"Brother lie, let's drink beer. I think this beer is delicious."

Chen Jinhu advised.

"If you want to drink it, I want to drink Erguotou, you can buy it for me quickly."

Qin Lie said impatiently.

"Brother lie..."

"Will you buy it? If you don't, I'll buy it myself."

Qin Lie said that he was about to leave the bar.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you."

Chen Jinhu was helpless, so he could only take out 500 yuan and hand it to a waiter next to him, "Please help me buy two bottles of Erguotou, and the remaining money will be regarded as a tip."

Two bottles of Erguotou cost only a few dozen yuan. Seeing that he could get more than 400 yuan, the waiter immediately took the money and went to the smoking hotel outside to buy two bottles of Erguotou.

Erguotou Qin Lie used to drink with roommates when he was in college, not because it was delicious, but mainly because he thought it was cheap. Over time, he fell in love with the strong taste.

"Come on, Jinhu, toast to our brothers' reunion."

Qin Lie picked up the wine glass and touched Chen Jinhu. Before Chen Jinhu could react, a glass of wine entered his stomach.

"Come on, let's have another drink, this drink toast our high school friendship."

Qin Lie said, poured another glass, and drank it again.

"Brother lie, can you stop drinking so hard? I haven't even had it yet."

Chen Jinhu said very helplessly.

Although a glass of wine is less than a couple of taels, at Qin Lie's speed, a bottle of wine can be dried in a few minutes.

"I'm glad our brothers meet again. Of course, I need to drink more."

Qin Lie said with a smile, but there was a hint of sadness in the smile.

Chen Jinhu knew that Qin Lie was just looking for an excuse to get drunk, but he didn't know how to persuade Qin Lie.

Fortunately, Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu came at this time.

Looking at the empty wine bottle on the table, Ye Yuqing knew that Qin Lie had already drank a lot.

"Qin Lie, just drink some, don't ruin your body."

Ye Yuqing persuaded.

"Where are you going? Let me tell you, I'm not drunk after a thousand cups!"

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Brother Qin, don't drink, or let's take you out to relax?"

Chen Xiaoyu continued.

"Don't mind me, I must drink enough today!"

Qin Lie said very stubbornly.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to drink."

Ye Yuqing could understand Qin Lie's mood at this time, and without persuading him, she sat down and drank with Qin Lie.

Cup after cup, Qin Lie almost drank a bottle of Duoerguotou before he knew it.

Rao is because he has a good alcohol intake, and his head is a little groggy at this time.

"Sister Yuqing, you...you wait for me for a while, I'll go...go to the toilet, let's continue drinking."

Qin Lie said and got up to go to the toilet, but he slumped and sat directly on the ground.

"Brother Qin, are you all right?"

Chen Xiaoyu quickly helped Qin Lie up.

"I'm fine, what can I do?"

Qin Lie waved his hand.

"Brother Qin, you are all drunk, let's stop drinking."

Chen Xiaoyu said with distress.

"I'm not drunk. Let's continue after I go to the toilet. Today we must not be drunk or go home."

"Don't help me."

Qin Lie broke free from Chen Xiaoyu, but fell to the ground again before taking two steps.

In the next second, Qin Lie, who had been shouting that he would not be drunk or returning home, burst into tears, and cried loudly with his hands over his face.

Seeing this, Ye Yuqing quickly helped Qin Lie up.

"Sister Yuqing, why did my parents abandon me, why did they not look for me for so many years, why did I become an orphan when I was born, why, why..."

Qin Lie lay on Ye Yuqing and kept asking why, he cried so sadly, like a child.

Ye Yuqing didn't answer Qin Lie at this time, she knew that it was the best for Qin Lie to cry and release her inner suppressed feelings at this time.

After a full twenty minutes, Qin Lie's mood gradually stabilized.

"Sister Yuqing, let's go home."

Qin Lie wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked calm, as if nothing had happened.


Ye Yuqing nodded and took Qin Lie to the bar immediately.

On the way back to the villa, Qin Lie got drunk and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, Qin Lie found himself lying on the bed.

He just felt a splitting headache because of the drinking too much.

He first went to the toilet to open the gate and let the water out, and then went downstairs.

At this time, Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu and Chen Jinhu were playing checkers with Kexin in the living room.

"Hey, Dad is awake!"

Seeing Qin Lie, Ke Xin ran over immediately.

"Dad, are you hungry? Xiaoyu's mother left you with food."

Ke Xin asked innocently.

"Dad is not hungry."

Qin Lie touched Kexin's little face, and then took her to sit down in the living room.

"Jin Hu, go to the kitchen and bring the sober soup to Qin Lie, and put the food in the microwave by the way."

Ye Yuqing immediately ordered.


Chen Jinhu responded and went to the kitchen.

"Xiaoyu, take Kexin back to sleep, it's getting late."

Ye Yuqing continued.

"Go Kexin, Xiaoyu's mother will tell you a story."

Chen Xiaoyu took Kexin's little hand and said.

"Dad, good night, Yuqing's mother good night."

Ke Xin politely said good night to Qin Lie and followed Chen Xiaoyu upstairs.

"How about it, isn't it cool to be drunk?"

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"It's not good, it's a headache."

Qin Lie replied slightly embarrassed.

"You deserve it, who made you drink so much."

Ye Yuqing glared at Qin Lie angrily.

"I'm not panicking."

Qin Lie replied embarrassedly.

"Qin Lie, in fact, I can see that you really want to see your biological parents. You don't need to hide your feelings at all."

Ye Yuqing turned around.

"To be honest, I do want to see them, but I'm a little bit afraid of seeing them. I don't know how to face them."

Qin Lie confided in his heart.

When he was a child, Qin Lie was often scolded as a savage with no parents and no mother. The ridicule was like an arrow pierced through his heart. Because of this, he once resented his biological parents very much. .

In his opinion, they gave birth to themselves but did not support themselves. Such people are not worthy of being parents at all.

But as he got older, his mentality gradually changed a bit.

He felt that his parents might have something to hide, so he abandoned himself, or maybe he was kidnapped by human traffickers and finally picked up by his grandfather, which made him want to meet his biological parents again. He wanted to find out the truth behind it. .

In this way, resentment and longing are intertwined, and Qin Lie starts to become very contradictory.

He hates his parents, but he imagines them in the bottom of his heart. He is afraid to see the cruel truth, but he wants to see them. In the end, he can only bury all this deeply in his heart and let himself become A person who seems to have long since forgotten his kinship.

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