"Okay, okay, when I didn't say anything."

Qin Lie was almost certain that Mu Bingyun was a killer, and it was understandable that the other party didn't want to reveal too much information about him.

"Then I'll go first, and I'll see you in the afternoon."

After saying goodbye to Mu Bingyun, Qin Lie left the hospital.

When he returned to Ye Yuqing's villa, little sister Su Xiaoxiao had already packed her luggage.

After a brief chat, Qin Lie took the two sisters into the car.

"Hey, Brother Qin, whose USB flash drive is this?"

Su Xiaoxiao, who had just got into the car, felt that there was something under her feet. When she picked it up, it turned out to be a USB flash drive, so she asked Qin Lie.

"its mine."

Qin Lie quickly took over the USB flash drive.

Just a glance at Qin Lie confirmed that this must be the USB flash drive that Mu Bingyun was looking for.

He thought that Mu Bingyun had fallen somewhere else, but he didn't expect it to fall into the car. No wonder they turned the trash can upside down and couldn't find it.

However, Qin Lie put away the USB flash drive because he had to take Sister Su to the airport.

Forty minutes later, Qin Lie arrived at the airport.

After saying goodbye for a while, the little sisters Su Xiao finally boarded the plane.

Qin Lie waited for the plane to take off and drove directly back to the underground clinic.

However, when I opened the door, there was no one in the room, and the quilts were neatly folded.

"Nurse, what about the people in Ward 6?"

Qin Lie hurriedly came to the nurse's desk and asked.

"She's gone."

The little nurse replied.

"Gone? When did she leave? Do you know where she went?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"About an hour and a half ago, she was picked up by a beautiful woman. I don't know where she went. But before she leaves, let me tell you, she will repay you for saving your life if there is a chance."

The little nurse replied.

"Then did she leave any contact information or something?"

Qin Lie continued.


The little nurse immediately shook her head.

"Okay, I got it, thank you."

Qin Lie originally wanted to return the USB flash drive to the other party, but now that he is done, the person left without saying a word, which made Qin Lie a little angry.

But on second thought, Mu Bingyun was a killer, and it was obvious that she had just committed a crime in Longcheng. Maybe she didn't want to get involved with herself to avoid bringing disaster to herself.

Qin Lie did not continue to struggle with this matter, and was about to drive to find Ye Yuqing, who knew that Ye Yuqing had already called her.

"Qin Lie, where are you now, come to our company quickly!"

Ye Yuqing said eagerly.

"I was about to find you, what's the matter, what happened?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"Don't ask, just come and talk."

After Ye Yuqing said this, she hung up the phone.

Qin Lie suppressed his curiosity and drove to Ye Yuqing's company.

After pushing the door open and entering Ye Yuqing's office, Qin Lie was about to ask Ye Yuqing what she was looking for, when she found that there was a gray-haired woman in her fifties or sixties in the office, and Ye Yuqing was chatting with the woman enthusiastically. .

"Xiaolie, you are finally here."

Seeing Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing was instantly overjoyed.

She got up quickly and pulled Qin Lie to the woman.

"Xiaolie, do you know who she is?"

Ye Yuqing pointed at the woman.

"How do I know that?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said, not to mention knowing him, he had never seen this woman before.

"She is your mother!"

Ye Yuqing didn't sell any more, and quickly announced the woman's identity.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's body froze at first, then as if he didn't hear clearly, he quickly asked again, "Who do you think she is?"

"She is your mother, your biological mother!"

Ye Yuqing repeated.

"Sister, are you kidding me?"

Qin Lie asked in disbelief.

"I'm not kidding you. She is your biological mother. This is the paternity test report."

Ye Yuqing said and handed the paternity test report to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie glanced at the report, and at the end, Hao Ran covered a red seal with the words "Confirmation"!

"Aunt, he is your blood and blood that has been lost for many years."

At the same time, Ye Yuqing also introduced Qin Lie to the old woman.

"My son, Mom has found you!"

The old woman stepped forward, hugged Qin Lie who was stiff in place, and burst into tears.

Because of the lack of parental care since childhood, Qin Lie has always hated his biological parents and regarded them as enemies.

However, at the moment when the old woman burst into tears, all the hatred in Qin Lie's heart instantly vanished, leaving only the excitement of reuniting with her family.

Twenty-six years, a full twenty-six years, he has been living a fatherless life, he never thought that one day he would be able to see his biological parents.

So at this moment, he actually gave birth to a feeling like a dream.

The old woman hugged Qin Lie and continued to cry. After nearly half an hour, the old woman's mood gradually stabilized.

"Son, I'm sorry, everything is Mom's fault. If Mom didn't lose you back then, you wouldn't have suffered for so many years."

The old woman wiped away her tears and said full of self-blame.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened that year?"

Qin Lie looked at the old woman and asked.

"Back then, I took you to the street to buy vegetables, but because of my mother's carelessness, a trafficker stole you. In order to find you, my mother posted missing people everywhere and advertised in newspapers, but there was never any news of you. "

"Mom originally thought that I would never see you again in this life. I didn't expect that God has eyes, so that I can find you in my lifetime. Mom can close her eyes even if she dies now."

The old woman said excitedly.

"Damn human traffickers!"

After learning that he was not abandoned by his parents, but stolen by human traffickers, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart.

Because of these inhuman traffickers, he always felt inferior when he was a child, and he didn't know how many cold-eyed ridicule he suffered.

If he was asked to find the trafficker who stole him back then, he would definitely kill him.

"It's all your mother's fault. If I could take good care of you back then, I wouldn't let the traffickers steal you. As long as you can forgive your mother, you won't blame you for hitting me and scolding my mother."

The old woman continued with tears in her eyes.

"Aunt, what you said, I can't blame you for what happened back then, but those traffickers are so hateful, isn't it Qin Lie."

Ye Yuqing hurriedly interjected, and at the same time gave Qin Lie a wink.

"Well." Qin Lie nodded, then looked at the old woman and said, "I don't blame you for this, and you don't have to blame yourself too much."

The former Qin Lie really regarded his biological parents as enemies, and even secretly swore that even if they found him in the future, he would never forgive them.

But it wasn't until now that he realized that, in his heart, he had always been very eager to find his biological parents to make up for his biggest regret.

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