"Don't drive too fast, don't let them get lost."

Qin Lie specially instructed Chen Jinhu to do it.

He didn't know if Da Scar was sitting in the back car. It would be better if he had it or not. Anyway, one of those people who wanted to attack him tonight was considered one of them, and no one would want to go home safe and sound.


Chen Jinhu replied, deliberately slowing down the speed of the car.

After driving along the road for nearly an hour, Qin Lie and the others came to the outskirts of the city, and they became more and more remote.

However, those who followed Qin Lie didn't notice that something was wrong and still followed Qin Lie closely.

After driving for ten minutes again, Qin Lie's car stopped in a wasteland.

Qin Lie got out of the car in an upright manner and urinated directly beside him, "Hey, why did this kid park the car here, is there any fraud?"

Looking at Qin Lie who was urinating there, one of the subordinates with the loudspeaker couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of, even if there is a fraud, what can you do? Don't forget that we are brothers number ten."

Big Scar's confidant Wei San smiled coldly.

The last time he attacked Qin Lie, but Qin Lie ran away. After he went back, he was scolded by Da Scar, and this time he brought some more elite thugs. Do the work that Big Scar told him to do.

"Third brother, I think we'd better be cautious. Shall we give the elder brother a call?"

The man who said it just now asked with great vigilance.

"Get out of the car if you call a fart! If you let this kid run away again today, let's see how I deal with you!"

Wei San didn't take his subordinate's words seriously at all, and took him out of the car directly.

Wei San had five people in this car, and eleven people in the Jinbei car behind him, making a total of sixteen people.

It was because there were so many people that Wei Sancai didn't take Qin Lie seriously at all.

After all, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are just paper tigers.

Looking at Wei San and the others walking towards him, Qin Lie sneered in his heart, but on the surface he deliberately made a look of fear, and hurried to the car while shouting 'go away'.

"Give it to me, don't let that kid run away!"

Seeing Qin Lie's cowardly appearance, Wei San was even more convinced that there was no ambush here, so he quickly brought people around him, swung the steel pipe and smashed it towards the car.

Seeing Wei San and the others make their move, Wang Congcong, who had been in ambush for a long time, immediately rushed out from the grass.

"Hit me hard, don't let one go!"

Wang Congcong ordered coldly.

Looking at the people who were like divine soldiers descending from the sky, Wei San's expression changed in horror.

He had no idea that there were dozens of people in ambush around here.

Especially now that they are surrounded by groups, they can't run away if they want to.

Since the melee, Wei San and others resisted desperately, but the difference in numbers was too large, and the outcome was doomed from the very beginning.

In less than fifteen minutes, Wei San and the others were all lying on the ground, each and everyone wailing.

Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu were like bystanders, sitting in the car indifferently after watching the normal fight before coming out.

"Qin Lie, let me introduce to you, this is the boss of Fan Changfan, nicknamed Da Jinya, we are friends for a long time."

Wang Congcong brought a bald man in his fifties to Qin Lie and introduced it.

"Hello, Brother Qin."

Boss Fan smiled and greeted Qin Lie first.

And when he smiled, all the big golden teeth were exposed.

"Boss Fan seems to be a rich man. He has so many gold teeth."

Qin Lie said with a half-joking smile.

I have to say that this Boss Fan is quite happy, with a chubby figure, a bright head, and an approachable smile on his face. If he sees him elsewhere, Qin Lie will definitely not regard him as a big brother in society.

"Haha, Brother Qin is joking. I only had gold teeth inlaid because I was poor. If I had money, I would have had diamonds inlaid long ago."

Boss Fan replied with a smile.

"By the way, thank Boss Fan for taking action today, otherwise it should be me lying here."

Qin Lie looked righteous.

If it was in Lucheng, he could have asked Xu Yuanliang for help, but this was Longcheng, and he was unfamiliar with the place.

"Brother Qin, you're polite, not to mention that I and Cong Cong are good friends, just because these people are Fei Lian's beast's subordinates, I won't stand by."

Boss Fan waved his hand.

"Could it be that Boss Fan has a grudge against Fei Lian?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"Fei Lian was only a younger brother of Boss Fan at first. Later, when Boss Fan saw that he was honest and diligent, he accepted him as his adopted son. In order to train him, Boss Fan can say that he paid a lot of effort."

"Who would have known that Fei Lian turned his head against his bones, and when his wings were growing, he actually betrayed Boss Fan and tried to usurp the throne. After he failed, he set up his own business. Later, he was worried that Boss Fan would retaliate, so he joined the Xu family, or else Boss Fan would have gone to the Xu family earlier. I sent him to see Lord Yama."

Wang Congcong explained immediately.

"Oh, no wonder there is so much resentment in Boss Fan's tone."

After listening to Wang Congcong's explanation, Qin Lie understood the reason behind this.

"Okay, let's not talk about that beast, let's discuss how to deal with these people."

Boss Fan pointed to the guys lying on the ground.

"One person breaks a leg, then send them back to Fei Lian to see how he reacts."

Qin Lie suggested.

If this was a deserted island, Qin Lie would definitely throw all these guys into the sea to feed the fish, but this is Longcheng, so naturally he can no longer do things like before.

"That's a good idea, just do it."

Boss Fan agreed very much with Qin Lie's proposal. Even if he ordered his subordinates to break all the legs of the scarred subordinates, if there were already broken legs, the other leg would also be broken on the spot.

Because Boss Fan and Da Scar's forces usually have a lot of friction, Boss Fan's people quickly recognized Da Scar's confidant Wei San.

Under Qin Lie's order, Wei San hurriedly called Da Scar.

"Hey, big brother, something happened. We were taken by Boss Fan. Come and save us."

Wei Sanqiang endured the severe pain in his leg.

At this moment, Fei Lian was working hard on the woman's belly. Hearing Wei San's words, his face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter, didn't I tell you to deal with that kid named Qin Lie? Why did Da Jinya get involved?!"

Fei Lian hurriedly asked.

"Give me the phone."

Boss Fan beckoned to Wei San, Wei San didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly handed over the phone.

"Fei Lian, you are getting more and more arrogant now. You dare to ask people to touch my brother. I think you really don't want to live!"

Boss Fan had never forgotten Fei Lian's revenge for betrayal, and he did not speak politely at all.

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