The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 348 Ye Yuqing's Counterattack

At this time, a group of executives of Yuhai Group were meeting in the conference room to discuss how to force Ye Yuqing to hand over the company shares he held, so as to completely divide up the entire Yuhai Group.

However, at this moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and Ye Yuqing and several people walked in one after another.

"Ye Yuqing!"

Seeing Ye Yuqing's sudden appearance, everyone present was stunned.

You know, since Ye Yuqing went to Lucheng for a vacation after being swindled by them, no one expected that she would come back suddenly.

"What's the matter, are you surprised to see me?"

Ye Yuqing grinned, and her sharp eyes swept over everyone.

"Dai Wu'an, don't give up your position to President Ye!"

Standing next to Ye Yuqing, Huang Maocheng immediately scolded a middle-aged man sitting on the main seat.

"Huang, what kind of thing are you, you dare to yell in front of me? Also, Ye Yuqing is no longer the chairman, what qualifications does she have to grab a position with me?"

Dai Wuan replied coldly.

He is a veteran of the Yuhai Group, but since Ye Yuqing's husband died, he was no longer satisfied with the status quo and began to conspire to embezzle the Yuhai Group.

There was no suitable opportunity before, until Ye Yuqing's air crash this time gave him a godsend opportunity.

Taking advantage of Ye Yuqing's absence in the company, he took over the power and began to frantically exclude dissidents and win over the executives. Now he has finally kicked Ye Yuqing out and made himself the chairman of the board. He will not give up his position so easily.

"Dai Wu'an, as the co-founder of the company, I have always respected you, even if you are often full of personal pockets and use public funds for private use, I will turn a blind eye, just hope that we can cooperate sincerely and put the jade together. Hai Group has built itself into a world-class multinational enterprise."

"But I didn't expect you to choose to betray in the end. You really disappointed me too much."

Ye Yuqing looked at Dai Wuan and said sadly.

Dai Wuan's personal ability is very strong, and he is the backbone of the company. Because of this, Ye Yuqing has always been reluctant to tear his face with him.

But in the end, all of this was her wishful thinking, and the power-hungry Dai Wuan still showed her fangs to her, so she couldn't help cleaning out all her cronies in the company, and also joined the company's directors to remove her as the chairman.

If she hadn't planned for a rainy day and made preparations in advance, she would have nothing left.

"Okay, stop pretending in front of me. You think I don't know that you have long regarded me as a thorn in the eye, and you can't wait to get rid of it? I'm just doing it first."

Dai Wuan replied with a sneer.

He is a man and an ambitious man. Naturally, he is not satisfied with obeying Ye Yuqing, so he planned all this secretly.

For him, either changing the company's surname to Dai, or ruining everything, it is impossible for him to let a woman ride on his head and point fingers.

"It seems that you are really hopeless."

Ye Yuqing originally wanted to see if Dai Wuan had any intention of repenting, but it turned out that she thought too much. In this case, she didn't need to think about her old feelings anymore.

Without saying anything more, Ye Yuqing waved directly to Lu Xiaoman; "Send everything to them."


Lu Xiaoman nodded, took out the prepared materials, and distributed them to the seven people in the conference room in turn.

Dai Wu'an and the others were still wondering what it was, and when they glanced at it, their expressions changed in horror.

"I just gave you the criminal materials I collected about you. Dai Wuan is suspected of embezzling public funds, embezzlement, smuggling, intentionally hurting and sexually assaulting female employees of the company. These charges should be enough for him to be sentenced to life."

"There are a few of you. All the crime materials are very clear. Although Dai Wu'an's crime is not as serious, it has started at least ten years."

Ye Yuqing looked at Dai Wuan and others and said lightly.

As the head of the Yuhai Group, Ye Yuqing felt like a mirror in her heart. She knew exactly what happened to everyone present, but she never wanted to touch these people.

But since these people jumped out to kill her, don't blame her for being cruel.

"Ye Yuqing, don't spit your blood, I haven't done the things you said at all!"

Dai Wuan immediately stood up and denied it.

"Have you ever done anything that you know best in your heart?"

Ye Yuqing smiled lightly.

"Dai Wu'an, don't argue, you have embezzled hundreds of millions of public funds from the company in the past few years alone. I have already taught all the evidence to President Ye."

At this moment, Qi Pengjun, the company's chief financial officer, suddenly said.

"Qi Pengjun, what the fuck do you mean? Do you think Ye Yuqing will let you go if you break me!"

Dai Wuan looked at Qi Pengjun and scolded angrily.

You must know that Qi Pengjun has always been his most solid ally before. If it wasn't for Qi Pengjun's support, he would not have dismissed Ye Yuqing as chairman so easily.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that Qi Pengjun has always been my person, and everything he did was instructed by me. And Zhu Shiwei and the others are also my people."

Ye Yuqing spoke again.

As early as three years ago, Ye Yuqing noticed that Dai Wuan was doing something wrong. Just in case, she secretly cultivated several cronies in the company. .

Because of this, Dai Wuan's every move is actually under Ye Yuqing's control.

"Mr. Ye, I was wrong. I was betrayed by Dai Wuan before. I beg you to give me a chance to make up for my mistakes. I am willing to stand up and expose all of Dai Wuan's crimes!"

He Jianxiong, the general manager of the company, begged for mercy in a panic.

In the materials that Lu Xiaoman handed him just now, all the crimes that he let go of are clearly listed. Once these crimes are made public, he will not only be ruined, but he will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars.

"I gave you a chance before, but unfortunately you don't cherish it yourself, don't blame me."

Ye Yuqing replied indifferently.

For the sake of the company's overall situation, she has never touched these people, but they think she is easy to bully, and they intensify their efforts again and again, and they want to swallow the whole company, so she can only use her own way to clean up all these assholes.

"Mr. Ye, please give me a chance, I really know I'm wrong."

In addition to He Jianxiong, other executives also begged Ye Yuqing for mercy, and some even burst into tears, including Sun Chuanlin, who had just been promoted from vice president to president.

However, Ye Yuqing did not show mercy.

As the saying goes, what kind of cause will be the result, these people are completely self-inflicted, and they can't blame her.

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