"Xu Yuanliang, you don't need to quibble. I have already checked it out. You and Chen Jinhu killed my son!"

Wei Zhe looked at Xu Yuanliang with murderous intent and roared.

After calming down yesterday, Wei Zhe ordered someone to investigate his son's whereabouts. Although he couldn't find his son's body after a busy day, he found that Xu Yuanliang had done something at noon yesterday.

So even if there is no evidence, he is enough to confirm that Xu Yuanliang's death is inseparable from his son's death.

"Don't spit your blood, which one of your eyes saw Lao Tzu kill your son? If you have some kind of evidence, don't talk nonsense here if you don't have any evidence!"

Xu Yuanliang retorted with a sneer.

Wei Zhe just wanted to speak, but was pressed down by Wang Kaiyuan.

"Xu Yuanliang, we're not here to fight with you. Listen carefully, hand over Chen Jinhu before 12 noon tomorrow, and I can stop holding you accountable, but if you don't hand it over, then the few of you can do it. Notify your family to help you prepare for your funeral."

Wang Kaiyuan looked coldly at Xu Yuanliangdao.

"Mr. Wang, what you said is a bit too much. I don't know where Chen Jinhu is. Where can I hand him over?"

Xu Yuanliang frowned, as if he really didn't know where Chen Jinhu was.

"Don't take Lao Tzu for a fool. What kind of secret do you think you went to see Chen Jinhu in Luohai Village yesterday morning? I'll give you one last chance, hand over Chen Jinhu before twelve o'clock tomorrow, or you will all die!"

Wang Kaiyuan almost roared out.

In order to track down the whereabouts of Chen Jinhu, Wei Zhe specifically asked Wang Kaiyuan. According to his investigation, Chen Jinhu hid in Luohai Village after he escaped, and Xu Yuanliang picked up Chen Jinhu and did not know where he hid again.

Now Xu Yuanliang is still acting with himself, which is completely making fun of himself as a fool.

"Wang Kaiyuan, do you think you are God, you say let us die and we will die?"

Qin Lie drank a cup of coffee and asked slowly.

"I'm not God, but I think killing you guys is no more difficult than pinching an ant."

Wang Kaiyuan replied very domineeringly.

Having operated in Lucheng for many years, what he has is not only wealth, but also personal connections. With a single word, he can make a person disappear from this world forever, so even a rich and powerful person like Xu Yuanliang can be rejected. Keep an eye on it.

"Mr. Wang, this is our grudge with Wei Zhe. I don't think you need to intervene at all. What do you think?"

Xu Yuanliang was very afraid of Wang Kaiyuan, so he was still very polite when he spoke.

"I'll take care of this matter. Either hand over Chen Jinhu or you go to Bingquan to be buried with you. It's up to you to decide how to choose."

Wang Kaiyuan replied arrogantly, without giving Xu Yuanliang any face at all.

In fact, he is not willing to intervene in this matter, but over the years, in order to make Kaiyuan Group bigger and stronger, Wang Kaiyuan has handed over a lot of shameful things to Wei Zhe, including the dirty work of assassinating competitors.

Originally, Wang Kaiyuan thought that Wei Zhe did a clean job, but who knew that he secretly hid a lot of evidence against him.

This afternoon, Wei Zhe went straight to him, showed him his cards, and asked him to help him kill Chen Jinhu, Xu Yuanliang, and Qin Lie, all those who were related to his son's death.

Wei Zhe's meaning is very simple, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

If Wang Kaiyuan does not agree, he will make all the evidence public, and everyone will be finished.

There was no way, Wang Kaiyuan could only bring Wei Zhe to negotiate with Xu Yuanliang, and offered to let Xu Yuanliang hand over Chen Jinhu in exchange for his safety.

But this is actually just a conspiracy of Wang Kaiyuan. As long as they get Chen Jinhu, they will deal with Qin Lie and Xu Yuanliang.

"Since Boss Wang is so aggressive, I can only accompany him to the end. Boss Wang can rest assured that even if I can't pull your back, I will definitely pull a piece of meat off you before I die."

Xu Yuanliang still had a smile on his face, but there was a grimness in that smile.

As the saying goes, the rabbit will bite people in a hurry, not to mention that Xu Yuanliang is still a fierce wolf, he will see if Wang Kaiyuan can kill him.

"Very well, you can prepare the coffin in advance. Wei Zhe, let's go."

Seeing that there was no need to continue talking, Wang Kaiyuan left the cafe with Wei Zhe.

Xu Yuanliang didn't stop them. First, the cafe was in a busy city, and he really did it, which would have too much impact. Second, there must be all thugs in the car outside. Even if he tried to force it, he couldn't keep the two of them.

"Brother, our days are going to be sad."

After Wang Kaiyuan left, Xu Yuanliang looked at Qin Lie with a wry smile.

He knew very well that if he offended Wang Kaiyuan, the consequences were no joke.

"It's alright, he wants to play with us, let's play with him, who can have the last laugh?"

Qin Lie replied calmly.

He still has a useless trump card, and he is really not afraid of Wang Kaiyuan.

"You're right, it's not certain who has the last laugh."

Xu Yuanliang has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death.

However, for safety's sake, Xu Yuanliang also sent three more elites to Qin Lie, and the number of younger brothers who followed him also doubled.

At the same time, they have already negotiated that as long as they are attacked, they will fight back as soon as possible, and the big deal is to turn Lucheng upside down.


At twelve o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was woken up again by the vibration of his mobile phone.

"Qin Lie, something has happened. That bastard Wang Kaiyuan has ordered us to hunt down and kill us. No matter who it is, as long as you kill me, you can get 40 million as a bounty, if you kill Chen Jinhu, you can get 30 million. I got 20 million, and now the whole underground world of Lucheng is boiling, and I heard that many professional killers in the world are starting to move."

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Yuanliang's anxious voice came from the other end.

"I'm stupid, who does Wang Kaiyuan look down on, why should I have the lowest bounty!"

Qin Lie replied angrily.

"Qin Lie, why are you joking? Now our lives are at stake."

Xu Yuanliang said speechlessly.

"Brother Xu, don't be angry, I'm just joking."

Qin Lie smiled, then returned to his seriousness.

"Brother Xu, can this killing order be revoked?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Only the person who issued the killing order can revoke it, but Wang Kaiyuan, the bastard, has made it clear that he wants our lives, and he absolutely cannot revoke it. I think we need to hide first and wait for the limelight to pass. Say it again."

Xu Yuanliang quickly expressed his opinion.

He's not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to die in vain.

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