"You want to know why, okay, I'll tell you why now."

Fei Lian did not hide what happened in the hotel, but told Zhang Mou directly.

When he heard that a small Qin Lie had involved so many big people, Zhang Mou was immediately dumbfounded.

"Brother Fei, I really didn't know that Qin Lie had so much energy, otherwise I wouldn't dare to let you deal with him even if I ate a bear's heart and a leopard's guts."

Zhang Mou quickly explained.

He's just a director, don't think he knows a lot of rich bosses, but those people just want to use him to make movies to make money. If something happens to him, almost no one will stand up to help him.

"Okay, no need to explain nonsense, I know you don't have the guts."

Fei Lian waved his hand.

"That... Brother Fei, what should I do next? Qin Lie won't take revenge on me, will he?"

Zhang Mou asked anxiously, he was really scared now.

"You fucking ask me who am I asking?"

Fei Lian replied impatiently.

"Brother Fei, can you send a few more brothers to protect me? I can pay for the protection."

Zhang Mou continued.

"Come here with one million, and I will arrange three capable men to protect you."

Originally Fei Lian didn't want to worry about Zhang Mou's life or death, but considering the money he could make, he agreed.

"Okay okay."

Zhang Mou didn't dare to bargain at all, and together with the three million that Fei Lian had extorted from, he transferred a total of four million directly to Fei Lian's account.

After that, Fei Lian randomly arranged three younger brothers to protect Zhang Mou, which made Zhang Mou feel a little more settled.


At this time, in Boss Fan's courtyard, there were only two empty bottles left from the two bottles of Maotai.

In order to enjoy himself, Boss Fan took out two more bottles of collectible liquor worth more than 100,000 yuan.

When the wine was halfway through, Boss Fan suddenly looked embarrassed: "Brother Qin, I want to ask you to help me with something."

"Brother Fan has something to say. If I can, I will never refuse."

Qin Lie looked at Fan Laodao who was hesitant to say anything.

"That's right. I have admired Master Chu for a long time. If there is a chance, I hope that Brother Qin can help me with referrals. Forget it, but it's my wish."

After hesitating for a while, Boss Fan said, this is the main purpose of inviting Qin Lie to drink.

Don't look at Fan Chang and Chu Xiong about the same age, but Chu Xiong is the uncrowned king of the thirteen provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. He is at most a local snake in Longcheng. The status of the two is very different. He has always wanted to meet Chu Xiong, but unfortunately he has never had the opportunity.

Qin Lie and Chu Xiong clearly knew each other. If Qin Lie was willing to help, his wish for many years could be fulfilled.

"This is no problem. If there is a chance, I will definitely take you to see Master Chu."

Qin Lie responded quickly.

This may be difficult for others, but not too easy for Qin Lie.

"Then I'll thank brother Qin in advance. Come on, I'll give my brother another drink!"

Hearing that Qin Lie agreed to his proposal, Boss Fan was overjoyed and hurriedly toasted Qin Lie with a glass of wine.

Between pushing the cups and changing the cups, Qin Lie got drunk unknowingly, and simply fell asleep at the place of Boss Fan.

The next day, Qin Lie didn't wake up until three poles in the sun.

"Brother Qin, you got up in time. Come and have something to eat."

Seeing Qin Lie coming out, Boss Fan, who had also just woken up a few minutes ago, hurriedly greeted him.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a shower first."

Qin Lie, who was also a little hysterical, yawned.

"There are new toothbrushes in the bathroom, just pick one and use it."

Boss Fan reminded.


Qin Lie replied and went to the bathroom.

After a quick wash, Qin Lie returned to the dining table.

Because I drank a lot last night and didn't eat much food, Qin Lie was really hungry, so he picked up the buns and started eating.

"By the way, brother Qin, I have to tell you something. It should be Zhang Mou who is looking for Fei Lian to deal with you. Last night, my people found that he left Zhang Mou's club in the middle of the night, and he was still with him. A few Fei Lian's younger brothers."

After the meal, Mr. Fan said to Qin Lie.

Wang Congcong failed to ask Fei Lian the identity of the messenger behind the scenes, so he left the matter to Boss Fan, who directly sent someone to follow Fei Lian, so there was such a result.

"I knew it was this bastard!"

Qin Lie said coldly.

He had guessed before that Zhang Mou wanted to get revenge on him, so there were not too many surprises at this time.

"Do you want me to send someone to get him over so you can vent your anger?"

Boss Fan continued.

Fei Lian couldn't move, but he didn't care about a director.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Qin Lie rejected Boss Fan's kindness because he had a better way to deal with him.

After drinking all the tofu brains in the bowl, Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu.

"Hey, Jinhu, where are you now?"

"I'm at the Tianhe Hotel. Lily has successfully made contact with Zhang Mou, and I'm ready to record a video immediately."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Didn't you get drunk last night? I thought you weren't awake, so I didn't tell you."

Chen Jinhu explained.

"Okay, I see, wait for me, I'll go over right away."

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, hung up the phone and drove to the Tianhe Hotel where Zhang Mou was staying.

In the hotel box, looking at the handsome and charming He Lili, Zhang Mou quickly became lustful.

Li Jin knew Zhang Mou very well and left the room voluntarily.

"Lily, why don't we go into the bedroom and talk about filming."

Zhang Mou stared at He Lili and said that he couldn't wait to occupy He Lili.

In order to avoid causing Zhang Mou's suspicion, Qin Lie and the others first asked He Lili to join the line of assistant director Li Jin, and then introduced He Lili to Zhang Mou through Li Jin.

Because of this, in Zhang Mou's mind, He Lili was a woman who wanted to be popular, so she deliberately begged him to come unspoken.

What's more, He Lili was beautiful and had a good figure. He took the initiative to send it to his mouth, and Zhang Mou would not let her go.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang, take a shower first, I'll wait for you in the room."

He Lili gently touched Zhang Mou's chest with her fingertips and gave him a wink on purpose.

"Okay, I'll take a shower now."

Zhang Mou's heart was hot, but he still went to the bathroom.

Seeing this, He Lili quickly came to the bedroom, took out the miniature camera from her bag, and found a hidden place to hide it.

After everything was ready, she waited for Zhang Mou in the house.

"Lily, here I come!"

Zhang Mou, who had hurriedly rinsed with water, ran into the bedroom quickly. He had no idea that he had fallen into the trap dug by Qin Lie.

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