"Then I'll leave this to you. This time, everyone must recognize Zhang Mou's ugly face!"

Ye Yuqing said angrily.

"Don't worry, it's all up to me."

Qin Lie replied with a sneer.

Zhang Mou thinks that he is a big director and can do things in the entertainment industry, but Qin Lie will make him become a street rat that everyone shouts and beat this time, and his reputation will be completely ruined!

"By the way, Sister Yuqing, I have something else to tell you. I want to invest in making movies. Do you have any good directors you know to recommend?"

Qin Lie changed the subject.

"Why did you suddenly think of making a movie? Wouldn't you also want to take the opportunity to unspoken rules for those female stars?"

Ye Yuqing raised her brows and asked suspiciously.

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? My main reason for making movies is to support Xiaoxiao and Tiantian. I'll see if Zhang Mou can ban them or if I can make them popular."

Qin Lie explained immediately.

"In that case, I will definitely support you with all my strength, but I really don't know any big directors."

Yuhai Group is a chemical company, and it has nothing to do with the entertainment industry. In addition, she doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, so she really doesn't know any big directors.

"By the way, if you are looking for a director, you can ask Cong Cong for help. He is very familiar with the entertainment industry."

Ye Yuqing said again.

"Okay, I get it."

After Ye Yuqing's reminder, Qin Lie immediately realized that Wang Congcong was a man known as the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the entertainment industry. He even had a film and television company in his family, so it would be right to ask him for help.

After Ye Yuqing got off work, Qin Lie and the four went to have a meal together, then Ye Yuqing took Su Xiaoxiao sister back home, and Qin Lie went to find Wang Congcong.

"It's too easy, tell me, what type are you looking for?"

For Wang Congcong, recommending a director for Qin Lie is just a little effort, not even a big deal.

"I don't understand this either. You can recommend me a famous person who is good at promoting newcomers."

Qin Lie thought for a while.

"Wait a minute, I'll call to see who has a schedule recently."

After Wang Congcong told Qin Lie, he picked up his mobile phone and called all the big directors in the address book one by one.

"Brother Qin, I asked you just now. Most people are preparing movies for the Spring Festival, and there are no schedules recently. Only Wang Sanri and Xu Hua are idle."

After the call, Wang Congcong said to Qin Lie.

"Xu Hua, forget it. This man has been making a movie for several years. When his movie is released, the daylily will be cold."

Qin Lie shook his head.

Xu Hua is a genius director, and every movie he makes is a classic.

But because this person has too high requirements for making movies, his quality requirements have almost reached the point of nitpicking. Every movie is quite 'difficult to give birth'. It takes two or three years for a movie to go from filming to release. Qin Lie has no time. wait so long.

"If that's the case, then you can only choose the king for three days."

Wang Congcong interjected.

"Can Wang Sanri do it? Don't make another bad movie. I don't want to make Xiao Xiao and her famous, but instead bring them another name."

Qin Lie frowned.

Wang Sanri is a famous director in Hong Kong. He has made more than 100 films. Although he has made many popular classics, more of them are indeed scolded by the public as bloody bad films.

For Xu Hua, movies are works of art that need to be carefully polished, but for Wang Sanri, this thing is a commodity used to make money. It is said that Wang Sanri took only seven days to shoot the shortest movie!

Because of this, the public's evaluation of Wang Sanri was mixed, and many people even called him the king of bad movies.

But investors really like Wang Sanri very much, because almost all the movies he made are steady profits.

"Brother Qin, I'm not speaking for Wang Sanri. I personally think that Wang Sanri has real skills. As long as you don't interfere too much and let him do his best, his films will basically sell well. "

"As long as the movie is popular, are you still worried that the little ones are not popular?"

Wang Congcong continued.

He and Wang Sanri are friends, and he personally appreciates Wang Sanri's talent.

In his heart, Wang Sanri has always been considered a talented director, but because Wang Sanri commercialized films from the very beginning, resulting in too many bad films, he was scolded so hard.

"I know he has the ability, but I'm afraid this person is more lecherous than Zhang Mou, right? Let him be the director for Xiaoxiao and the others. Didn't I lead the wolf into the room?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and then said, as far as he knew, Wang Sanri was definitely a lot more female star than Zhang Mou.

"You can rest assured, Zhang Mou is pretending to be a gentleman on the surface, but he is actually a virtuous villain, but Wang Sanri has always confessed that he is lecherous, he has never hidden it, and just for this, he is much stronger than Zhang Mou. already."

"Besides, Wang Sanri basically doesn't take the initiative to sneak in the rules of others. They are all begging to be sneaked by him. Coupled with my face, I promise that the little ones will not suffer any losses."

Wang Congcong said again.

He knew Wang Sanri very well, otherwise he would not have dared to make such a guarantee.

"That's fine, just choose him."

Qin Lie knew that Wang Congcong didn't need to lie to him about this kind of thing, so he agreed after thinking about it.

"Then I'll make arrangements for you."

After hearing Qin Lie's agreement, Wang Congcong hurriedly called Wang Sanri again.

"Wang Sanri is still traveling in Europe. He said that he will come to Longcheng the day after tomorrow, and then you will discuss the details of the shooting in person."

Wang Congcong said after hanging up the phone.

"Okay, thank you so much."

Qin Lie quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, it's just a few words for me."

Wang Congcong waved his hand indifferently and changed his words casually.

"By the way, Brother Qin, are you free at night? Let's go to a bar together. I just happen to introduce a few more friends to you."

As the second generation of the top rich, Wang Congcong never valued each other's family background when making friends. After all, most people in China are not as rich as theirs.

And Qin Lie Qin Lie is a straightforward person, quite to his appetite, plus he can give out billions casually, he hopes to have a deep friendship with Qin Lie.


Now that the director's problem has been resolved, and Qin Lie himself intends to make more friends, he agreed.

Hearing this, Wang Congcong hurriedly called a few friends again, and after the friends all arrived at his company, the group drove to the Qianda Hotel.

Qianda Hotel is an industry under the Qianda Group. Wang Congcong often brings friends to spend in hotels at home.

Of course, he didn't do this to save money, but mainly because it was convenient to do everything in his own hotel, and he didn't have to worry about being photographed by the paparazzi.

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