next, the two chatted a few more times, Han Yixian left, and Qin Lie took Kexin to the snack street.

After dinner, Qin Lie took Kexin to stroll around the street for more than two hours. This was a life Kexin never dared to expect before.

And Chen Xiaoyu was completely reduced to a foil at this time.

But she didn't complain a word, because she knew very well that Qin Lie was a caring man, and such a man was more worthy of her love.

Qin Lie did not return to the village that night, but took Chen Xiaoyu and Kexin to the hotel and opened a suite.

Before going to bed, Qin Lie asked Chen Xiaoyu to help Kexin take a bath and rubbed a bruise treatment ointment on her body.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted Chen Xiaoyu to sleep in the master bedroom, but he went to sleep on the side, but Kexin disagreed and insisted that Qin Lie accompany her.

Considering that Ke Xin had suffered too much damage, Qin Lie agreed to come down and live in the same room as the two of them.


At one o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was fast asleep when he was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

The confused Qin Lie directly answered the phone.

"Hey, Qin Lie, I have found the person you asked me to find."

On the other end of the phone, Xu Yuanliang's voice rang.

Hearing this, Qin Lie woke up instantly as if a basin of ice water had been poured over his head.

"Brother Xu, where is he?"

Qin Lie hurriedly asked.

"He's at the Red Wave nightclub."

Xu Yuanliang replied.

"Okay, I see. Brother Xu, please help me take good care of him, don't do it yet, I'll go right over."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie quickly got dressed and rushed to the Red Wave Nightclub.

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