"Brother Wang, didn't you say you want to raise 10 billion to speculate in coins, so I don't know how much you plan to contribute?"

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie asked a question that he cared about the most.

"Don't worry, I will not be a white wolf with empty gloves, I will personally invest 3 billion."

Wang Congcong replied with a smile, he was very clear about the purpose of Qin Lie's question.

"In that case, you have to raise another seven billion, which is not a small amount."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"No no no, you are wrong, I have found several friends to partner with, and I am still 3.6 billion short of the goal. If Sister Ye is willing to participate in a share, of course I am very happy, but if not, I am not. Problem, I'll think of other ways."

Wang Congcong waved his hand and said.

"Your father is so rich, why don't you ask your father for money directly? Wouldn't that make it all at once?"

Qin Lie asked a question again.

"My dad is rich, but most of his money is real estate and stocks, and it can't be cashed out casually. Besides, my dad always thinks that I'm not doing my job properly, and he doesn't support me at all. That's mine. I asked him to borrow two billion out of the three billion."

"The two of us agreed that if I lose this time, then I will listen to him in the future, honestly go back to the company to work, and then get married and have children. If I make money, then I can live according to my own wishes, He won't interfere any more."

"So this time the currency speculation is a matter of fate for me, and I will definitely not joke about my fate."

Wang Congcong said very honestly.

Qin Lie stared at Wang Congcong a few times, and then said again: "Can you tell me who is in your partnership?"


In order to show his sincerity, Wang Congcong directly explained the identities of his other partners.

"Chen Dingsheng, chairman of the Xinghan Group, Pang Yongxing, the second young master of the Pang family, Ma Rui, the eldest son of the chairman of the Tenda Group, and Liang Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Ding Group."

For these four people, apart from Pang Yongxing, Qin Lie, the other three people, knew a lot.

Like that Chen Dingsheng, a big man who consistently ranks in the top 20 on the China Rich List all year round, with assets of hundreds of billions.

And Ma Rui and Liang Tian are both well-known sons and brothers in Longcheng. It will cost millions of dollars for any birthday, and luxury cars under their names can be directly driven to the show.

For ordinary people, it would be a fantasy to collect a few billion, but these five people made 6.4 billion, in Qin Lie's opinion, it is not much at all.

After all, these are real bigwigs, and money is just a number in their eyes. If nothing else, Chen Dingsheng alone will definitely be able to come up with 10 billion in cash.

However, Qin Lie knew very well that being able to take out and willing to take out are two completely different concepts, otherwise Wang Congcong would not have to ask Ye Yuqing to raise money.

"Cong Cong, wait a minute, I'll discuss it with Qin Lie."

Ye Yuqing told Wang Congcong and called Qin Lie to the alley ahead.

Before Qin Lie could speak, Ye Yuqing took out her mobile phone and called Chen Dingsheng.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, I'm so sorry to bother you so late. I have something I want to ask you about."

After the call was connected, Ye Yuqing asked very politely.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Dingsheng replied.

"Are you partnering with Wang Congcong to speculate on Bitcoin?"

Ye Yuqing didn't beat around the bush and asked Chen Dingsheng directly.

"Yeah, he came to me a few days ago to talk about it. I thought it should be profitable, so I invested 2.5 billion to play."

Chen Dingsheng replied without hesitation.

"Oh, I see."

After making sure that Wang Congcong didn't lie to herself, Ye Yuqing couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"How do you know that I want to partner with Cong Cong to fry bitcoin?"

Chen Dingsheng asked.

"It was Cong Cong who told me that he wanted to bring me in."

Ye Yuqing did not hide it either.

"I personally think there is still something going on in this matter. If you have spare money, invest 200 million to play. If you don't have it, forget it. Anyway, I'm definitely not afraid of losing money.

Chen Dingsheng continued.

"Okay, I see, I'll think about it again, let's talk another day."

Ye Yuqing replied and hung up the phone.

"Qin Lie, do you think we should partner with Cong Cong?"

As far as Ye Yuqing is concerned, she is still willing to partner with Wang Congcong, but after all, this investment is very risky, she still wants to ask Qin Lie's opinion.

"I don't know Wang Congcong, what do you think of him?"

Qin Lie asked some questions.

"He is a very good and reliable person. I have invested in two projects with him before, and I have made a net profit of almost 80 million. I still believe in his character."

Ye Yuqing had requirements to make friends, but not just anyone. She would generally keep away from playboys like Wang Congcong, but because Wang Congcong was a good person, they became friends.

"If that's the case, I think we can take a gamble. Anyway, the money won't earn much interest in the bank."

After hearing Ye Yuqing's evaluation, Qin Lie finally made a decision.

"Then how much do you think we should bet?"

Ye Yuqing asked.

"Just invest 3.6 billion."

Qin Lie thought for a while.

"Three.6 billion? Is that too much?"

Ye Yuqing asked in disbelief.

She originally wanted to invest 1 billion, but Qin Lie turned out to be 3.6 billion, which was even crazier than she thought.

"I think so, we can invest the money, but we must sign an agreement with him. Once the loss exceeds one-tenth, we will exit immediately, so that we can stop the loss in time."

Qin Lie expressed his opinion.

He is very clear that it is normal to have a loss or a profit in doing business, let alone a high-risk speculation. If they want to make money, they must be mentally prepared to lose money.

In terms of Qin Lie's current wealth, it is completely acceptable for him to lose 300 million to 500 million yuan.

"Okay, then do as you say."

Ye Yuqing immediately agreed to Qin Lie's proposal, and then they returned to the barbecue restaurant.

"How about it, Sister Ye, do you want to invest a few hundred million?"

Wang Congcong asked expectantly.

"I have discussed with Qin Lie, we will invest 3.6 billion and let you make up 10 billion."

Ye Yuqing said very directly.

"Sister Ye, don't joke with me, even if you sell all the company's shares now, you won't necessarily be able to make up 3.6 billion, right?"

Wang Congcong replied with a wry smile.

He knew Ye Yuqing's worth very well, so when he heard Ye Yuqing's words, he took her as a joke.

"I don't have that much money, but Qin Lie has it. I invested 3.6 billion in partnership with him."

Ye Yuqing smiled and said.

Hearing this, Wang Congcong's gaze towards Qin Lie suddenly changed.

He only regarded Qin Lie as Ye Yuqing's friend before, but he didn't take Qin Lie too much in his heart, but now he found out that Qin Lie was actually a hidden boss.

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