Qin Lie looked up at the rearview mirror, and could vaguely see a beautiful killer hiding in the back seat.

And the gun in the hand of the beautiful killer was on his waist.

In this environment, if the opponent shoots, he has no room to dodge at all.

However, Qin Lie has experienced life and death, and he still maintains his composure at this time.

"Beauty, are you here to kill me?"

Qin Lie asked lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you, I just want to borrow your car. As long as you are obedient, I promise not to hurt you in the slightest."

The beauty killer quickly replied.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Send me to the Beijiao Farm first, and then I will naturally let you go."

The beauty killer said.


Qin Lie agreed quickly and started the car.

"Don't play tricks with me, or I guarantee you will die ugly."

The beauty killer warned Qin Lie again.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life yet."

Qin Lie replied and drove to the door of the hotel, where he deliberately stopped.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Qin Lie stop, the beauty killer immediately became alert.

"I just told my friends to keep them from worrying." Qin Lie lowered the car window after replying, "Qiuzhu, take a taxi back by yourself, I won't be with you if I have something to do."

"Okay, then go and do your business."

Lin Qiuzhu and the others did not have any doubts and waved goodbye to Qin Lie.

After leaving the hotel, Qin Lie entered Beijiao Farm on his mobile phone and started the car according to the navigation.

"Beauty, are you injured, do you need me to bandage you?"

In order to ease the tense atmosphere in the car, Qin Lie took the initiative to open the topic.

"Don't talk nonsense, or I'll kill you!"

The beauty killer shouted sharply.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions."

Qin Lie hurriedly clarified.

"Shut up, I won't let you speak, you are not allowed to speak!"

The beautiful killer was obviously very vigilant and had no intention of talking to Qin Lie.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

Qin Lie stopped making fun of himself, closed his mouth and concentrated on driving.

Beijiao Farm is located in the northernmost part of Longcheng. Even if there is no traffic jam, Qin Lie will drive 50 minutes to get there.

"Beauty, the Beijiao Farm is in front, what do you need me to do now?"

Qin Lie asked after he parked his car outside the farm gate.

However, Qin Lie didn't get any response after waiting for more than ten seconds.

He subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror, only to realize that the girl had been lying on the seat and was no longer moving.

Qin Lie turned around and was about to grab the pistol when the beautiful killer suddenly opened his eyes.

"Please don't...don't call the police, help...help..."

The beautiful killer seemed to want to say something to Qin Lie, but fell into a coma before he finished speaking.

Qin Lie tentatively touched the opponent's arm, and after confirming that the other party was not pretending, he put away the gun first, and then helped her to check her injuries.

At first, Qin Lie proposed to help her bandage because she smelled a faint bloody smell, but she was rejected by the other party. , the blood soaked her clothes.

In a critical situation, Qin Lie first tore off his jacket and made a simple dressing for the other party, and then drove back to the city at a high speed.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to send the beautiful killer to the hospital, but considering that she suffered a gunshot wound, once she went to the hospital, the police would definitely be called, so Qin Lie could only make a phone call to Mr. Fan.

Boss Fan works underground. He owns an underground clinic. After stopping Qin Lie's request, he directly sent the address of his clinic to Qin Lie.

After arriving at the clinic, the doctor quickly treated the beautiful killer. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and she was soon out of danger.

Because he was curious about this person's identity, Qin Lie didn't leave that night, and escorted him in the ward.

The next morning, Qin Lie was woken up by the urine, so he got up and went to the toilet outside, and stopped by to buy breakfast.

However, when he came back, he found that the beautiful killer who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed had disappeared.

Qin Lie was about to ask the doctor at the clinic if she had seen her leave when a sharp object suddenly pressed against the aorta of his neck.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you."

The cold voice rang out, and Qin Lie instantly determined that the owner of the voice was the beautiful killer at night.

"I said beauty, I can be regarded as your savior, you can't avenge your revenge like this, can you?"

Qin Lie asked helplessly.

"where is this place?"

The beauty killer asked in a cold voice.

"Of course it's the hospital."

Qin Lie replied.

"Are there any police outside?"

The beauty killer asked again.

"Don't worry, I didn't call the police."

Qin Lie continued.

Hearing this, the beautiful killer relaxed and removed the glass shards from Qin Lie's neck.

Qin Lie then turned around and looked up and down the beautiful killer.

I have to say, this beautiful killer is really beautiful.

Beneath the curved willow eyebrows, a pair of clear eyes are like stars, and the pink lips are like freshly ripened cherries, which makes people want to kiss Fangze.

Even though she lost a lot of blood yesterday and her face was pale, she still couldn't hide her out-of-this-world noble temperament.

It's just that the girl's face is very cold, like an iceberg beauty, giving people a feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away.

"Have you seen enough?"

The indifferent voice of the beauty killer sounded again.

Hearing this, Qin Lie quickly retracted his gaze and replied embarrassedly, "Enough."

"Give me my stuff."

The beautiful killer then stretched out his hand.

Qin Lie thought the other party wanted a gun, so he took out the pistol pinned to his waistband and gave it back to the other party.

"I'm not talking about this, it's a USB flash drive."

said the beautiful killer.

"What U disk, I didn't see it."

Qin Lie quickly replied.

"Don't play tricks with me, hurry up and give me the USB flash drive, or I will really kill you."

The beauty killer threatened Qin Lie again.

"The world can be learned, if I take your USB flash drive, I will die!"

Qin Lie was helpless and could only initiate a poisonous oath.

The beauty killer stared at Qin Lie, she was almost sure that Qin Lie wasn't lying.

"Where did I get dressed yesterday?"

The beauty killer asked again.

"Your clothes were thrown away last night."

Qin Lie replied.

"Why did you throw away my clothes without my permission!"

Hearing this, a trace of anger appeared on the beauty killer's face.

"I said beauties, can you be reasonable? Your clothes are covered in blood. Could it be possible for me to wash them for you and keep them?"

Qin Lie replied rather speechlessly.

The beautiful killer obviously knew that he was wrong, and his tone softened.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now, but that USB flash drive is really important to me. Please help me get my clothes back."

The beautiful killer said sincerely.

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