An hour later, Qin Lie returned to the hospital, where he met Ke Xin's uncle, aunt and aunt.

Before Qin Lie could speak, Ye Yuqing handed it over with a document; "Qin Lie, I have already negotiated with them just now that you are responsible for raising Ke Xin, but all the medical expenses for Ke Xin's treatment will be charged to you. come out."

"Ke Xin's medical expenses? What do you mean?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion, completely ignorant of what Ye Yuqing meant.

"Qin Lie, didn't I tell you before that Kexin is raised by you, and you are responsible for the medical expenses, don't you want to go back on it?"

Ye Yuqing kept winking at Qin Lie while saying this.

"Young man, you can't talk without saying anything."

Ke Xin's uncle hurried over and pointed at Qin Lie.

"Let's put it this way, but I haven't spent a dime of the compensation from Ke Xin's parents. They want me to pay for her treatment, but there's no way!"

Ke Xin's aunt continued.

"If you don't want to raise Ke Xin, send her to the orphanage. We won't raise her anyway."

Ke Xin's aunt followed suit.

Hearing these people's words, Qin Lie probably understood what he meant.

You know, these people are Kexin's closest relatives, but now they have such a face, which is really chilling.

In order to completely cut off all contact between Ke Xin and these people, Qin Lie directly cooperated with the acting and said, "Ke Xin needs a large amount of medical expenses for the surgery. How many of you are proud of being elders?"

"It's a shame. I'm sick and I can't bear to go to the hospital. Why should I pay for her treatment?"

Ke Xin's aunt said sarcastically.

"If you don't pay, then I will sue you instead of Kexin!"

Qin Lie said angrily.

"Go, go, go and sue, I'm so afraid of you."

Ke Xin's uncle replied with a look of disdain.

"Stop arguing, I'll be fair. Qin Lie, you said before that you wanted to raise Kexin, but you can't go back just because Kexin was diagnosed with a serious illness. That's your fault."

"And I learned just now that these elders of Kexin have their own difficulties. They really can't give Kexin any extra money, so we can't force others."

Ye Yuqing said seemingly fairly.

"It's still beautiful, you're right. Our family is almost out of control. How can there be spare money to treat her."

Ke Xin's uncle immediately agreed.

"Okay, Qin Lie, don't write any more ink, and sign the agreement quickly. As for the medical expenses, let's find a solution."

Ye Yuqing said firmly, and at the same time gave him another wink without a trace, meaning to tell him to accept it as soon as possible, so as not to mess things up again.

"Okay, you don't care about Kexin, I'll take care of Kexin's medical expenses even if I break the pot and sell iron."

Qin Lie said this angrily, picked up the pen and signed the agreement.

"Brothers and sisters, you each have one share of this agreement. You don't have to be afraid even if Qin Lie goes back on it in the future."

Ye Yuqing said, and divided the agreement among the three.

"Young man, you signed it in black and white. Kexin will have nothing to do with us in the future. Don't ask us for money again."

Ke Xin's uncle pointed at Qin Lie and said.

"Don't worry, I will never go to you again."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"Beauty, then we'll go first, you're busy first."

The three didn't stay long at all and left the hospital quickly, as if afraid that Qin Lie would return and ask them for money.

One minute after the three of them left, Ye Yuqing couldn't hold back any longer, and burst out laughing.

"Sister Yuqing, what the hell is going on?"

Although Qin Lie learned some information from the conversation between the two parties just now, he still has some doubts in his heart.

"Ask Xiaoyu, this is all a good idea from Xiaoyu."

Ye Yuqing said with a smile.

"That's right, just now..."

Chen Xiaoyu didn't hide it, and immediately told Qin Lie what happened just now.

It turned out that Kexin's relatives looked at the hospital and immediately asked if Kexin was sick. Chen Xiaoyu had an idea and made up a lie, saying that Kexin had a heart attack, and it was very serious. Seven or eight hundred thousand, this time I invited them to come here to find a way for everyone to collect medical expenses.

In order to make her lie more convincing, Chen Xiaoyu also secretly went to the outside printing shop to get a fake medical record, and at the same time let Ke Xin lie in the ward and pretend to be sick.

These relatives of Ke Xin had no intention of adopting Ke Xin. When they heard that Ke Xin was seriously ill, the medical bills would cost hundreds of thousands of yuan, and it was not always possible to cure her, so they wanted to leave immediately.

Ye Yuqing took the opportunity to come out and tell them that Qin Lie wanted to raise Kexin. These people agreed without even thinking about it.

To them, Ke Xin, who has no parents and no mother, and whose compensation was squandered by her uncle, is a burden, but they are eager to cut off all contact with Ke Xin.

It is because of this that there is a behind-the-scenes scene.

"That's right, Xiaoyu, you're really a clever ghost."

After listening to the story, Qin Lie immediately praised Chen Xiaoyu.

"Hee hee, it's mainly because those people have thrown Ke Xin's heart away. Otherwise, my plan is full of loopholes, and someone else would have been seen through."

Chen Xiaoyu smiled and said.

"So, taking Kexin's custody this time means I haven't spent a penny, right?"

Qin Lie continued.

"How is that possible? I took a few thousand yuan in airfare. Remember to reimburse me."

Ye Yuqing immediately retorted.

"Okay, okay, I'll double the reimbursement for you."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

He originally planned to give Ke Xin's relatives a sum of money to let them give up Ke Xin's custody, but after Chen Xiaoyu did this, he not only easily won Ke Xin's custody, but also let Ke Xin's custody Getting rid of those impersonal relatives completely is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"By the way, what about Kexin?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"She and Xiaoxiao are still in the ward on the third floor."

Chen Xiaoyu replied.

"Then I'll go see her."

Qin Lie went to the third floor after speaking.

Seeing Qin Lie come in, Ke Xin jumped off the hospital bed and threw herself into Qin Lie's arms.

"Big brother, Ke Xin doesn't like those relatives at all, so don't send Ke Xin away, okay?"

Ke Xin pursed her lips and begged pitifully.

Although she was still young, she could clearly see the disgust of those relatives just now, and she didn't want to go back to those relatives at all.

"Don't worry, you can always live with your big brother from now on."

Qin Lie hugged Ke Xin and said.


Hearing this, Ke Xin's face immediately showed a happy smile.

"By the way, Kexin, big brother asked you something, do you want to go to school?"

Qin Lie changed the subject and asked.

Ke Xin will soon be seven years old, and children of this age are basically starting primary school, but because Ke Xin was controlled by human traffickers, she still doesn't even know a word, which is absolutely impossible.

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