Qin Lie originally wanted to make Su Tiantian popular, but seeing that her ambition was not in the entertainment industry, she did not continue to persuade her.

After all, one person has his own way of living, and not everyone wants to be a big star.

Next, Qin Lie chatted with Wang Sanri for nearly two hours, and the two sides formally reached a cooperation agreement.

According to their agreement, Qin Lie invested 50 million, and Wang Sanri wrote and directed a movie dedicated to supporting Su Xiaoxiao.

Although the investment of 60 million is not particularly large, it is not too small, and more than half of it will be used to pay actors' remuneration.

Because according to what Wang Sanri said, he will find a lot of first-line stars to be green leaves for Su Xiaoxiao this time, so as to ensure that Su Xiaoxiao will become a hit!

At the same time, Wang Sanri deliberately released rumors that he wanted to cooperate with Su Xiaoxiao to make a movie, but he did not mention the details of the movie, leaving all media to speculate.

This trick is his usual trick, as long as it is handled properly, it can satisfy everyone's appetite and ensure the topicality of the movie.

That way, it's easier to wait for the movie to hit the box office when it hits theaters.

Of course, if you want to win a high box office, you can't just rely on gimmicks. The most important thing is the quality of the movie itself.

Therefore, from the conception of the script to the finalization of the actors, to the shooting and post-production of the finished film, Wang Sanri must strive for perfection, and must not be shoddy. Otherwise, if the Virgo box office hits the street by word of mouth, it will definitely affect Su Xiaoxiao's future development.

To this end, Wang Sanri did not hesitate to issue a military order with Qin Lie.

Assuming that the box office of this movie does not reach 500 million, Wang Sanri will not pay a penny.

If it exceeds 500 million, Wang Sanri can get a reward of 20 million.

If it exceeds a billion, he can take another 5% of the box office from the net proceeds.

And the reason why Wang Sanri dared to issue such a military order, in addition to his confidence in himself, another very important reason is that Su Xiaoxiao's current popularity is almost comparable to the first line, which is the best live advertisement of the movie.

He can't guarantee that the box office will explode, but one billion box office is definitely appropriate.

As for higher, it depends on the will of God.

Before I knew it, the time came to 5:30 in the afternoon, and it was time for dinner.

This time Qin Lie was the host and invited Wang Sanri to go to a hotel outside for a meal.

Originally, he wanted to call Wang Congcong, but Wang Congcong didn't go with them when he had something to do.

When they were about to leave the hotel after eating, a large group of reporters swarmed like leeches that smelled blood, and directly surrounded the hotel entrance.

"Director Wang, I heard that you have signed Su Xiaoxiao to your company. Is this news true?"

"Director Wang, can you tell me what the subject of your movie is?"

"Director Wang, a lot of people say that you want to make money by making a bad movie to take advantage of Su Xiaoxiao's popularity. I don't know what you think about this?"

"Miss Su, why do you want to cooperate with Director Wang?"

"Miss Su, have you been under the guidance of Wang's rules?"


A large group of reporters kept asking Wang Sanri and Su Xiaoxiao various questions. In addition, there were also a lot of long guns and short guns taking pictures.

"I'm sorry, it's temporarily inconvenient for us to make any response, and please let us go."

In order to maintain the mystery and topicality, Wang Sanri deliberately did not respond, and the group crowded the reporters and got into a commercial car.

"Huh, it's finally clean."

After the commercial car started, Su Xiaoxiao, who kept her hat down and didn't speak, let out a long sigh of relief.

There were really too many reporters just now. If it wasn't for Wang Sanri's guidance in advance, she wouldn't know what to do.

"This is just the beginning. When you really catch fire, those reporters and paparazzi will stick to you like dog skin plaster, and you won't be able to get rid of it if you want to."

Wang Sanri smiled.

He has been in the entertainment industry for 30 years and has long been accustomed to this kind of scene. When there was a lot of uproar because of unspoken rules before, he even talked to the Confucian scholars, but this time he was completely expected by the reporter.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, do you have a boyfriend?"

Wang Sanri asked again after changing the conversation.

"Brother Qin is my boyfriend."

Su Xiaoxiao immediately grabbed Qin Lie's arm next to him.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not your boyfriend."

Qin Lie quickly denied it.

"Not now, it will definitely be in the future, anyway, I don't want you to marry."

Su Xiaoxiao is a girl who dares to love and hate. She doesn't have so much scheming. To her, Qin Lie is the man she wants to grow old with, and she doesn't need to hide it any longer.

"Cough cough, Xiaoxiao, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. You'd better not fall in love within two years, or even if you do, don't announce it, otherwise it will affect your career."

Wang Sanri reminded Su Xiaoxiaodao as a person who had come over.

In the entertainment industry, fans are the most important wealth. If a star gets married or has a lover, many fans will lose their fans directly, which will directly affect the career development of the star.

Because of this, the stars in the entertainment industry basically choose to hide their marriages, and some of their sons will run away, and they even claim to be single to the outside world.

"Have you heard, don't fall in love within two years, you will give me your whole mind to develop your career now, brother is still waiting for you to bring me delicious and spicy food after you become popular."

Qin Lie quickly agreed.

Of course he felt Su Xiaoxiao's ease with him, but he still didn't want to delay Su Xiaoxiao. Now that Su Xiaoxiao became a star is a good thing for him, so that he will not have to be pestered by Su Xiaoxiao every day in the future. on.

"I don't care, it's okay if I'm not a star."

Su Xiaoxiao replied indifferently.

For her, love is far more important than career, and she will not give up her love for her career.

"What you're talking about is bullshit, listen to me, and be your star for the past two years. If you don't obey, then I'll break up with you, and we won't communicate with each other in the future."

Qin Lie shouted sharply, of course, he was deliberately trying to scare Su Xiaoxiao, and it was impossible for him to break up with Su Xiaoxiao.

"Then I will listen to you, but you must promise me to be my boyfriend in two years."

Su Xiaoxiao made conditions with Qin Lie that this was her only request.


Qin Lie replied very readily.

After all, two years are not long or short. Maybe Su Xiaoxiao will find another person he likes during this period. Qin Lie will naturally not need to keep his promise.

Hearing that Qin Lie agreed to his terms, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly became full of smiles.

The vehicle continued to drive and finally stopped at Wang Congcong's company.

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