"Sister Ye, your tone of voice is exactly the same as that of my mother. You are not a spy that my mother placed beside me, right?"

Wang Congcong looked Ye Yuqing up and down and said.

"Fuck you, you're a spy."

Ye Yuqing rolled her eyes at Wang Congcong.

"Haha, sister Ye, don't be angry, I'm just joking with you."

Wang Congcong smiled, and after drinking another glass of wine, he continued: "Sister Ye, don't you know that the old man is now urging me to marry Tang Lingxue, the second princess of the Tang family, so that I am now the first two Big."

"Tang Lingxue is so beautiful, she is one of the four beauties in Longcheng, and the Tang family is also a famous family, so you are right on the right track, you won't suffer by marrying her."

Ye Yuqing said.

"It's not a matter of suffering or not, but we are not the same as you. If I really marry her, I'll probably kneel on the washboard every day in the future."

Wang Congcong replied with a look of disgust.

"Really? I heard that Tang Lingxue gets along very well."

Ye Yuqing asked questioningly.

"Bullshit! Tang Lingxue is a crazy woman who is arrogant, willful, and clueless. Even if I don't marry her for the rest of my life, I won't marry her."

Wang Congcong said decisively.

As a rich second-generation who is used to freedom, Wang Congcong has always disliked being restrained by others, especially by women. Because of this, changing his girlfriend is like changing his clothes.

But his father insisted on finding a wife for him to tie him up. The key was a woman he didn't like, which directly caused the relationship between father and son to become more and more tense.

"Forget it, I won't intervene in your family affairs as an outsider."

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an honest official to break up household chores, not to mention that Ye Yuqing and Wang Congcong are just friends, it is even more difficult for her to make irresponsible remarks about this kind of thing, otherwise she would agree to offend both sides.

"Come on, let's not talk about those unhappy ones, let's drink."

Wang Congcong just talked about his unhappiness, so he didn't continue to talk about this topic, and immediately pulled Ye Yuqing and Qin Lie to drink.

Before you know it, several cases of beer are eaten by one table.

Qin Lie is already a little drunk, and as the little prince in a nightclub, Wang Congcong is definitely a big man. He looks at a dozen bottles of beer and eats, except for a few more toilets, he is just like a normal person.

As for the sisters Su Xiaoxiao and Su Tiantian, as well as Wang Congcong's girlfriend Anna, they all fell asleep on the table.

"By the way, Sister Ye, I'm going to do something big recently. I wonder if you're interested in getting involved?"

After blowing a bottle of beer again, Wang Congcong said suddenly.

"Tell me what you want to do first."

Ye Yuqing looked at Wang Congcong and asked.

"I'm going to fry Bitcoin."

Wang Congcong deliberately lowered his voice when he said this, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"Fry in Bitcoin? Are you a little late to enter the market now?"

Ye Yuqing frowned.

Bitcoin is currently the most popular virtual currency in the world. In the earliest days, more than a dozen bitcoins could not even buy a bun, but now, the value of one bitcoin is as high as more than 50,000 US dollars, which is three More than 100,000!

In the past few years, many people have become rich overnight by hyping Bitcoin and become billionaires, but more people have ended up going bankrupt.

So even though he knew that speculating in coins was profitable, Ye Yuqing was very cautious about this business.

After all, this thing has no official endorsement, and it is very easy to rise and fall. To put it bluntly, it is used by a group of rich people to cut leeks. She doesn't want her hard-earned money to turn out to be cheap for others.

"Don't worry, sister, it's definitely not too late to enter, and I'll tell you the truth, I don't plan to cut the leeks of retail investors, I plan to cut the leeks of the big dealers behind them."

Wang Congcong smiled mysteriously, and his words were full of confidence that he was in control of everything.

"Cut the banker's leeks, are you kidding me, is the banker so easy to be cut?"

Rao is Ye Yuqing who knows that Wang Congcong is not the kind of person who likes to talk big, but she is still full of doubts about Wang Congcong's plan.

"It's because the banker's leeks are not easy to cut, so it is easier for me to succeed when I calculate them."

Wang Congcong said with a smile.

He knew that Ye Yuqing must not understand what he meant, so he continued to explain.

"Let's put it this way, most of the bitcoins are currently in the hands of the bookmakers, and the bookmakers are basically European and American consortia."

"You should be very clear that this thing itself has no value. Those consortiums can only continue to push up the price of Bitcoin and let more retail investors come in and take over, and they can cash out."

"According to the current trend, Bitcoin will definitely rise to the $70,000 mark, and even with the support of retail investors, it may rise to a high of 80,000 or even 100,000. The bubble will burst, those small players who hype bitcoin will lose everything, and those consortiums will make a lot of money.”

"If I set up thousands of private accounts to pretend to be retail investors before the bubble burst, I can deceive those consortia and make them think that new leeks are coming in, only to wait for Bitcoin to push to another high again, I can sell all the bitcoins I hold, so that I can smoothly cut a wave of bankers’ leeks.”

Although Wang Congcong was right, Qin Lie couldn't help but question: "Brother Wang, it's not that I don't like you, the main reason is that those financial groups are not fools. You shouldn't be able to deceive them with this trick?"

"My plan is very simple to put it plainly. Many people should be able to think of it, but it is not easy to implement it. The most important thing is that it requires a lot of money."

"My plan is to raise 10 billion in it. As long as there is enough money, even if those consortiums find out my purpose, they can only be led by my nose. Otherwise, they will be the ones who will lose blood in the end of the Bitcoin crash."

Wang Congcong said very directly.

"You want to invest 10 billion? Is that too much?"

Rao is Qin Lie's wealth now, but he was still shocked when he heard Wang Congcong's words.

After all, there are not many rich people in China who can come up with 10 billion in cash.

"Ten billion sounds like a lot, but it's really nothing compared to Bitcoin's current market value of more than one trillion US dollars. Besides, I don't like to make small troubles, either don't do it, and if you want to do it, you must do a big vote. of!"

"Of course, this is a high-risk, high-return matter. If it is successful, it's no problem for us to make a net profit of several billions. If we lose, it is very likely that we will lose billions, so it is up to you whether you want to do it with me or not. Willing."

Wang Congcong has said everything that should be said, and he believes that Ye Yuqing will make his own judgment.

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