At this time, the staff of Wang Congcong's company were all ready, Su Xiaoxiao drank some water to moisten her throat and began to sing some of her best songs.

After singing and resting for less than ten minutes in the middle, Su Xiaoxiao danced several wonderful dances in one breath, which can be said to be very dedicated.

According to Wang Sanri's request, these songs and the dance party were released on the Internet. The purpose is to let everyone know that Su Xiaoxiao is not just a beautiful vase, but real materials, so as to help her Gain more fans.

In addition, every two weeks, Wang Sanri will create some targeted topics to keep Su Xiaoxiao's enthusiasm.

As for these tasks, Qin Lie has already been handed over to Wang Sanri, and he only needs to be responsible for paying the money.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie was about to take Su Xiaoxiao, who had finished recording, home when he suddenly received a call from Wang Congcong.

"Qin Lie, you haven't left my company, have you?"

After the call was connected, Wang Congcong said quickly.

"No, what's wrong?"

Qin Lie replied.

"I have found out the identities of those who attacked you the day before yesterday. They are Da Scar's subordinates, but I don't know who Da Scar was instructed to do. According to the information I got, they will still attack you tonight. Do it, don't rush to leave, I'll send someone over to protect you."

Wang Congcong replied quickly.

"Who is Big Scar?"

Qin Lie frowned and asked, he was quite unfamiliar with this name.

"Da Scar's real name is Fei Lian, and he is the leader of an underground force in Longcheng..."

Wang Congcong quickly told Qin Lie Da Scar's personal information.

"According to what you said, this guy is not easy to deal with."

Qin Lie stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Although Dasijing is the same as Wei Zhe, they are all underground, but Wei Zhe can't be the king even in Lucheng, but Dasijing can gain a firm foothold in the imperial capital Longcheng, becoming a tyrannical party and a high-ranking party on both sides. Judgment.

"Da Scar is famous for being ruthless, and most people would never dare to offend him. Although I'm not afraid of him, he won't give me face either."

Wang Congcong continued.

"Huh? Is this guy so awesome?"

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on his face.

You must know that the Wang family is a top giant. It stands to reason that destroying an underground force should be like killing a fly. People like Da Scar would never dare not give him face.

"It's not that he is awesome, but the guy behind him is awesome. Do you know who the master behind him is?"

Wang Congcong asked back.

"How do I know that?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said.

He was an ordinary office worker before, and he just commuted to and from get off work every day, and he had no access to these things at all.

"His master is Xu Fanzhou!"

Wang Congcong didn't sell any more, he just said a name.

"Xu Fanzhou? Xu Ying's son?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"Yes." Wang Congcong nodded, paused for a while, then continued, "To put it bluntly, the big scar is that Xu Fanzhou has a vicious dog, and Xu Fanzhou and I have never dealt with it, so the big scar naturally does not. You need to give me face."

"I see."

After listening to Wang Congcong's words, Qin Lie suddenly realized.

Xu Fanzhou is the second generation of the top rich with the same fame as Wang Congcong, and his father won the throne of the richest man in one fell swoop three years ago.

Although he was pulled down after being the richest man for only one day, the power of the Xu family is undeniable.

In recent years, Wang Congcong and Xu Fanzhou have had several online battles of words, the most famous one being last year's National Day.

For some unknown reason, Xu Fanzhou directly scolded Wang Congcong on the Internet as a prodigal who only plays with women. Wang Congcong responded that Xu Fanzhou is a mad dog who catches and bites whoever. thing.

"Qin Lie, wait for me for fifteen more minutes, my people will be here soon, and they will escort you home."

Wang Congcong spoke again.

"Cong Cong, I don't want to be a tortoise, I'm going to have a hard time with Da Scar."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

Standing behind the big scar is Xu Fanzhou, and Xu Fanzhou is a rich second generation with the same name as Wang Congcong. Normally, such a person cannot be offended.

But he knew very well that if he blindly escaped, it would only show his cowardice, and it would be even more impossible for him to be looked down upon by the big scar, and he would not even think about living in peace.

What's more, he didn't plan to move Xu Fanzhou, but just wanted to fight back against the big scar with the people who treated him in his own way. If Xu Fanzhou really ended up dealing with him, he would go to the Chu family for help.

And with the terrifying influence of the Chu family, even Xu Fanzhou's father Xu Ying had to give three points of thin noodles. As long as Chu Xiong was willing to come forward, he did not believe that Xu Fanzhou could move him.

"Are you sure?"

Wang Congcong asked.


Qin Lie said firmly.

"Okay, brother, I will fully support you in this matter. I already disliked that grandson with big scars. If Xu Fanzhou dares to participate, I will fuck him!"

Wang Congcong said fiercely.

Because of Xu Fanzhou's backing, Da Scar has always been very arrogant when facing Wang Congcong, which made Wang Congcong want to clean up Da Scar for a long time, but he has never found a suitable excuse.

Now Qin Lie's attack is an opportunity for him, and he can take this opportunity to clean up the big scar.

As for whether it will anger Xu Fanzhou because of this, it is not in Wang Congcong's consideration at all. Anyway, he is not afraid of Xu Fanzhou at all, and Xu Fanzhou can't help him.

"Then you tell your people not to come to the company, let them go now..."

Qin Lie quickly told Wang Congcong about his plan, and soon won Wang Congcong's approval.

After hanging up, Qin Lie looked at Su Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, Tiantian, you two will take a taxi back later, I won't go with you if I have something to do."

"Brother Qin, you must pay attention to safety."

Su Xiaoxiaoman told Qin Lie worriedly.

Although Qin Lie didn't tell them what he was going to do, Su Xiaoxiao had some inferences from the few words just now.

"Don't be brave, you must put safety first, we will wait for you at home."

Su Tiantian was also worried about Qin Lie, but she tried her best to restrain her emotions and didn't show it very clearly.

"Don't worry, everything is under my control."

After a faint smile, Qin Lie left Wang Congcong's company with Chen Jinhu.

In order to let the people with big scars know that he came out, Qin Lie deliberately smoked a cigarette outside, and then swaggered into his car.

As he expected, just after leaving Wang Congcong's company, two cars followed.

Looking at the rearview mirror, Qin Lie couldn't help but have a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

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