"Ke Xin wants to go to school, Ke Xin wants to learn to draw."

Ke Xin replied without hesitation.

She has been begging near the school many times, and every time she sees that children of the same age can go to school and study, she is very envious.

Especially learning to paint, which is her dream.

"Well, big brother will help you connect with the best school, so that you can go to school every day in the future."

Although she has not known Kexin for a long time, and she has no blood relationship with herself, Qin Lie has regarded Kexin as her own. Now that he has obtained the custody of Kexin, he will naturally provide Kexin with The best life, let her grow up really happily.

"Oh, Kexin is going to school, Kexin is going to school."

When she heard that she could go to school, Kexin danced happily.

After lunch, Qin Lie took Kexin to the best private aristocratic school in Lucheng, Huaxing Experimental School.

This school can go from kindergarten to high school graduation. The school's comprehensive strength and faculty are well-deserved first in Lucheng. In the last three years, the top students in the college entrance examination were all from Huaxing.

Of course, the school is good, and the fees are naturally high. Even elementary school costs 300,000 yuan a year. Even so, the rich people in Lucheng still want to send their children here.

But because the school has its own audit system, if you can't pass the assessment, even if you have money, it will be difficult to get in.

Normally, Ke Xin has never been to school, and has no talent other than cuteness, so it is impossible to pass the assessment, but Han Yixian just made a phone call, and the principal came out to greet Qin Lie in person.

Qin Lie asked only to find out that the Han family is actually the major shareholder of this school, and even the principal was appointed by the Han family. For this principal, the Han family's orders were just as daring to disobey the imperial decree.

Under the leadership of the principal, Kexin's admission procedures were completed soon.

Considering that Ke Xin was already seven years old, it was not suitable for her to go to kindergarten, so Qin Lie directly put her in the first grade.

In order to help her learn to keep up with other students, Qin Lie also asked the principal to help her introduce some top teachers to help her.

In addition, Qin Lie also spent 20 million to buy a well-decorated villa next to the school, so that Kexin can go home directly after school every day, and no longer need to live in the school. You can go back to the village with Qin Lie.

"How about Kexin, are you happy on the first day of school today?"

Qin Lie, who came over to receive Kexin in person, asked with a smile after finishing the class after school.

"I'm happy, I met a lot of children, and they gave me a lot of delicious food. This is a chocolate that my sister gave me, but it was delicious. I also saved a piece for my big brother. You can try it."

As Ke Xin said, she took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket and handed it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie took the chocolate and looked at it. It was imported from Germany. He tasted it, and the taste was indeed much better than ordinary chocolate.

"Ke Xin is such a good boy, I don't forget big brother if I have something delicious."

Qin Lie didn't forget to praise Kexin while eating chocolate, which made Kexin even more happy.

"Mr. Qin, Kexin from your family is really smart. I believe that Kexin can catch up with children of the same age at work in a month at most."

A teacher in charge of helping Kexin make up the class also praised Kexin.

"At this time, please pay more attention to it."

Qin Lie replied very politely.

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do."

The teacher hurriedly replied.

He had heard the principal say that Qin Lie's identity is no trivial matter, and he did not dare to neglect.

"Then teacher, let's go first, see you tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to the teacher, Qin Lie took Kexin home.

Because the villa is only one street away from the school, Qin Lie drove home in just three minutes.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyu had already cooked a table of sumptuous dishes.

However, only Qin Lie, Chen Xiaoyu, Ye Yuqing, and Kexin Yang Hao were left to eat. As for Lin Qiuzhu, they all left because of various things.

While eating, Qin Lie's cell phone suddenly rang, and it was Xu Yuanliang who called.

"Hey, Brother Xu, what's the matter with you?"

After connecting the phone, Qin Lie asked.

"Qin Lie, Wang Kaiyuan personally called me just now, asked me to meet at Xinyue Cafe, and told me to bring you."

Xu Yuanliang replied.

"Wang Kaiyuan asked us to meet? There won't be any conspiracy in it, right?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

He had met Wang Kaiyuan once before, this guy is not a good thing.

"Don't worry, Xinyue Cafe is my property. Even if they have a conspiracy, they won't dare to do it, but I don't know what this guy wants to do, so I called you to ask for your opinion. Do we want it? Go meet him."

Xu Yuanliang knows Wang Kaiyuan better than Qin Lie. This person is definitely more difficult to deal with than Wei Zhe. Xu Yuanliang has always been quite afraid of Wang Kaiyuan.

"Go and meet him, I want to see what he wants to do."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

If the meeting place is Wang Kaiyuan's site, Qin Lie will definitely think twice, but Xu Yuanliang's site, then they have nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, then let's meet at Xinyue Cafe."

Hearing what Qin Lie said, Xu Yuanliang agreed immediately.

"Sister Yuqing, you eat first, I have something to go out for."

Qin Lie got up and said to Ye Yuqing.

"Pay attention to safety, don't be brave if anything happens."

Ye Yuqing could probably guess what Qin Lie was going to do, but she didn't stop Qin Lie, because she knew that Qin Lie had to face some things, and being a tortoise was not Qin Lie's character.

"Do not worry."

After replying, Qin Lie and Yang Hao left the villa.

At 5:50, Qin Lie arrived at Xinyue Cafe.

At this time, the cafe had been emptied, and only Xu Yuanliang and a few of his confidants were there.

Qin Lie sat down after entering the door when he saw four cars approaching from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Then the door of the second Bentley opened, Wang Kaiyuan, Wei Zhe, and two others walked out of the car and went straight to the cafe. The other cars didn't make any movement.

Wang Kaiyuan and Wei Zhe were not polite, and sat down directly opposite Qin Lie after entering the door.

"Mr. Wang, I don't know what you mean by asking me to meet?"

Xu Yuanliang asked calmly.

He was afraid of Wang Kaiyuan, but he would not nod or bow in front of him.

"Wei Bingquan was killed by you, right?"

Wang Kaiyuan looked at Xu Yuanliang and asked in a flat voice.

"Mr. Wang, we can eat indiscriminately, but we can't talk nonsense. I have no grievances with Wei Bingquan. How could I kill him?"

Although everyone is tacit, Xu Yuanliang will never admit these things in person.

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