"I didn't say it had anything to do with you, I just wanted to tell you that if you dare to take my Chu Xiong's words as farts, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will die!"

Chu Xiong smiled coldly and shouted domineeringly.

Before that, he was a middleman to help Qin Lie and the others reach a settlement. Although there was an element of coercion in it, whoever made Wei Zhe inferior to him would have to bow his head in front of him.

However, Wei Zhe even dared to violate the yang and yin, and he attacked Qin Lie the next day, and almost killed Qin Lie, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face of Chu Xiong.

Therefore, yesterday he directly used his personal connections, found Wei Zhe in less than a day, and had him beheaded and sent back.

And this head is mainly used to deter Wang Kaiyuan.

He believed that as long as Wang Kaiyuan's mind was not flooded, he would know what to do in the future.

"Master Chu is right, Wei Zhe deserves to die."

Wang Kaiyuan swallowed a mouthful of spit and replied with sincerity and fear.

He has been with Wei Zhe for many years, and he knows better than anyone how sophisticated Wei Zhe is, but such an old fox was killed by Chu Xiong within two days of escaping, which made him a little horrified in his heart.

At the same time, Wang Kaiyuan was also fortunate for a while. Fortunately, he did not participate in the assassination of Qin Lie, otherwise his head would have to move.

"By the way, let me tell you again, Wei Zhe's family of seven went underground to accompany him, you help me sell Wei Zhe's property in Lucheng, and call Qin Lie the money as medical expenses. "

Chu Xiong said again.

"Good good!"

Wang Kaiyuan responded quickly.

You know, Wang Kaiyuan has always been calling for wind and rain in Lucheng, but at this time he is like a little brother, showing a humbleness.

Seeing Wang Kaiyuan being so acquainted, Chu Xiong didn't bother him any more, he turned to look at Qin Lie and said, "Qin Lie, if you encounter any trouble in the future, remember to call me, I, Chu Xiong, still have some troubles in the Jiangnan area. face."


Qin Lie nodded quickly.

He knew that with Chu Xiong's words, he would be able to walk sideways in Lucheng in the future.

"Okay, everything I'm going to do today is done, so I'll go first."

Chu Xiong stretched his waist and said goodbye to Qin Lie.

"Mr. Chu, would you like to spend a few more days in Lucheng?"

Qin Lie insisted that the other party helped him a lot, and he should entertain the other party for a few days.

"I don't play anymore. This place is similar to the back garden of my house. I basically played all the places I could play. It's not interesting."

Chu Xiong waved his hand.

He was able to come to Lucheng entirely for Qin Lie, otherwise, in his capacity, even if Wang Kaiyuan invited him, he would not give face.

Seeing that Chu Xiong had decided to leave, Qin Lie could only send him downstairs.

After sending Chu Xiong away, Qin Lie returned to Wang Kaiyuan's office and took Wei Zhe's head.

He once said that he would use Wei Zhe's head to pay homage to Yang Hao, and now he can just fulfill this promise.

After everyone left, Wang Kaiyuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a tissue, and his back was already wet with cold sweat.

In Wang Kaiyuan's position, his contacts are basically high society figures. A few years ago, a big man told him that anyone in the Jiangnan area can offend anyone, but Chu Xiong cannot be offended, because he remembers. Having said this, the two times I saw Chu Xiong were very respectful.

However, it wasn't until the moment he saw Wei Zhe's head that he really understood the true meaning of the words of the big man.

Chu Xiong is definitely a decisive hero, and he can't afford to offend such a person at all.

Moreover, Wang Kaiyuan knew very well that what Chu Xiong said just now was obviously telling him that Qin Lie was covered by him. If he dared to trouble Qin Lie in the future, Wei Zhe would be his best example.

Although Chu Xiong has not been able to figure out what the relationship between Qin Lie and Chu Xiong is, Wang Kaiyuan has added Qin Lie to the list of not to offend.

Qin Lie didn't know all this at all. He had taken Chen Jinhu to school, and was going to take Ke Xin home first, and then go to pay homage to Yang Hao.

However, Qin Lie was waiting at the school gate, but Kexin did not come out.

Qin Lie, who couldn't wait, went directly to Ke Xin's class at the school, just in time to see the tutor Gong Manwei being violently pushed to the ground by a fat man, and then the fat man raised his hand and slapped Ke Xin's face.

Ke Xin was just a seven-year-old girl, how could she withstand such violence, she was immediately fanned out and hit the desk, her forehead was instantly smashed.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie was immediately furious.

He grabbed a chair next to him and smashed it hard on the fat man's head.

Unprepared, the fat man was knocked to the ground on the spot. Qin Lie felt pissed, he picked up his chair and smashed it several times.

With this move, Qin Lie's unhealed wound burst directly, and a pain came, and Qin Lie stopped his hand.

"I'll take care of you later."

After dropping these words viciously, Qin Lie rushed to Ke Xin.

"big brother."

Seeing Qin Lie, the aggrieved Ke Xin burst into tears.

"Ke Xin don't cry, big brother is here."

Qin Lie comforted Ke Xin and quickly checked the wound on Ke Xin's forehead.

Fortunately, the wound is not deep, just a small opening.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, but I didn't take good care of Kexin."

The make-up teacher Gong Manwei said apologetically to Qin Lie.

"It's not your fault."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

He had seen Gong Manwei come forward to protect Ke Xin just now, so he didn't mean to blame the other party.

Then Qin Lie looked at Ke Xin and asked, "Ke Xin, why did he beat you?"

"Liu Yu called me a wild breed, said I didn't have parents, and beat me. I couldn't get angry, so he scratched his face. His father came to beat me after he knew about it."

Ke Xin replied while sobbing.

Qin Lie glanced at a little boy standing not far away, and knew that Liu Yu should be him.

"Come here and apologize to Kexin immediately."

Qin Lie pointed at the little boy.

"Apologize to your mother! Brat, do you fucking know who I am? You dare to beat me, are you tired of living!"

The fat man who had just been beaten by Qin Lie stood up from the ground and yelled at Qin Lie.

"Golden Tiger, palm his mouth, I want to see if he can keep his mouth clean."

Qin Lie said coldly.

Chen Jinhu responded, facing the fat man with big mouths.

Don't look at that fat man, but in front of Chen Jinhu, he is like a chicken, and there is absolutely no room for him to fight back.

"Boy, you have something to wait for, I won't let you kneel down and call my grandfather my mother's surname!"

Fatty was furious, he took out his mobile phone and started making calls, as if he was about to call someone.

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