"According to the information I got, Wei Zhe should have fled to Thailand with a fake identity, and this grandson sent their entire family abroad last night, and it would be difficult to catch him again."

Xu Yuanliang said bitterly.

Yang Hao was the brother who was born and died with him, but he was killed by Wei Zhe. Xu Yuanliang could not wait to slap Wei Zhe's skin and cramp his bones, but Wei Zhe was obviously prepared in advance, and he ran away after assassinating Qin Lie. foreign.

As far as Xu Yuanliang's power is concerned, it is almost impossible to go abroad to catch Wei Zhe, after all, he doesn't even know where Wei Zhe is hiding.

"Brother Xu, you don't have to worry about this anymore. Chu Xiong called me just now and said that he would solve Wei Zhe himself."

Qin Lie spoke again.

"That's great, Master Chu goes out in person, Wei Zhe will surely die!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Yuanliang's gloomy face suddenly showed a touch of excitement.

He knew the horror of Chu Xiong best. Since he said so, Wei Zhe would have no choice but to escape to the ends of the earth.

"Brother Xu, let's not talk about Wei Zhe, let's discuss Yang Hao's funeral, have you informed his family?"

Qin Lie asked with a heavy face.

"Not yet, I'm going to go to their house tomorrow morning and tell his family about it in person."

Xu Yuanliang replied.

"Then I'll go with you tomorrow."

Qin Lie said.

"Can you still move if you're so injured?"

Xu Yuanliang looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"Don't worry, take a night off today, and you should be fine tomorrow."

Qin Lie replied.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning, let's go to Ah Hao's house together."

Hearing Qin Lie say this, Xu Yuanliang agreed.

After that, Qin Lie and the others chatted for a while, Xu Yuanliang left the hospital, but Chen Jinhu didn't.

In his opinion, Qin Lie was implicated by himself, otherwise Qin Lie would never have had a bad relationship with Wei Zhe, and he would not have been assassinated by Wei Zhe.

So he was no longer going to hide any longer. He wanted to stay by his side to protect Qin Lie. Whoever wanted to kill Qin Lie had to step over his body first.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Xu Yuanliang came to the hospital to pick up Qin Lie, and the two went to Shangshui Village together.

According to Xu Yuanliang, Yang Hao and him are fellow villagers in the same village. They are the third oldest in the family. They have been rebellious since childhood and dropped out of school after finishing junior high school.

Xu Yuanliang once went back to his hometown to visit the tomb, and happened to meet Yang Hao. He thought he was smart and his kung fu was good, so he brought him under his command.

Over the past few years, Xu Yuanliang has always treated Yang Hao as his own younger brother, and the Yang family has also become a wealthy household in the village because of Xu Yuanliang's support. As early as two years ago, a three-story building was built.

An hour later, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Yang Hao's house.

At this time, Yang Hao's parents were working in the vegetable field in front of the house.

In fact, Yang Hao earns enough money every year to support the old couple, but they still work in the fields every day, and they basically grow their own vegetables.

"Old Yang, look, Yuan Liang is here!"

Yang Hao's father, Yang Jianzhong, saw Xu Yuanliang who got out of the car at a glance.

"Let's go, let's go, go home and say hello to Yuanliang."

After getting along for a few years, the Yang family has long regarded Xu Yuanliang as their family, so when Xu Yuanliang came over, Sun Xiaofang quickly put down the farm tools in his hand and called Yang Jianzhong to go home.

"Yuanliang, come in and sit down."

Yang Jianzhong came over and said hello.

"Yuanliang, what about Ah Hao, he didn't come back with you today?"

Sun Xiaofang glanced behind Xu Yuanliang, didn't see her son, and asked casually.

"Auntie, uncle, I'm sorry for you, Ahao people are gone."

Xu Yuanliang came here today to report his mourning, so he didn't hide it, and directly told the matter.

"Yuanliang, what do you mean by saying that the Ahao people are gone?"

The smile on Sun Xiaofang's face disappeared, and she asked in a panic.

"Ahao, he's dead."

Xu Yuanliang said solemnly.

Hearing this bad news, Sun Xiaofang's last hope in her heart was directly disillusioned, she only felt that her eyes were dark, and she fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, Qin Lie was quick-witted and supported Sun Xiaofang.

Then they helped Sun Xiaofang back into the house, Qin Lie pinched Sun Xiaofang's people, and Sun Xiaofang gradually woke up.

"My son, why are you so cruel, how can you let Mom live?"

Thinking of her son's death at a young age, endless grief welled up in her heart, and Sun Xiaofang burst into tears instantly.

"Auntie, it's all my fault. I didn't take good care of Ah Hao. You can beat me and scold me if you want."

Xu Yuanliang continued.

"Yuanliang, what's going on here, how come Ah Hao's good-looking people are gone?"

Sun Jianzhong endured the sadness in his heart and asked.

"He died to save me..."

Qin Lie took a step forward and briefly explained the incident that Yang Hao was shot yesterday in order to save him, but the rescue failed in the end.

After learning the ins and outs of the whole thing, Sun Xiaofang cried even more piercingly, even Sun Jianzhong couldn't bear it any longer.

"Uncle Aunt, I owe Ah Hao a life. In the future, you will treat me as your son. I will take care of you in place of Ah Hao."

Qin Lie immediately knelt in front of Yang Jianzhong and his wife.

The man has gold under his knees and kneels down to his parents. Qin Lie's kneeling means that he has regarded the two old people as his parents, and he will replace Yang Hao for the two of them.

"Child, get up quickly."

Yang Jianzhong wiped his tears and helped Qin Lie up.

"I know Ah Hao's temperament very well. Since he is willing to give his life to save you, it means that you are worthy of his saving. Uncle won't blame you, you just need to live well in the future."

Yang Jianzhong looked at Qin Lie and said.

"Thank you Uncle."

Hearing Yang Jianzhong's incomparably simple words, Qin Lie was even more moved.

"Xiaofang, don't cry. Our son died to save people. He is a hero, and we should be proud of him."

Yang Jianzhong held back his tears.

But Sun Xiaofang was still immersed in the endless pain of bereavement at this time, unable to extricate herself.

Seeing this, Yang Jianzhong took Sun Xiaofang into his arms and made her cry happily against his shoulder.

Qin Lie and the others didn't speak any more at this time. They knew very well that silence was better than sound.

After nearly an hour passed, the heartbroken Sun Xiaofang finally stabilized her emotions.

"Auntie, why don't you beat me up, so I feel better."

Xu Yuanliang picked up a stick and handed it to Sun Xiaofang. He was full of guilt now.

"Yuanliang, you don't have to blame yourself. Ah Hao's death doesn't blame you. This is why he is accumulating virtue for himself. I believe that in the next life, he will be able to choose a good family, and he will never have to suffer again."

Sun Xiaofang said in a choked voice.

The Yang family knew very well that it was Xu Yuanliang who changed Yang Hao's fate, otherwise he would only be a gangster who was slaughtered and waited to die, so even if Xu Yuanliang failed to bring Yang Hao back, the Yang family would not blame him. .

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