Qin Lie knows very well that it is immoral to view the contents of the USB flash drive without the owner's permission.

But if he didn't watch it, it would be like a bug in his heart, which made him feel unbearable all the time. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep well at night.

After a while, Qin Lie finally decided to open the USB flash drive to have a look.

"My main purpose is to find Mu Bingyun's contact information from the inside. This can't be regarded as a sneak peek."

Qin Lie explained to himself like this, and he quickly calmed down.

"Sister Yuqing, you go take a shower first, and I'll see what's in this USB flash drive."

After Qin Lie told Ye Yuqing, he was about to go to the study next door.

"Wait a minute." Ye Yuqing stopped Qin Lie immediately, "Listen to what you mean, isn't this USB flash drive yours?"

"No, I picked it up."

Qin Lie casually found a reason.

"Pick it up? Where did you pick it up?"

Ye Yuqing continued to ask.

"I picked it up when I went out to eat yesterday."

Qin Lie didn't want to reveal the story of the female killer, so he lied again.

"Let's go, I'll see what's in here with you."

Ye Yuqing did not rush to take a shower, and followed Qin Lie to the study next door.

After inserting the USB flash drive into the computer, a dialog box popped up on the computer screen, asking whether to start it immediately, Qin Lie didn't think much, and just clicked the start button.

However, what Qin Lie never expected was that the next second, the computer screen went black. Before he could react to what was going on, a large group of cartoon characters in the shape of little devils began to scramble on the screen.

"Damn, why is this horse riding a computer virus!"

Looking at the little demons who kept making laughs, Qin Lie was immediately stunned.

"You quickly pull out the U disk."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuqing hurriedly urged.

Qin Lie didn't hesitate and quickly unplugged the USB flash drive, but the computer didn't change. No matter what he clicked, there was no response, and he couldn't even turn off the computer.

In the end, Qin Lie had no choice but to unplug the power cord, and those little demons who mocked him disappeared from sight.

"It's all your fault, looking at other people's things, it's alright, you broke my computer."

Ye Yuqing glared at Qin Lie angrily.

"It's not all my fault. I don't know if it's a computer virus."

Qin Lie replied with a wry smile.

He originally wanted to spy on the secret of the USB flash drive, but now it's better. He didn't see the secret, and the computer turned into a brick.

"Tomorrow, hurry up and find someone to fix my phone. If you can't fix it, you won't even want to go to my mother's bed for a month."

Ye Yuqing shouted again.

There is a lot of important business information stored in this computer. If it is gone, Ye Yuqing will have to spend a lot of time to rearrange it.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the computer tomorrow."

Qin Lie hurriedly responded.

He himself only knows a little bit of computer technology. Right now, the computer is poisoned, and he has no ability to fix it. He can only find a few computer experts for help tomorrow.

"Come on, go home and sleep."

Ye Yuqing didn't blame Qin Lie anymore. After all, it was a done deal, and even if she beat Qin Lie, she couldn't change the fact that her computer had turned into a brick.

After returning to the bedroom, Qin Lie quickly forgot about the computer poisoning, picked up Ye Yuqing and entered the bathroom.

In a short while, the two of them played an adult game naked.


At this time, in an old community outside the Fourth Ring Road of Longcheng, Mu Bingyun was quickly typing on the keyboard and communicating with her organization through the dark web.

Suddenly, a small red dot flashed in the corner of her computer.

Seeing this red dot, Mu Bingyun's complexion suddenly changed.

"Seven kills, I found the USB flash drive!"

Mu Bingyun immediately shouted at a man behind him who was playing with the butterfly knife with a cynical expression.

Hearing these words, Qi Sha's face turned straight, and he went straight to Mu Bingyun's side.

"Where is the USB drive?"

Seven Kills asked quickly.

"Don't worry, I'll lock the position first."

Mu Bingyun clicked on the red dot, and then entered a line of code on the pop-up page. As the code started to run, it finally locked Ye Yuqing's mansion in the Palm Springs community.

"found it!"

After seeing the exact location, Mu Bingyun was instantly overjoyed.

The computer virus was implanted in the USB flash drive, which she specially reserved, so that if the USB flash drive was taken away by someone else, she could still find a way to get it back.

Now that the location of the USB flash drive has been locked, she didn't waste any more time, she called the man beside her and acted immediately.


After an hour of cloud and rain, Ye Yuqing and Qin Lie fell asleep leaning on each other.

As the saying goes, he thinks every day and has dreams at night. Qin Lie in his sleep dreamed that he was back in his childhood. At this time, he had the care of his parents and lived a carefree life.

However, one day, a masked man suddenly appeared and forcibly took him away from his parents, saying that he would cut off his legs and turn him into a beggar.


The scared Qin Lie shouted and woke up suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yuqing, who was sleeping next to Qin Lie, was awakened at the same time, and she quickly turned on the light and asked.

"It's okay, I had a nightmare."

Qin Lie touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said.

"Don't be afraid, there is a sister to protect you."

Ye Yuqing laughed and joked.

"Stop talking, go to sleep now."

Qin Lie didn't continue chatting with Ye Yuqing, hugged her and fell asleep again.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a rustling sound in his ears.

He was wondering what was going on, when a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, and at the same time a dagger with a cold light was placed on his neck.

"Don't talk, or I'll kill you."

The shadow coldly threatened.

"Okay, I won't speak."

Qin Lie quickly replied.

"Turn on the lights."

Shadow continued.

Qin Lie didn't dare to disobey the other party's wishes, and quickly turned on the light.

When the lights came on, the shadow and Qin Lie were stunned for a moment.

"Beauty, you didn't come to kill me, did you? I didn't say anything."

Qin Lie looked at the humane in front of him, dumbfounded.

Although this person was wearing a hat and covered his face with a mask, Qin Lie recognized at a glance that she was that beautiful killer, Mu Bingyun!

"Why are you here?"

Mu Bingyun asked with a frown.

She came to find a USB flash drive, and she never expected to meet Qin Lie here.

"This is my house, what do you say I'm here?"

Qin Lie asked helplessly.

"your home?"

Hearing this, Mu Bingyun frowned again.

Soon she seemed to understand something, and there was a hint of anger on her face.

"Why are you lying to me!"

Mu Bingyun asked sharply.

"No, what did I lie to you?"

Qin Lie asked blankly, not understanding what Mu Bingyun meant at all.

"Didn't you say you didn't take my USB flash drive, why is it in your hands!"

Mu Bingyun questioned again, what she hated most was being deceived.

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