Half an hour later, Yang Aihua appeared in Qin Lie's ward, this time with a woman in her thirties.

"Xiao Qin, here's a little supplement I brought for you. You can keep it."

As Yang Aihua said that, she took two boxes from the woman behind her and put them on the ground.

"Thank you, Grandma Yang."

Although Qin Lie didn't care about these things at all, he still thanked him.

"Xiao Qin, let me introduce to you, this is my goddaughter Zhong Lingling, and she is also the vice president of our Aihua Foundation. Originally, I planned to let her take my place, but if you really want to If you set up a charitable foundation, I can ask her to come and help you."

Yang Aihua quickly introduced the woman beside him to Qin Lie.

"Hello Mr. Qin, my godmother has already told me about your deeds. I'm glad to meet a like-minded friend like you."

Zhong Lingling stepped forward and greeted Qin Lie.

This Zhong Lingling's facial features are still decent, not a big beauty, but she is generous and has the temperament of a lady.

"It's nice to meet you too."

Qin Lie stretched out his hand at the same time.

"Xiao Qin, is your injury serious? I know an orthopaedic specialist, do I need to introduce you to one?"

Yang Aihua then asked.

"No, it's just a broken bone, just take a few more days of rest."

Qin Lie replied.

In this car accident, he was lucky enough to land in the green belt, and he saved his life, but even so, he still had four broken ribs, a fractured left calf, a fractured right arm, and intracranial hemorrhage. It can be said to be very serious.

However, his physical fitness was good enough, and with the timely treatment, he turned the corner.

Then Qin Lie returned to the topic and discussed with Yang Aihua about the establishment of a charitable foundation.

Soon they were both convenient to finalize. After the foundation was established, Qin Lie was responsible for the capital contribution, and Zhong Lingling was responsible for the management and operation.

Of course, it's definitely not enough for her alone. They will send some key members from the Aihua Foundation to help until the foundation is completely on the right track.

The establishment of the foundation requires the review of the relevant departments. Normally, the procedures are still very cumbersome, but for Yang Aihua, this is not a problem at all.

After all, she has been doing charity for 30 years, and she is very familiar with the big leaders in Lucheng. As long as she goes out, those departments will give her the green light immediately, and she can complete all the procedures in three days at most.

After Yang Aihua and the others left, Chen Xiaoyu and the others returned to the ward.

Ke Xin immediately ran to Qin Lie's bed.

"Big brother, do you want to drink water, can Kexin pour you some water?"

Ke Xin asked very wisely.

"No need, big brother is not thirsty."

Qin Lie touched Kexin's head.

"How about it, Brother Qin, have you all agreed?"

Chen Xiaoyu on the side continued to ask.

"Well, it's all settled."

Qin Lie nodded.

"Qin Lie, are you planning to be a philanthropist in the future?"

Lin Qiuzhu laughed and joked.

When she left last time, Qin Lie said she wanted to keep a distance from her, which made her very angry, but after returning home, Lin Qiuzhu thought about it carefully, Qin Lie must have been warned by her father, Saying such words, she has forgiven Qin Lie.

So after receiving the call from Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Xiaoyu was the first to arrive in Lucheng by plane. During Qin Lie's coma, she never left the hospital.

"We can't be philanthropists, but it's okay to be charities."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

He is very clear that there are too many people in need of help in this world. He can't help everyone now. He can only provide some help to those who need help within his ability.

"By the way, send me one of your bank accounts, and I'll transfer the three hundred million to you later."

Qin Lie changed the subject.

Everyone was rude and sent Qin Lie a bank account.

Qin Lie transferred 300 million by himself.

"Hey, Brother Qin, did you transfer me wrong? How did I receive 500 million?"

After seeing the text message reminder, Chen Xiaoyu quickly asked Qin Lie again.

"That's right, I transferred 500 million to you specially. Didn't I say that I would give you an extra share?"

Qin Lie explained with a smile.

He didn't even understand the treasure map at first, but Chen Xiaoyu reminded him that he discovered the mystery of the treasure map. Because of this, he gave Chen Xiaoyu an extra 200 million.

"Sister Yu, you have to invite us to dinner."

Su Xiaoxiao on the side immediately laughed and joked.

"Please, please, please eat until you can."

Chen Xiaoyu said with a smile.

After a burst of laughter, Qin Lie suddenly remembered that Ye Yuqing was not in the house, and quickly asked, "Does any of you know where Sister Yuqing went?"

"She seems to be on the phone."

Chen Xiaoyu replied.

"Does it take so long to make a phone call? It's almost half an hour."

Qin Lie asked worriedly.

"Then why don't I look for it."

As Chen Xiaoyu said, she was about to go out when she saw Ye Yuqing had opened the door and walked in.

"Sister Yuqing, why have you been on the phone for so long?"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Ye Yuqing and asked.

"Something happened on the company's side, which was tricky, but it's been resolved now."

Ye Yuqing smiled lightly.

"Sister Yuqing, as far as I know, you should have been put on hold in the company, right?"

Lin Qiuzhu said suddenly.

"Hey, are you well-informed?"

Ye Yuqing smiled and said.

"The two of us are mortal enemies. We will know about any troubles in your company as soon as possible, not to mention that it is not a secret."

Lin Qiuzhu rolled his eyes and said.

"Sister Yuqing, what's going on here, didn't you say everything is normal at the company?"

Qin Lie frowned.

He knew that Ye Yuqing's company was relatively busy, but Ye Yuqing never told him that he was being slandered.

"That's definitely what Sister Yuqing said to comfort you. As far as I know, the Yuhai Group has been fighting very seriously recently. The chairman of Sister Yuqing probably exists in name only, right?"

Lin Qiuzhu interjected.

"Well, what you said is really good. At present, there is a problem within our company, and I have been removed from the board of directors of our company just now. I am no longer the chairman of Yuhai Group."

Ye Yuqing replied calmly.

"How could this be, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Qin Lie's face changed, he didn't expect things to develop to such a serious level.

"Sister Yuqing, is there any remedy for this?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked quickly.

"Sister Yuqing, tell me, do you want money or people? We will help you get the company back!"

Bai Xianglan and others also quickly offered to help Ye Yuqing.

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