Hearing Sun Xiaofang's words, Xu Yuanliang only felt more guilty in his heart.

But at this time, it doesn't make any sense to say more, all he can do is to take care of the two old people as much as possible in the future.

"Aunt, this is a check of 10 million yuan, which is a little of my favor. Please accept it."

At this moment, Qin Lie took out the check he had prepared and handed it to Sun Xiaofang.

"You take the money back, I won't ask for it."

Sun Xiaofang immediately rejected Qin Lie's check.

Although 10 million is an astronomical sum for her, she has never seen so much money in her life, but as her husband just said, Yang Hao willing to sacrifice his life to go to Qin Lie means that Qin Lie is worth him Go save, they won't ask Qin Lie to make any compensation.

"Aunt, you can accept this money, just treat it as A Hao left it for you."

Qin Lie persuaded again.

"Young man, take the money back, we won't take it."

Yang Jianzhong also opened his mouth at this time.

"Qin Lie, put the check away."

Xu Yuanliang followed suit.

He still knew Yang Jianzhong's husband and wife very well, the most simple rural people. Since they said they didn't want it, they definitely wouldn't want it.

After a little hesitation, Qin Lie took the money.

Anyway, he has regarded the second old as his own relatives, and in the future, they can buy them whatever they want.

"Yuanliang, where is Ah Hao now? I want to go see him again."

Sun Xiaofang wiped her tears and asked again.

"He's in the hospital morgue. When Pei'an and the others are called, I'll take you to see him."

Xu Yuanliang said.

"Jianzhong, you can call Pei'an and the others and ask him to come over."

Sun Xiaofang turned to face Yang Jianzhong.

Yang Jianzhong nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Yang Hao's big brother and sister.

Yang Hao's big brother and sister have already married. Yang Hao helped his big brother Yang Pei'an buy a house in the town. Usually, Yang Pei'an rarely comes back, while Yang Hao's sister, Yang Cailing, married in another town, and usually only comes back to visit during the New Years and holidays. , but the relationship between their brothers and sisters has always been very good. When they heard that Yang Hao was dead, they rushed back to their hometown.

After everyone arrived, Xu Yuanliang took them back to the city.

In the mortuary, looking at their son's cold body, the Yang family burst into tears again.

Until noon, at Xu Yuanliang's suggestion, the Yang family followed them to the restaurant.

Although there was delicious food on the table, everyone had no appetite at this time, so they drank some ginseng soup.

In the afternoon, Xu Yuanliang arranged the Yang family to his villa, and he began to organize Yang Hao's funeral.

According to Xu Yuanliang's intention, he naturally wanted to bury his brother in a big way, but Yang Jianzhong and his wife didn't want to make any pomp.

In order to respect the meaning of the second old man, Xu Yuanliang could only transfer the funeral to the Yang family in Shangshui Village.

The next day, Qin Lie worked with Xu Yuanliang as a helper and buried Yang Hao in the Yang family's ancestral tomb.

In the afternoon, the funeral was over. In order to prevent the two old people from continuing to be immersed in the pain of losing their children, Yang Cailing took the two old people to their house. She took care of the two old people, and it was better than living alone.

Qin Lie, Yang Pei'an and Yang Cailing exchanged mobile phone numbers so that they can contact him directly if they have anything.

At about three o'clock, Qin Lie and the others began to return to the city.

However, before halfway through, Qin Lie received a call from Chu Xiong. He asked Qin Lie and Xu Yuanliang to go to Kaiyuan Building immediately. As for what they were there for, Chu Xiong did not say clearly.

Another forty minutes later, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Wang Kaiyuan's office in Kaiyuan Building.

At this time, Chu Xiong and Wang Kaiyuan were already here.

"Master Chu, I don't know why you asked us to come?"

Xu Yuanliang asked respectfully.

"Don't worry, you'll find out later, sit down first."

Chu Xiong beckoned.

Hearing this, Qin Lie and the others didn't ask any further questions, and sat down first.

"Qin Lie, your injury doesn't matter, right?"

Chu Xiong then asked.

"Fortunately, it's basically all right now."

Qin Lie replied.

"That's good."

Chu Xiong nodded, and then said lightly to Wang Kaiyuan: "Pour a cup of tea for Qin Lie and the others."

"Yes Yes."

Wang Kaiyuan, a capital giant in Lucheng, did not dare to show arrogance in front of Chu Xiong, so he quickly brought tea to Qin Lie and the others.

After that, everyone was drinking tea and chatting and laughing, but Wang Kaiyuan, the master, was sitting on pins and needles at this time, but he didn't dare to ask anything.

Unconsciously, after an hour passed, Chu Xiong looked at his watch and frowned.

"Agui, make a phone call and ask why the things haven't been delivered for so long."

Chu Xiong said to Agui next to him.


Agui nodded and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Agui hung up the phone without saying a word.

"Master Chu, they have already gone downstairs and will come up soon."

Agui replied respectfully.


Chu Xiong nodded and waited patiently.

A few minutes later, a man pushed open the door with a suitcase in his hand.

"I'm sorry Lord Chu, I was delayed for a while by a car accident on the road."

The man explained with sincerity, for fear that Chu Xiong would get angry.

"It's alright, bring your things here."

Chu Xiong was very calm.


The new man nodded and quickly put the box on the table.

"Kaiyuan, open the box and see what's inside."

Chu Xiong then waved to Wang Kaiyuan.

At this time, Wang Kaiyuan was also very curious about what was in the box. Hearing this, he quickly opened the box without hesitation.

The moment he saw the contents in the box, his face instantly turned pale.

He never imagined that the box contained a human head!

Wei Zhe's head!

Seeing Wang Kaiyuan's terrified look, Qin Lie and the others were curious at the same time, and subconsciously moved closer.

Qin Lie and the others were also startled when they saw the bloody head.

Especially Qin Lie, at this moment, he finally realized how terrible Chu Xiong was.

You must know that it took only two days for Wei Zhe to escape to the present, and he still fled abroad, but even so, he still failed to escape Chu Xiong's pursuit, which is enough to see that Chu Xiong is definitely considered It's hands-on and eye-catching!

"Why, is this scary?"

Chu Xiong smiled lightly and looked at Wang Kaiyuan with a playful look.

"Master Chu, Wei Zhe's actions on Qin Lie and Xu Yuanliang really have nothing to do with me."

Wang Kaiyuan hurriedly clarified again, for fear that he would end up in a different place like Wei Zhe.

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