"Brother Qin, let's join in the fun too."

Chen Xiaoyu liked to join in the fun very much, and took Qin Lie to the exhibition area.

However, when she saw the jewelry, the excited Chen Xiaoyu couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Brother Qin, do you think these jewelry are familiar?"

Chen Xiaoyu pointed to one of the showcases.

"Isn't that the jewels in Roberts' treasure?"

Qin Lie, who saw these jewels, was taken aback at the same time.

The Roberts treasure they found on the desert island contained a large number of jewelry, and the jewelry in these showcases was clearly part of the treasure!

You know, he divided Roberts' treasure into two parts, one part was given to Wells, and the other part was given to Lin Zheng, so that the two would realize it instead of him, but now these jewelry appeared in Han Yixian's place, This is really strange.

But remembering what Han Yixian had said before that a friend of his father asked them to help sell these jewels, Qin Lie's doubts could not help dissipating a lot.

He turned around and glanced in the direction of Han Yixian. He was chatting with others, but Qin Lie was not in a hurry to ask him for confirmation.

"Forget it, don't look at it, let's go back and eat small cakes."

Seeing that he had seen these jewelry, and even tried a few of them, Chen Xiaoyu lost interest.

Qin Lie didn't care, and accompanied Chen Xiaoyu back to the dessert area to eat cake.

At this moment, those dignitaries, the rich and the young are either admiring jewelry or using today's cocktail party to make friends and increase their contacts. Only Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu are eating there, which makes them a little bit out of the ordinary. the taste of.

However, Qin Lie didn't take the initiative to talk to other people. He knew very well that some circles are not for you to enter, and he didn't want to be hot and cold.

A few minutes later, Han Yixian came to Qin Lie with three friends.

"Brother Qin, let me introduce you to three friends. This is Yan Shuo, this is Lu Changfeng, and this is He Xiaojia. They are my best friends."

Han Yixian pointed to the three people beside him and introduced that they were his best friends.

"Brother Qin, I didn't introduce Yixian clearly just now. Let me introduce myself again. I am Yan Shuo, who is known as Peng Yuyan in Lucheng. Among the four of us, I have always been responsible for my appearance. But in the future, I will join Brother Qin. , I guess I'll have to settle for second place."

Yan Shuo seemed to be familiar, and there was absolutely no sense of life in talking to Qin Lie.

"Yan Shao praised it, how can I compare with Yan Shao in terms of appearance."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, and looked Yan Shuo up and down at the same time.

Not to mention, this person really looks a bit like Peng Yuyan.

"Brother Qin, your name is out of the question. You are Yixian's friend, and that's my Yanshuo's friend. You can call me Ashuo or Xiaoshuo in the future."

Yan Shuo continued.


Qin Lie had a good impression of Yan Shuo, so he agreed.

Through the next exchange, Qin Lie also had some preliminary understanding of Yan Shuo and the three.

Yan Shuo and Lu Changfeng are both Han Yixian's children, and they are very close. Although their family is not as rich as the Han family, they are considered rich and famous in Lucheng.

As for He Xiaojia, he was Han Yixian's classmate in the dormitory when he was studying abroad. He was the eldest young master of the He family, a wealthy family in Dragon City, and the He family was no less powerful than the Han family.

After returning to China, Han Yixian introduced He Xiaojia to Yan Shuo and Lu Changfeng, and the four of them soon became best friends. When he was not busy, He Xiaojia often came to Han Yixian and the others on his own private jet to play.

"By the way, Brother Qin, I've always wanted to ask you, what do you think about donating 300 million to set up a charitable foundation."

Yan Shuo turned around.

After Qin Lie's donation of 300 million yuan was exposed, it became a hot topic in Lucheng. At that time, the voice of Qin Lie could be heard in the streets, and his popularity was recently suppressed by other entertainment news.

"The main thing is to make some contribution to this society. After all, there are still too many people in need of help. And to tell you the truth, I am an orphan, and I want to do my best to help those children who are orphaned due to various misfortunes. "

Qin Lie replied very frankly.

He set up a charitable foundation with a single thought. He never thought about how many people he would help, but just wanted to let those orphans feel that there is still love in this world through his little effort.

"Brother Qin, brother Qin is worthy of being brother Qin, I am ashamed of this kind of mind!"

Yan Shuo immediately extended his thumb and praised Qin Lie.

Their family is not bad for money, but let alone 300 million, even if it is 30 million, his father is reluctant to donate.

"Qin Lie, you said you were an orphan, so how did you make so much money?"

Lu Changfeng asked suspiciously.

If Qin Lie was born in a top wealthy family and used his family's money to do charity, this is completely true.

But Qin Lie is an orphan. With his age, let alone 300 million assets, even if he becomes a multi-millionaire, it would be a fantasy.

Of course, there are self-made billionaires in this world, but those people are at least 30 or 40 years old. He has never heard of an orphan with no background and no connections. million, or net worth.

As if afraid of Qin Lie's misunderstanding, Lu Changfeng quickly added: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

"Let's put it this way, I didn't earn this money myself. It's mainly because I was lucky and got a windfall. As for the specifics, it's inconvenient for me to say."

Qin Lie replied somewhat vaguely.

As the so-called wealth is not revealed, he will not let others know that he has obtained the treasure of Roberts, otherwise he will not think about life in the future.

"I really envy Brother Qin for your luck. Let alone windfall in my life, I haven't even picked up a hundred yuan from him."

He Xiaojia on the side couldn't help sighing.

"You can get it. Back in the school, a hundred dollars was scratched by your feet. You didn't even look at it, and said a hundred dollars was not worth it to make you bend over."

Han Yixian unceremoniously exposed He Xiaojia.

"Didn't I hurt my waist while playing, or I would definitely pick it up."

He Xiaojia quickly found a reason to explain.

"Okay, okay, who doesn't know that we have a lot of money, how can that little money get into your eyes."

Han Yixian joked again.

"You guys had a good time chatting, would you mind adding me?"

Suddenly, an ethereal business sounded behind Han Yixian's back. Han Yixian turned his head and looked, only to find that Luo Xiaoxiao had come over.

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