"I didn't expect that I, Dai Wu'an I, was so clever that I was shattered by a woman like you. You are really good at calculating!"

Dai Wuan looked at Ye Yuqing full of hatred and unwillingness.

In order to reach the pinnacle of life, he could be said to have exhausted his organs, but he did not expect that in the end, everything would come to nothing. This huge gap from heaven to hell made him go crazy.

"You still deserve what you deserve. Don't worry, they'll all go to jail to accompany you."

Ye Yuqing replied with a sneer.

In the entire company, Dai Wuan is only under her own, but he is not satisfied with this, and even wants to usurp the throne, then she can only send Dai Wuan to where he should go.

Dai Wuan looked at Ye Yuqing in front of him, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

He couldn't accept that he was about to lose everything, and even had to suffer the disaster of prison, and the deep hatred quickly swallowed his reason.

"Bitch, if you want me to die, I'll kill you first!"

Dai Wuan roared angrily, like a mad beast, charging straight towards Ye Yuqing.

Ye Yuqing's expression changed, and she was about to dodge when Qin Lie stepped out to block her.

The moment Dai Wuan rushed over, Qin Lie kicked him in the stomach.


Dai Wuan was kicked out without any resistance.

Then Qin Lie walked quickly to Dai Wuan, and before he stood up, he put his foot on Dai Wuan's face.

"Dog thing, just be honest with me if you don't want to die!"

Qin Lie met Dai Wuan for the first time today, but this guy dared to bully his own woman, Qin Lie wouldn't be polite to him just because of this.

"Damn, take your stinky feet away, or I will strip you alive!"

Dai Wuan cursed angrily, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stand up.

"Such a waste still wants to fight for power with Sister Yuqing, I really don't know whether to live or die."

Qin Lie sneered and shamelessly humiliated Dai Wuan.

Looking at Dai Wuan, who was trampled by Qin Lie's feet, everyone else in the conference room fell silent.

As the company's top management, these people are full of belly fat, but if they are fighting, they are all scumbags. They don't want to end up like Dai Wuan again.

A few minutes later, a group of security came up.

The captain of the security is also Ye Yuqing's person, and she directly asked the security to control the rioters in the conference room to prevent them from taking the opportunity to run away.

Seeing that there was movement in the conference room, Sun Zhan, who was waiting for his father to leave the meeting, rushed over with Jiang Ruoxuan.


Seeing Sun Zhan approaching, the security immediately stopped him.

"Go away, do you know who I am? Dare to stop me?"

Sun Zhan cursed aggressively.

"Yo, isn't this Young Master Sun, let Young Master Sun come in."

Seeing Sun Zhan, Qin Lie waved to stop the security guard.

When he saw that Qin Lie was actually here, Sun Zhan couldn't help frowning.

"Why are you here?"

Sun Zhan asked immediately.

"I'm here to send your dad to jail. If your father and son meet again in the future, they'll probably have to be in jail."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Sun Zhan was confused and didn't understand what Qin Lie meant at all.

"It means that your good days are over, and you won't be the second rich generation in the future. And you, Jiang Ruoxuan, find a new home as soon as possible, the Sun family will soon go bankrupt."

Qin Lie said mockingly.

Sun Chuanlin took advantage of his position to obtain a lot of self-interest for himself, but this time, Ye Yuqing will let him spit out a lot of money, plus various claims, the Sun family will be impoverished immediately.

"You fucking mentally retarded, do you think your father will believe your nonsense?"

Sun Zhan didn't believe Qin Lie's words, and turned to his father, Sun Chuanlin.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend Ruoxuan. You've seen it before. Can you help her arrange a job in your company?"

Sun Zhan looked at Sun Chuanlin.

He doesn't know the other people here at all, anyway, in his opinion, his father has already become the president, and arranging people to join the company is completely a matter of one sentence.

"Arrange a job for her? Arrange a fart, I will be unable to protect myself!"

Sun Chuanlin slapped Sun Zhan's face directly, and then looked at Ye Yuqing: "Chairman, please give me a chance, as long as you can spare me once, I am willing to be a bull and a horse for you."

Sun Chuanlin originally thought that after being promoted to president this time, he would be able to call the wind and call the rain, but who knew that he would go to jail if his ass didn't get hot, which made his guts green with regret.

Hearing that his father actually called Chairman Ye Yuqing, Sun Zhan, who had just got up from the ground, was stunned again.

He originally thought that Ye Yuqing was just an ordinary little rich woman, but now it seems that he was very wrong.

Thinking of his attitude when talking to Ye Yuqing before, Sun Zhan was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything.

"Sun Chuanlin, don't waste your time. If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price."

Ye Yuqing replied lightly.

Not to mention that Sun Chuanlin's mistakes are unforgivable, even if his son dared to humiliate Qin Lie like that, she couldn't let Sun Chuanlin go.

Hearing this, Sun Chuanlin couldn't help but face ashes.

He knew he was done!

On the other side, when Jiang Ruoxuan heard all this, there was a storm in his heart.

Like Sun Zhan, she thought that Qin Lie was beside a little rich woman, but she didn't expect Qin Lie to be beside the chairman of Yuhai Group, which made her instantly understand why Qin Lie was always so calm. look.

But Qin Lie didn't take a look at Jiang Ruoxuan, and sat down with Ye Yuqing to chat.

After another ten minutes, the police came.

Because Ye Yuqing had already handed over the criminal evidence of these people to the police in advance, the police came up and gave Dai Wuan and each of them a silver bracelet.

After these people were taken away, Ye Yuqing looked at Qi Pengjun and said: "Pengjun, recruit all the employees who were fired by Dai Wu'an, and make an announcement. From now on, I will continue to serve as the chairman of the company. All operations are back to normal.”


Qi Pengjun had been waiting for this day for a long time, and immediately took action after replying.

Ye Yuqing didn't go back to the clown-like Sun Zhan and Jiang Ruoxuan, and returned to her office with Qin Lie, and held a press conference at the same time.

With multiple media reports and Ye Yuqing behind the scenes, the news that two-thirds of Yuhai Group's executives were sent to prison instantly exploded the Internet, and the summit was successfully reached in less than half an hour. Top search list.

Normally, when such a major personnel accident occurs in a company, the company's stock price will definitely plummet. If one is not good, the entire company may go bankrupt.

However, as the truth continued to ferment, more and more people on the Internet began to support Ye Yuqing, and the company's stock price, which had been falling for several days, began to rise.

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