"Qin Lie, I don't think you need to be so contradictory at all. It doesn't sound like your biological parents are still alive."

"Assuming they are all still alive and we can find them, this will at least give you a chance to learn the truth of what happened back then. As for whether you want to live with them in the future, it is entirely up to you."

Ye Yuqing didn't know what happened that year that eventually led to Qin Lie becoming an orphan, but she believed that no one in the world would abandon her child for no reason, so she hoped to find Qin Lie's biological parents and let them be silent for a long time The truth emerges.

"Well, I understand what you mean. I've already figured it out. If you want to look for it, go for it. It's the best if you can find it. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Anyway, I've been alone for so many years."

Qin Lie replied very calmly.

Qin Lie had been thinking about this issue in his heart while drinking, and with Ye Yuqing's persuasion, he was really relieved now.

Even if he is really abandoned, he has the courage to face it all calmly.

"now it's right."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Ye Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that Qin Lie would be stubborn and unwilling to face the reality, so her hard work would be in vain.

After a while, Chen Jinhu brought him the hangover soup and food.

Qin Lie happened to be hungry too, so he devoured all his food.


The next morning, Qin Lie drove to Dongcheng Nursing Home as agreed.

And Luo Xiaoxiao came earlier than her, and at this time, she has already started to help all kinds of garbage.

"It's quite early."

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at her watch and said.

She made an appointment with Qin Lie to meet at 8:00, and now Qin Lie arrives at 7:40, much earlier than she expected.

"The main reason is that there is no traffic jam, so I came early."

Qin Lie replied.

"There is one of our volunteers' clothes, you can put it on, so as not to get your clothes dirty."

Luo Xiaoxiao pointed to a bench not far away. There was a piece of clothing on the chair. It was obviously worn by someone else, but it had been cleaned.

Qin Lie didn't pick and choose, and directly put the dress over his own.

"Tell me, what's the job for me to do?"

Qin Lie asked after changing his clothes.

Luo Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin Lie, then said, "Follow me."

Under the leadership of Luo Xiaoxiao, the two came to the third-to-last room on the first floor, where two old people lived, both still lying on the bed at this time.

"The one on the left is Grandpa Zhao, and the one on the right is Grandpa Zhou. Both of them are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Now their IQ is about the same as that of a three-year-old child. Grandpa Zhao is slightly better. He has a broken leg. Paralyzed, your task is to help Grandpa Zhou clean up his body, if you can't, just follow me and learn later."

Luo Xiaoxiao said, walked to the bed and took out a plastic basin from under the bed.

"Take the basin and go to the bathroom to get some water first. The water should not be too hot, so that the skin of the elderly will not be hurt when washing it later."

Luo Xiaoxiao told Qin Lie and went to the bathroom to pick up a basin of warm water.

Qin Lie followed suit, and also took out a basin of water.

"On the table are soft cotton towels, diaper pads, and wet wipes. What to use to get them."

Luo Xiaoxiao said again.


Qin Lie nodded and walked straight to Grandpa Zhou.

Grandpa Zhou smiled at Qin Lie like an idiot, with drool at the corner of his mouth.

Qin Lie wiped the old man's saliva first, then took off the old man's pants, which contained adult diapers.

As soon as half of the diaper was opened, a stench came out.

The old man shit!

However, Qin Lie looked as usual, quickly took out a diaper pad and put it under the old man, and then simply wiped the feces on the old man's butt with toilet paper, and then threw it into the trash can together with the diapers.

Qin Lie then took out a few cotton pads and put them in the water basin. After soaking the cotton pads, he squeezed the water, and then began to wipe the old man's buttocks.

After wiping it again, Qin Lie used a second cotton towel to soak up the water, and then sprinkled the water on the old man to help him rinse it briefly.

After doing this twice, the old man was clean.

Then Qin Lie took out a diaper again and put it on for the old man skillfully.

Luo Xiaoxiao, who had been following Qin Lie secretly, was stunned when she saw this scene.

She deliberately handed the more serious Grandpa Zhou to Qin Lie, just to embarrass Qin Lie, but what she didn't expect was that Qin Lie didn't show any disgust because of Grandpa Zhou's shit at all, and the whole action So skilled, even she would be ashamed of herself.

After changing the old man's diapers, Qin Lie took the washbasin to wash his hands and got clean water. He wiped the old man's face and body with a towel, and also gave the old man a full body massage.

"Should I push him out to get some sunshine?"

Qin Lie asked after the massage.

"No, no, the nurse will feed him later, and he will go out after eating."

Luo Xiaoxiao replied quickly.

"Oh, is there anything else to do then?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Just now I pushed that small cart, you can see it. You push the cart to clean up the domestic garbage in the rooms on the second floor, third floor, and fourth floor."

Luo Xiaoxiao continued.


Qin Lie responded, pushed the cart and went upstairs to clean up the garbage from room to room.

Most of the rooms have little rubbish, but even so, it took Qin Lie four consecutive trips to clean up all the rubbish in the room on the third floor.

"You're tired, let's drink some water."

Seeing Qin Lie go downstairs, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately handed a bottle of mineral water to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie happened to be thirsty, so he unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it all in one breath.

"I didn't expect that a rich second-generation like you could do such dirty work. It seems that I underestimated you."

Luo Xiaoxiao stared at Qin Lie with beautiful eyes.

From the very beginning, she never thought that Qin Lie would put down her body to do the work of serving others, but Qin Lie refreshed her cognition with practical actions, which greatly changed her impression of Qin Lie.

"I'm sorry, I have to clarify, I'm not a rich second-generation, I'm just an ordinary person, and secondly, I've done such work as cleaning toilets and picking up big feces, so serving people is nothing to me at all."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

He was born in a rural area. When he was a child, he often helped his grandfather to fertilize the fields with large excrement. Later, he took a summer job and helped patients who could not take care of themselves to clean their bodies. He often encountered the situation that the patient made a bed, so he was used to it. .

"You're not a rich second-generation? Then where did you get the money for charity?"

Luo Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously.

Since Qin Lie spent tens of millions to win her necklace, Luo Xiaoxiao has labelled Qin Lie as a rich second generation. Even in her opinion, Qin Lie deliberately didn't invite her to dinner, just playing hard to get it. Win her favor with this maverick way.

But now, everything seems to be different from what I imagined.

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