Adhering to the principle that a hero does not suffer immediate losses, Zhang Mou, who was beaten, could only choose to swallow his anger at this time, but his heart was already full of resentment.

"Trash, hetui~"

Qin Lie spat out another thousand-year-old phlegm on Zhang Mou's body, and only then did the little sisters Shang Su leave the hotel.

"Director Zhang."

After knowing that Qin Lie was gone, Li Jincai, who was silent, helped Zhang Mou, who had been beaten, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, to get up from the ground.

"Damn, this hater must be reported!"

Zhang Mou scolded through gritted teeth.

Thinking of him as a well-known director in China, even those first-line stars can only endure when he eats tofu. As for those newcomers, he can only play with applause at will.

However, Su Xiaoxiao, a college student who has not yet graduated, dared to beat him violently, which is simply a great disgrace to him!

"Director Zhang, why don't we call the police and let the police clean up that kid."

Li Jin suggested in a low voice that Qin Lie's fierce look just now scared him a lot.

"Call the police? Do you have any fucking brains?"

Zhang Mou cursed fiercely.

He is a public figure. If he reports to the police, then this matter must be exposed. At that time, even if he spends money on public relations, it will definitely have a great negative impact on his reputation, which will directly affect his career. This is what he absolutely does not want to see.

So over the years, all the girls that Zhang Mou has harmed in the name of filming have been blocked by him, and all the negative news on the Internet will be settled by him. He has been maintaining his image of a sanctimonious hypocrite.

"Then what should I do? That kid just didn't look easy to mess with."

Li Jin then asked.

"I'll find Fei Lian with me later. As long as Fei Lian is willing to go out, this kid must be a dragon and he must be lying down!"

Zhang Mou said with a sinister look.

Hearing Fei Lian's name, Li Jin couldn't help shuddering.

Fei Lian, nicknamed Big Scar, is a well-known figure in the underground circle of Longcheng. Apart from being ugly, the main reason is that he is ruthless, and those who offend him are easily broken. If it is heavy, it will evaporate directly from the world.

A friend Li Jin knew before had a conflict with Fei Lian because he was drunk, and Fei Lian had three fingers cut off, but this matter eventually came to an end.

"Why the hell are you still standing there, get me an ice pack and let me put it on."

Zhang Mou shouted again.

"Okay okay."

Li Jin responded and hurried into action.


"Sister, this time we have completely offended Zhang Mou. I guess it is impossible for me to stay in the entertainment industry in the future."

On the way to Ye Yuqing's company, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing.

"It's okay, we have hands and feet, and even if we don't join the entertainment industry, we won't starve to death."

Su Tiantian said indifferently.

"I originally wanted to become a big star, but now it seems that I have to live in my next life."

Su Xiaoxiaoman said regretfully.

Su Xiaoxiao has no regrets at all about beating up Zhang Mou, a beast in clothes. If she does it again, she will still make the same choice, but she will no longer be able to engage in the profession she likes, which is somewhat a pity for her.

"There are so many directors in Huaxia. If you don't go to his movies, you can go to other people's movies."

Qin Lie chimed in.

"You don't understand Brother Qin, the entertainment circle is very important, and Zhang Mou is one of the most well-known directors in China. Offending him is almost equal to offending most of the entertainment circle. As long as he speaks, we will definitely be punished. Banned permanently, even other big directors would not be able to offend Zhang Mou for the sake of our two students who have not graduated yet."

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head.

Qin Lie doesn't mix in the entertainment industry and doesn't know how deep the water is in the entertainment industry, but they know very well that their acting careers have ended prematurely.

"You don't have to be afraid. If domestic directors dare not ask you to act, then we will find foreign directors. Anyway, brother has money. I promise to make both of your sisters popular!"

Qin Lie said confidently.

Many ordinary people are forced to accept unspoken rules in the entertainment industry because they have no money and want to take shortcuts, but Qin Lie and the others are different. Qin Lie is now rich, and he can invest in movies to support the Su Xiaoxiao sisters. indivual.

Not to mention anything else, the beauty of the two sisters alone is enough to gain a lot of fans.

At that time, Qin Lie will carry out a comprehensive package and promotion for them, and become a big star just around the corner.

"Brother Qin, you are still smart. I didn't expect to do this."

Before, Su Xiaoxiao didn't think about it at all because of the solidified thinking, but Qin Lie's words woke the dreamer.

As Qin Lie said, they can fully support themselves. Anyway, they are not short of money, and they are not afraid of offending Zhang Mou.

After that, Qin Lie chatted with Su Xiaoxiao and sisters while driving.

Even if he hasn't started filming yet, Su Xiaoxiao has fantasized about his ideal life of making movies, walking the red carpet, giving concerts, and winning an Oscar.

At about five o'clock, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Yuhai Group.

"What was the audition like? Did you pass?"

Ye Yuqing knew what Su Xiaoxiao and the others were doing in the afternoon, so she asked a question when she saw them.

"Don't mention it, that Zhang Mou is an old man!"

Su Xiaoxiao did not hide it, and told Ye Yuqing what happened to her with righteous indignation.

Ye Yuqing, who learned all this, also turned blue with anger.

"This person is really daring, he must be exposed, let him be ruined, and be reviled by thousands of people!"

Ye Yuqing said bitterly.

After experiencing the life and death of the deserted island, Ye Yuqing has regarded Su Xiaoxiao as her own sister, and now there are people who are trying to conspire against her sister, which she can never forgive.

"Sister, we don't have any strong evidence, even if you expose him, it's useless. He will definitely find a way to whiten himself at that time, and maybe he will bite Xiao Xiao back, saying that Xiao Xiao slandered him for the sake of his superiors. Damage a small reputation."

Qin Lie immediately stopped Ye Yuqing and said.

"Then what should I do, I can't just let him go like this?"

Ye Yuqing frowned.

She knew very well that what Qin Lie said was true. After all, Zhang Mou was a major director in China. Too many girls went to the unspoken rules in order to become popular. If Zhang Mou was beaten down, it would be possible to use the navy again. Slander Su Xiaoxiao as that kind of girl who doesn't love herself.

"Don't worry, I have already figured out a plan to deal with him."

The corners of Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he said with a heart full of bamboo.

"what's the plan?"

Ye Yuqing asked quickly.

"Isn't Zhang Mou lustful, we can just take advantage of his weakness..."

Next, Qin Lie revealed his plan and won the unanimous approval of Ye Yuqing and others in an instant.

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