The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 381 Don't Ask What You Shouldn't Ask

"Okay, I'll go find it for you, you wait for me in the room."

Seeing that the other party said so, Qin Lie agreed.

"I will go with you."

The beautiful killer quickly said that she didn't want Qin Lie to secretly hide the USB drive again.

"Can your body do it?"

Qin Lie glanced at the beauty killer.

She only had surgery last night, and she is still very weak.

"Don't worry, even if I am injured, you are not my opponent."

The beautiful killer said confidently.

"You're bragging a little too much, do you really take my brother as a soft persimmon that anyone can handle?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said.

"Then why don't you try it?"

The beautiful killer replied slightly provocatively.

"Forget it, brother is too lazy to know you in general."

If this beautiful killer wasn't injured, Qin Lie wouldn't mind letting her learn how powerful he was, but she just woke up, Qin Lie was not interested in fighting against a sick person, so even if she won, she would be invincible.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie left the ward with the beautiful killer and came to the consultation desk in front.

"Beauty, may I ask, where did you throw those clothes she wore before the operation yesterday?"

Qin Lie looked at the little nurse at the consultation desk and asked.

"It should still be in the trash can in the backyard, but I don't know which one it is."

The little nurse replied.

"All right."

Qin Lie didn't embarrass the little nurse, but turned around and took the beautiful killer to the backyard.

There are five trash cans against the wall here, and each trash can is almost full of garbage.

In order to save trouble, Qin Lie emptied all the rubbish in the trash can.

Finally, he found the beauty killer's bloody clothes in the third trash can.

The beautiful killer immediately ran over to search, and then she turned her pocket upside down, but she still couldn't find her USB flash drive.

"Why not? I've been with me all the time."

The beautiful killer muttered to himself, a little anxious already on his face.

"Don't panic, I'll help you dig through the garbage to see if it fell into it."

Qin Lie comforted the other party, and didn't think that the garbage was dirty, so he rummaged through it a little bit.

Unfortunately, he rummaged through all the rubbish, but still couldn't find the USB flash drive.

"I guess you may have dropped the U disk somewhere."

Qin Lie said.

"Impossible, I always carry it with me."

The beautiful killer did not accept Qin Lie's statement. After a while, she seemed to have thought of something, and then said, "The doctor who performed the operation on me must have taken it away. Take me to the doctor!"


Qin Lie agreed and took the beautiful killer to see the doctor who operated on her last night, but the doctor made it clear that he had never seen any USB flash drives.

"Don't lie to me, return the USB flash drive to me immediately!"

The beautiful killer couldn't accept this fact, and even took out a pistol and aimed it at the doctor.

"I said if you didn't take it, you didn't take it. If you make trouble again, I'll ask Master Fan to come over."

Although the gun was held to the forehead, the doctor was not afraid.

Because his underground clinic was originally designed to treat those who can't see the light, and he had seen a lot of desperadoes. With the protection of Boss Fan, no one dared to touch him.

"Beauty, put down the gun, there is no need for people to take your things."

Qin Lie still believed in this doctor, and quickly persuaded the beauty killer.

The beautiful killer stared at the doctor for a few seconds, and finally put the gun away.

"Why, why did the U disk disappear, why am I so useless."

The beautiful killer muttered to himself as if he had lost his soul, his face full of pain and remorse.

"Beauty, if you lose something, you will lose it. Even if you blame yourself, it's useless. It's better to take good care of your injury first, and then talk about everything after the injury is healed."

Qin Lie looked at the lost beauty killer and comforted.

"What do you know, that U disk was bought by Du Juan with his life, it is more important than my life!"

The beauty killer shouted fiercely.

"Why are you mad at me, I didn't lose it to you."

Qin Lie replied rather speechlessly, he found that this woman was really moody.

This is also thanks to her good temper. If it were another person, I'm afraid she would have been sent to the government long ago.

Being reprimanded by Qin Lie like this, the beauty killer immediately reacted that his attitude was a bit bad.

After taking a deep breath and forcibly calming himself down, the beautiful killer once again gave Qin Lie a humility.

"I'm sorry, I didn't control my emotions just now, please forgive me."

"Okay, I'm not that small, you should go back to the ward and rest for a while."

Qin Lie waved his hand and said nothing more.

The beautiful killer knew that it was impossible to retrieve the USB flash drive no matter how much he said at this time, so he went back to the ward first.

In the ward, the steamed buns and porridge bought by Qin Lie were cold, but he didn't waste it, so he just ate it.

After he was full, he looked at the beauty killer: "Beauty, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

"No, I have no appetite."

The beautiful killer shook his head, his eyes kept staring out the window, his face was reminiscent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Why don't you eat, wait, I'll buy you something to eat."

Qin Lie knew that the other party was only in a bad mood, so he left the ward after telling her.

Considering that the other party is a sick patient, and taking care of her body is the key, Qin Lie packed her a piece of lean meat porridge, a piece of chicken soup, and then bought some fruit and nutritional supplements before returning to the ward.

"You eat this porridge and chicken soup while it's hot. I'll leave first if I have something to do, and I'll see you in the afternoon."

Qin Lie said after putting things down.

Today, Su Xiaoxiao and sisters are leaving Longcheng to go to Star City to record the show. He promised yesterday that he would send them to the airport. Naturally, he could not break his promise.

"Well, let's go."

The beautiful killer regained his cold look and did not hold back Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was about to leave when he suddenly remembered that he didn't even know the other person's name, so he turned back.

"Beauty, my name is Qin Lie, can you tell me your name?"

Qin Lie asked.

"My name is Mu Bingyun."

The beauty killer hesitated for a while but told Qin Lie his name.

"Mu Bingyun? This name is quite suitable for you."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

This beautiful killer is an iceberg beauty, but it fits her name 'Bingyun' very well.

"I will repay your life-saving grace if I have a chance, but don't reveal to anyone that you know me, so as not to cause you death."

Mu Bingyun said again.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's curiosity couldn't help being hooked up again.

"Beauty, take the liberty to ask, are you a killer?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't know, or it will only hurt you."

Mu Bingyun did not respond positively, and her expression returned to indifference again.

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