The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 356 Seeing You And Hitting You Once


Su Xiaoxiao scolded Zhang Mou angrily, turned around and left.

"Su Xiaoxiao, stop for me!"

Zhang Mou, who was splashed with water, was immediately furious.

"Dare to splash me with water, I think you don't want to mix in this circle!"

Zhang Mou pointed at Su Xiaoxiao with his index finger, his sinister eyes looked like a poisonous snake.

"If you don't mix, don't mix, you can block me!"

Su Xiaoxiao did not show weakness, and did not show any fear.

Looking at Su Xiaoxiao's stubborn appearance, Zhang Mou's desire to conquer became stronger.

Compared to those women who raised their hands and climbed onto their own bed, he preferred this kind of feisty little wild horse.

Zhang Mou casually wiped the tea on his face, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Little, I'll tell you the truth, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you. If you promise to stay with me, I can use all the resources in my hand to make you an international superstar."

Zhang Mou once again persuaded him in a good manner.

"Stop daydreaming, I'm sick of looking at you!"

Su Tiantian said unceremoniously.

"Tiantian, you are still too young and ignorant. Do you know how many women are begging me to sleep with me every day, and I ignore her? But for you, I can use all my connections to hold you up. Hong, I hope you will think about it and give me an answer, otherwise your acting career may end before it starts."

Zhang Mou said again, there was already a sense of threat in his words.

"Let me tell you Zhang Mou, even if I, Su Xiaoxiao, are not an actor for the rest of my life, I won't be caught by your unspoken rules!"

Su Xiaoxiao replied firmly.

"Okay, remember what you said, tonight I will ban you from the entire industry, and you will never want to set foot in the entertainment industry again in your life!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao did not change his attitude after all his good words, Zhang Mou did not continue to pretend.

"If you block it, you will block it. Who is afraid of you?"

Su Xiaoxiao is very aware of Zhang Mou's status and influence in the entertainment industry. Since he said so, he must not want to mix in this circle any more.

But she doesn't care, the big deal is that she will play life as a little rich woman all her life.

Looking at Su Xiaoxiao's graceful back, the lustful Zhang Mou suddenly became obsessed, and forcibly hugged Su Xiaoxiao directly from behind.

"Xiaoxiao, just follow. I can make you a big star, and let you enjoy endless prosperity and wealth for a lifetime."

Zhang Mou's two salty pig hands kept stroking Su Xiaoxiao's body back and forth, and at the same time greedily sucking the faint fragrance of Su Xiaoxiao's body.

"Get away from me!"

Su Xiaoxiao knew that Zhang Mou was lustful, but he never thought that the other party would dare to attack her in broad daylight.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao was shocked and angry, she directly used the self-defense technique Qin Lie gave her.

First, an elbow hit Zhang Mou's chest, and the moment Zhang Mou released his hand, Su Xiaoxiao punched him in the face with his backhand.

Before Zhang Mou could react, Su Xiaoxiao gave another killing kick, only to hear the sound of broken eggs, Zhang Mou directly kneeled on the ground clutching his crotch.

However, Su Xiaoxiao still felt pissed off and kicked several times again.


Su Xiaoxiao spat at Zhang Mou again, opened the door and left.

Seeing that there was no Qin Lie in the corridor, Su Xiaoxiao thought they were waiting in the hall downstairs, so she took the elevator downstairs.

However, Qin Lie's voice was also absent from the hall on the first floor.

"Sister, can I borrow your phone to make a call?"

Su Xiaoxiao's cell phone was in Su Tiantian's bag, so she found the front desk and borrowed her cell phone.

The lady at the front desk was still very nice, and immediately gave her mobile phone to Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao immediately called Qin Lie.

"Hey, Brother Qin, where are you guys?"

After the call was connected, Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"We're next door to you, is your audition over yet?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"It's over, you come to the first floor now, I have something to tell you."

Su Xiaoxiao suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Okay, let's go right away."

Qin Lie responded and brought Su Tiantian to the lobby on the first floor.

"Why do you look so ugly, Xiaoxiao, did you fail the audition?"

Seeing Su Tiantian with a cold face, Qin Lie thought that Su Xiaoxiao had failed her audition, so she asked.

"Brother Qin, that bastard Zhang Mou bullied me just now."

Su Xiaoxiaoyu said angrily.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's face turned gloomy.

"How did he bully you?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"He started taking advantage of me under the pretext of playing with me. Later, he said that he wanted to make me a big star and asked me to sleep with him. After being rejected by me, he actually wanted to use force against me."

"Fortunately, Brother Qin, the self-defense techniques you taught me came in handy, otherwise I might be insulted by some beast."

Su Xiaoxiao repeated what happened just now in simple language.

After learning all this, Qin Lie was immediately furious.

"This dog is really tired of living, don't worry, I'll help you clean him up!"

Qin Lie also didn't expect Zhang Mou to be so bold, so he turned around and was about to beat Zhang Mou.

"Brother Qin, you don't have to go, I've already beat him up."

Su Xiaoxiao stopped Qin Lie and said.

"No, I have to clean him up."

Qin Lie didn't listen to Su Xiaoxiao, turned around and entered the elevator.

Sister Su Xiaoxiao was worried that Qin Lie would make things worse, so she quickly followed.

After arriving at Zhang Mou's room, Qin Lie kicked the door several times.

Hearing the sound, Li Jin came over and opened the door.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Qin Lie's aggressive appearance, Li Jin suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong.


Qin Lie didn't give him any nonsense, he pushed him aside with a wave of his hand, and then went straight into the house.

At this time, Zhang Mou had just recovered his strength and was sitting on the sofa to rest.

Qin Lie grabbed him by the neck and picked him up like a chicken.

Afterwards, Qin Lie opened his bow from left to right and slapped Zhang Mou several times in the face. Zhang Mou was directly beaten, and he even forgot to shout.

Then, Qin Lie pushed Zhang Mou to the ground and kicked and punched him again. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Mou was beaten into a pig head.

"Okay, Brother Qin, he has already been punished. That's it."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't want Qin Lie to have another lawsuit because of beating others, so he hurried over to stop him.

"Dog thing, listen to me, don't let me touch you in the future, or I will hit you once every time I see you!"

Qin Lie pointed at Zhang Mou and shouted fiercely.

He is not in the entertainment industry, so he is not afraid of Zhang Mou at all.

And if it wasn't for murder, he would definitely throw this beast downstairs from the window and kill him.

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