"Our number one beauty in Lucheng took the initiative to chat with us. It's our honor, isn't it, everyone."

Yan Shuo said with a smile.

"You talk too much." Han Yixian rolled his eyes at Yan Shuo, then looked at Luo Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, you are a little different today, don't you hate wasting saliva with us stinky men?"

"Now and then, I want to find someone to chat with now, what's wrong, you're not welcome?"

Luo Xiaoxiao raised her brows and asked arrogantly.

"Welcome, of course, welcome. If I dare to say that I'm not welcome, those suitors of yours have to drag me out and beat me to death."

Han Yixian joked.

He has a good personal relationship with Luo Xiaoxiao, that's why he can talk to Luo Xiaoxiao like this.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't talk to Han Yixian anymore, but turned his attention to Qin Lie.

After sizing Qin Lie up and down, Luo Xiaoxiao said, "Are you the Qin Lie who put my pigeons last time?"

"Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie didn't mean to let you dove, he..."

"Shut up, I didn't talk to you again."

Before Han Yixian could finish speaking, Luo Xiaoxiao interrupted him very forcefully.

Han Yixian gave Qin Lie a wry smile and could only give Qin Lie an expression that I had tried my best.

However, Qin Lie was very indifferent. After looking at Luo Xiaoxiao for a few seconds, he said, "Last time I just got a chance to have dinner with you, and I didn't make an appointment with you. Shouldn't it be a pigeon for you?"

"You didn't make an appointment with me, but you didn't notify me in advance, so I waited for you until nine o'clock in vain, and I was so angry that I didn't even eat!"

Luo Xiaoxiao said angrily.

On that day's charity auction, she couldn't participate because of something, but in order to raise more money for the Aihua Foundation, she deliberately said that anyone who can capture the necklace can have dinner with her.

For this reason, she had been ready to go to the appointment since 5:00 pm. Who knew that it was already 9:00 pm Qin Lie had not contacted her yet, she suddenly understood that Qin Lie had no intention of making an appointment with her at all.

As the arrogant girl of the sky, Luo Xiaoxiao's suitors are only afraid to line up from Lucheng to Longcheng. Qin Lie is definitely the first man to ignore her in so many years, which made her almost so angry that she exploded in place that night.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think about it that much at the time."

Qin Lie replied slightly embarrassed.

Han Yixian also reminded Qin Lie that night, but Qin Lie didn't go to invite Luo Xiaoxiao because he wanted to accompany Kexin. He didn't expect the other party to wait for him so late.

"Do you think it's okay to say sorry?"

Luo Xiaoxiao said somewhat reluctantly.

"What do you want?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. You go to the nursing home with me to do a day of volunteer work. I won't care about you. If you refuse, don't blame me for being rude."

Luo Xiaoxiao continued.


Hearing this, Qin Lie was taken aback for a moment.

He originally thought that Luo Xiaoxiao was going to raise some harsh conditions to make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect Luo Xiaoxiao to ask him to become a volunteer, which was a bit unexpected.

"Qin Lie, you may not know it yet, Xiaoxiao has to volunteer at least twice a month, and this has been going on for several years. Among the rich ladies I know, Xiaoxiao is definitely the most caring. If it weren't for her It's really not my type, I've been chasing her for a long time."

Han Yixian immediately introduced.

This time, Qin Lie was even more surprised.

He only knew that Luo Xiaoxiao was the most beautiful woman in Lucheng, but he really didn't know that she would even be a volunteer, which undoubtedly refreshed his understanding of Bai Fumei.

"What's the matter, you don't agree?"

Seeing that Qin Lie did not respond, Luo Xiaoxiao frowned slightly.

"Agree, why don't I agree?"

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

He is a very kind-hearted person, of course it is impossible for him to refuse Luo Xiaoxiao.

"That's good, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, see you at Dongcheng Nursing Home."

Luo Xiaoxiao said.

"Okay, I'll be on time for the appointment."

Qin Lie replied very readily.

"You guys chat first, I'll go to the bathroom."

After saying this, Luo Xiaoxiao left.

"Brother Qin, don't blame my brother for not reminding you. You must be mentally prepared. Tomorrow's volunteers are not so easy to be."

Yan Shuo leaned over to Qin Lie and whispered.

"what do you mean?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Let me tell you, there are many elderly people in the nursing home who can't take care of themselves. If you go there, you have to wipe their feces and urine with your hands. Those jobs are not something ordinary people can do."

Yan Shuo said with a look of disgust.

In order to pursue Luo Xiaoxiao, he went to a nursing home with Luo Xiaoxiao, but when he saw the old people pee in their crotch, he vomited directly.

After that, he simply gave up pursuing Luo Xiaoxiao.

Because he knew very well that it was impossible for him to pull down his face to wipe other people's feces and urine in his life, so naturally, it was impossible to win Luo Xiaoxiao's favor.

"If it's just these jobs, it's fine. I've done it a lot before."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

When he was in college, Qin Lie worked as a part-time nurse in the hospital during the summer vacation. At that time, the patients he cared for were unable to take care of themselves, and he was used to wiping excrement and urine for others.

"If that's the case, I think you can go after Xiaoxiao, maybe you really have the possibility to bring the beauty back."

Yan Shuo continued.

"Yan Shuo, what are you talking about, Qin Lie has a girlfriend."

Han Yixian glared at Yan Shuo.

If Yan Shuo said this to Qin Lie in private, it would be fine, but the key person, Chen Xiaoyu, was standing beside him. He even urged Qin Lie to chase after Luo Xiaoxiao, which was almost like looking for trouble.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about this, Xiaoyu, don't be angry."

Yan Shuo knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized to Chen Xiaoyu.

"It's all right."

Chen Xiaoyu was very generous and didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, Qin Lie already has three women, Ye Yuqing and Aoi Sakurako, even if there are more Luo Xiaoxiao, she doesn't mind.

Anyway, she has firmly occupied a place in Qin Lie's heart, and she doesn't believe that Luo Xiaoxiao can shake her position.

"Xiaoyu, you don't have to be polite to Yan Shuo. If I were you, I would go up and slap him directly."

Lu Changfeng said with a smile.

"Shut up, it's not a big deal to watch the fun, right?"

Yan Shuo glared at Lu Changfeng and said angrily.

"Hey, you're right. I don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun. I like watching you get beaten the most."

Lu Changfeng said with a schadenfreude smile.


"Stop arguing, let's see who's coming."

Just as Yan Shuo was about to go back, He Xiaojia suddenly interrupted him and pointed in the direction of the entrance of the banquet hall.

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