After entering the bedroom, Zhang Mou did not make any disguise, directly exposed his satyr nature, and went straight to He Lili.

However, He Lili pushed him away with her green fingers.

"Director Zhang, don't worry, I want to play something exciting with you."

He Lili looked at Zhang Moudao with a wink.

"What's exciting?"

Zhang Mou asked in confusion.

"Wait a minute……"

He Lili lay beside Zhang Mou's ear, and said her thoughts of wanting to play a rape-violence game with him.

After hearing what He Lili said, Zhang Mou's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I don't see it, you are quite open."

Zhang Mou stared at He Lili with a smile.

"People just want to add a little more emotion, otherwise it would be boring to do it directly."

He Lili said with a little woman attitude.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you."

In Zhang Mou's mind, He Lili was the fat meat that was brought to his mouth. He could eat whatever he wanted, and he had no doubt that He Lili was deliberately plotting against him.

"Then you go out first, let's start over, and wait for the slave family to ensure that you will be served comfortably."

He Lili threw a wink again.


The fascinated Zhang Mou hurriedly ran out of the door and then walked in again.

"Director Zhang, why did you come in wearing a bathrobe? What are you doing?"

Beside the bed, He Lili asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Of course I'm here to discuss with you about filming."

Zhang Mou responded according to what He Lili taught before.

"You don't need to change your clothes to discuss filming, right?"

He Lili stood up directly and said.

"Lily, don't you want to be a big star? As long as you sleep with me obediently, I can make you the heroine of my next drama. I promise you will be more popular than Bingbing in the future!"

Zhang Mousei stared at He Lili, his eyes almost bursting out with fire.

"Director Zhang, I think you misunderstood, I'm not the kind of person you imagined!"

He Lili replied righteously.

"Okay, don't pretend to be innocent with me, I will let you have a good time now."

After saying this, Zhang Mou, who could not wait for a long time, suddenly threw He Lili onto the bed.

"Director Zhang, let me go, don't do this!"

He Lili slapped Zhang Mou's arm desperately and struggled hard at the same time.

"Hey, Xiao Sao-hoof is quite similar, I will feed you."

Looking at the struggling He Lili, Zhang Mou thought she was acting with him according to the script just now, and felt even more refreshing and exciting in his heart.

In the opposite room, Chen Jinhu, who had a panoramic view of all this through the camera, rushed out instantly.

The three younger brothers arranged by Fei Lian at the door just wanted to ask Chen Jinhu what he was doing.

At this time, Zhang Mou in the bedroom was about to lift his gun and mount his horse, and his face suddenly turned cold when he saw Chen Jinhu who suddenly broke in.

"Who the fuck are you, get out of here!"

Zhang Mou scolded angrily that he didn't want to be ruined by others for his good deeds.

However, it was Chen Jinhu's slap that responded to him.

clap clap.

A crisp slap sounded, and Zhang Mou's mouth was beaten to the point of bleeding.

"Damn, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am!"

Zhang Mou, who had recovered his senses, glared at Chen Jinhudao with fire-breathing eyes.

"Shut up Laozi!"

Chen Jinhu shouted loudly, kicked Zhang Mou to the ground, and then looked at his girlfriend He Lili.

"Lily, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, this old man can't take advantage of me."

He Lili tidied up her slightly messy clothes and said calmly.

She had worked in a bar full of fish and dragons for two years before, and she had seen a lot of people. Even if Chen Jinhu didn't come in in time, she could ensure that she would not be violated.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Chen Jinhu was relieved, then walked to the TV and put away the miniature camera.

In order to satisfy his perverted psychology, Zhang Mou had secretly filmed videos with certain actresses, so he recognized at a glance what Chen Jinhu had put away.

When he thought about the fact that the two of them knew each other, and that Chen Jinhu didn't come to play, but he broke in when he was going to do something, he understood everything in an instant.

Fairy jump!

He was obviously jumped by a fairy!

Zhang Mou secretly hated himself for being too careless, but at this time, regret is useless, the key is to get back the video in Chen Jinhu's hands as soon as possible.

"Brothers, don't you just want money? As long as you return the video you just made, I'll give you whatever you want."

Zhang Mou hurriedly discussed with Chen Jinhu.

"I don't want money, I just want your life!"

Chen Jinhu replied with a murderous look.

Although he asked He Lili to design Zhang Mou, Zhang Mou still wanted to date his girlfriend, which was courting death.

Hearing this, Zhang Mou was shocked.

"Brother, please don't kill me, I can give you anything you want."

Zhang Mou begged for mercy anxiously, for fear that Chen Jinhu would really kill him.

"Don't worry, he won't kill you."

At this moment, Qin Lie finally arrived at the scene.

Hearing the voice seemed familiar, Zhang Mou hurriedly glanced behind him.

"Qin Lie!"

When he saw Qin Lie, Zhang Mou's face changed greatly again.

He is not a fool, and after connecting the whole thing together, he quickly understands everything.

"Qin Lie, it was all my fault before, please let me go. I am willing to film for Sister Su Xiaoxiao for free."

Zhang Mou humbly begged for mercy.

If it was before, he wouldn't put Qin Lie at all, but since he knew that Qin Lie was inextricably linked with Wang Congcong, Mr. Fan, and even Chu Xiong, he had not dared to show it in front of Qin Lie. A hint of arrogance.

"If you do something, you have to pay the price."

Qin Lie replied lightly, then looked at Chen Jinhu and said, "Jin Hu, Lily, let's go."

The two responded, followed Qin Lie and left the hotel, leaving Zhang Mou alone in the bedroom at a loss.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, Qin Lie sent the video he just shot to Wang Congcong.

After editing, Wang Congcong posted the video through various channels and drew up a series of very eye-catching titles.

As the saying goes, one stone stirred up a thousand waves. With the continuous increase in the exposure of the video, Zhang Mou was completely reduced to a street rat that everyone shouted and beat, and countless people began to criticize him.

And less than ten minutes after the video was released, there were other girls who publicly posted videos online claiming that they were also sexually assaulted by Zhang Mou, so they quit the entertainment industry.

"It's over, it's over..."

Looking at the overwhelming swearing at him on the Internet, Zhang Mou, whose face was ashen, slumped to the ground.

He knew that his life was over, and he would never have the possibility of whitewashing.

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