The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 313 Establishment Of A Charitable Foundation

"Are you sure you want to bear the medical bills for those children?"

Qiao Li looked at Qin Lie in surprise and asked.

"Of course, I'm not kidding you about this."

Qin Lie replied very solemnly.

Those kids had obviously been ruined by those people-traffickers, and he couldn't change that fact, all he could do was do what he could to make their lives better in the future.

"Okay, I'll tell our chief about it. In the meantime, I'm thanking you on behalf of those kids."

After saying this, Qiao Li bowed deeply to Qin Lie.

When she first met Qin Lie, Qiao Li regarded Qin Lie as a villain and didn't like him at all.

But on the second meeting, she found Qin Lie's honest and kind side.

Now, Qin Lie actually proposed to bear the medical expenses of all disabled children, which directly subverted her understanding of Qin Lie.

You know, there are more than 100 children. Maybe the medical expenses for one person are not too much, but the sum of more than 100 people is definitely not a small amount. However, Qin Lie offered to bear their medical expenses, which made Qiao Lidu gave birth to a heartfelt admiration.

This is a good man who is truly responsible and has a sense of social responsibility!

"No need to thank you. It's nothing to me. By the way, give me a bank account, and I'll give you five million for the children's medical bills."

Qin Lie is not a saint. He can't help the world at the same time, but they are still small and capable. He is willing to do his best to help those in need.

What's more, these children are too pitiful, he can't be indifferent.

Seeing that Qin Lie is so benevolent and righteous, Qiao Li's affection for Qin Lie has surged.

She immediately called their director Liao Yi, and after obtaining Liao Yi's approval, she sent the police station's official account to Qin Lie, who immediately called 5 million.

Originally, Qiao Li wanted to chat with Qin Lie for a while, but because there was another murder case in the city, she could only say goodbye to Qin Lie.

"Wait, Officer Joe."

Just when Qiao Li walked to the door, Qin Lie suddenly stopped her.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Jolly asked.

"I want to adopt Kexin, do you think this is feasible?"

Qin Lie said directly.

"From a legal point of view, you are not eligible, but if you can reach an agreement with her remaining relatives, there should be no problem."

Jolly replied.

"Then if they don't agree, can I not adopt Kexin?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Of course, you and Kexin are not relatives, so normally you can't be Kexin's guardian, but as far as I know, those relatives of Kexin should be reluctant to adopt Kexin, as long as you go Talk to them, and there is a high probability that they will not argue with you."

Jolly continued.

After Kexin's parents were killed in a car accident, Kexin's relatives rushed to adopt Kexin, because they all wanted the compensation of more than 200,000 yuan.

But now, those compensations have long been squandered by Ke Xin's uncle, and now Ke Xin is a penniless orphan, and they are naturally unwilling to adopt such a burden.

Hearing this news, Qin Lie was instantly overjoyed.

Those people didn't want to raise Kexin, but he really liked Kexin. As long as he could keep Kexin by his side, he wouldn't mind giving those people a little more money.

Seeing that Qin Lie had nothing else to do, Qiao Li left first.

After lunch, Qin Lie called Yang Aihua again.

"Grandma Yang, have you heard the news of human-traffickers mutilating children?"

Qin Lie asked after the call was connected.

"Of course I heard, what's wrong?"

Yang Aihua asked.

Now the Internet is full of news about human traffickers harming children, not to mention her, almost everyone in China knows about it.

"That's right, I plan to cooperate with you to set up another charitable foundation, mainly to help those orphans."

Qin Lie said directly.

In fact, he had the idea of ​​setting up a charitable foundation a long time ago, but it has always stayed in his mind.

But this time, after seeing the children being mutilated with his own eyes, he immediately decided to take action.

After all, in life, one should always do something meaningful, so that the life can be lived in vain.

"Xiao Qin, grandma is very supportive of your idea, but grandma is old, and now this charitable foundation alone is enough for me. I really can't spare more energy to set up a second fund. Yes, otherwise you should go find someone else."

Yang Aihua is keen on charity, but she is already 60 years old. As the so-called age is not forgiving, she wants to help Qin Lie but is also powerless.

"Grandma Yang, to tell you the truth, I don't trust anyone except you, otherwise I wouldn't call you."

Qin Lie continued.

A charitable foundation is not just about having money. The first is to submit various materials for approval, and the second is to manage operations. If there is no trusted person, internal corruption can easily bring down a charitable foundation.

"Otherwise, if grandma introduces you to someone, I promise you can trust it. By the way, how much money do you plan to invest in the original fund of your foundation?"

Yang Aihua asked.

"I'm going to get three hundred million first."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

"Wait, how much did you just say?"

On the other end of the phone, Yang Aihua stood up directly.

"Three hundred million."

Qin Lie repeated.

"Xiao Qin, are you sure you really want to set up a foundation with so much money?"

Qin Lie had donated 10 million to their Aihua Foundation before. Yang Aihua believed that Qin Lie was a rich man. Even so, he suddenly said that he would set up a charitable foundation with 300 million yuan. Yang Aihua couldn't help but doubt it.

"Grandma Yang, don't worry, I'm definitely not kidding you, and these 300 million are just the initial funds. If there is a need in the future, I can also invest more."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Before lunch, Qin Lie had already called Lin Zheng and Wells respectively.

Lin Zheng's side has received 1.8 billion from the sale of gold jewelry. Wells is even more aggressive, and has already received 2.6 billion. After deducting 10% of the commission, they directly put the money into Qin Lie's account. Now Qin Lie is already a super rich man with a huge fortune of 4 billion.

Therefore, giving out 300 million to charity is not a problem for him at all.

"Xiao Qin, where are you now? I'll go over to interview you right away."

Originally, Yang Aihua thought that Qin Lie wanted to get tens of millions to set up a charitable foundation, but when he heard that his initial capital was 300 million, Yang Aihua also paid enough attention.

After all, 300 million is not a small sum. If a charitable foundation is really established to be used for charity, I don’t know how many people will be helped.

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