"You said that U disk, listen to my explanation, I didn't lie to you, I found the U disk in the back of my car, I wanted to give it back to you, but when I went to the clinic in the afternoon, you had already Leave without saying goodbye.”

"I really had no choice, so I plugged the USB flash drive into the computer, and wanted to see if I could find your contact information. Who knew that there was a Trojan horse virus in your USB flash drive, and he took all my computer. broken."

Qin Lie explained innocently.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Mu Bingyun's anger dissipated.

She originally thought that Qin Lie was deliberately deceiving herself, but now it seemed that she had clearly misunderstood him.

"Did you really find the USB stick in the back seat of the car?"

Although he already had the answer in his heart, Mu Bingyun asked again.

"If I lie to you, I won't have a son!"

Qin Lie took a poisonous oath on the spot.

At the same time, Ye Yuqing, who was already sleeping, was also awakened.

"Qin Lie, why don't you sleep?"

Ye Yuqing opened her eyes and asked in a daze.

However, when she saw that there was an extra person in their bedroom, and she was holding a knife, Ye Yuqing woke up instantly as if a basin of ice water had been poured on her head.

"Qin Lie, who is she?"

Ye Yuqing hurriedly hugged Qin Lie's arm and asked very nervously.

"Don't be afraid, she is the owner of the USB flash drive."

Qin Lie quickly explained.

"Sorry, I was the one who blamed you."

After confirming that Qin Lie did not steal his USB flash drive, Mu Bingyun put away the dagger.

"Give me back the USB flash drive. It's useless for you to keep that thing, but it may bring you disaster."

Mu Bingyun said again.

Her words are not alarmist, but tell the truth, if someone else in the organization came to get the USB flash drive, Qin Lie might have turned into a corpse.

"it is good."

Qin Lie didn't plan to keep the USB flash drive, so he readily agreed.

"Sister Yuqing, wait for me for a while, I'll go get him the USB flash drive."

After speaking to Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie got up and got out of bed.

"Put your clothes on."

Seeing that Qin Lie was only wearing one underwear, Mu Bingyun immediately turned her head to one side.

"Forgot, sorry."

Qin Lie smiled shyly, and quickly put on a pair of pants.

Then Qin Lie took Mu Bingyun to the next room, where the USB flash drive was still on the table.

After getting the USB flash drive, Mu Bingyun glanced at it first, and after confirming that it was her own USB flash drive, she breathed a sigh of relief.

For this USB flash drive, her best sister had put her life in it. If she lost it, she could really apologize to her death.

"I'm leaving first, and there will be an appointment later."

After saying those words, Mu Bingyun was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Qin Lie stopped her quickly, "Do you know how to fix a computer, can you help me fix it?"

After a little hesitation, Mu Bingyun decided to help Qin Lie.

She walked to the computer, plugged it back in, and turned it on. The computer screen was the same as before, full of little devil viruses.

However, Mu Bingyun just typed a few lines of code, and the computer returned to normal.

"Brilliant, your computer skills are definitely at the level of a god. You said how good it is for you to find a serious job. If you have to be a killer, isn't this self-destructing your life?"

Qin Lie said casually.

"I don't need you to tell me what I do."

Mu Bingyun replied coldly.

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Seeing that Mu Bingyun was angry, Qin Lie quickly shut up.

"What's the matter, why did it take so long to get a USB flash drive?"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded, and then the seven killings who couldn't wait came in from the door.

Seeing the Seven Kills, Qin Lie's eyes flashed with surprise.

You know, he has always claimed to be a handsome guy, but compared with the man in front of him, he immediately felt a sense of shame.

This person's sword eyebrows and star eyes, jade trees facing the wind, dark and deep eyes, with a hint of melancholy, the slightly raised corners of the mouth give people a wild and unruly evil charm, a slight smile, can definitely fascinate a large number of ignorant girls.

"Why did you come here?"

Mu Bingyun asked back.

"I'm not worried that you have an accident, just come and have a look."

Seven Kills smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, everything is going well, we can go."

Mu Bingyun gave a reply and was about to leave.

"Don't worry, I'll have a chat with him."

Qi Sha said, and walked towards Qin Lie.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Mu Bingyun immediately blocked Qin Lie.

"Hey, why are you so nervous, the two of you won't have a leg, will you?"

Seven Kills asked with a playful look on his face.

"Shut up for me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Mu Bingyun shouted sharply.

"Haha, don't be angry, I'm just joking."

Qi Sha laughed loudly, slashed Qin Lie first, then glanced at Mu Bingyun, and said meaningfully, "But to be honest, I'm still curious about the relationship between the two of you, this is the first time I've seen each other. until you care so much about a man."

"He's my savior, that's all."

Mu Bingyun replied coldly.

"It turns out that he rescued you. I thought you were so moved to raise a man outside."

Hearing this, Seven Kills suddenly realized.

"Seven kills, I will warn you one last time, if you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

Mu Bingyun's voice was icy cold, and there was even a chill in her body.

"Don't be so serious, I'm just joking."

Seven Kills continued to say with a hippie smile.

However, Mu Bingyun still had an ice-cold look, and had the intention of taking action if there was a disagreement.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I won't say it anymore."

In order to prevent Mu Bingyun from getting really angry, Seven Kills took the initiative to admit it.

Then Qisha turned his attention to Qin Lie again.

"Brother, have you read the contents of the USB flash drive?"

Seven Kills asked indifferently.

"No, I didn't see anything."

Qin Lie quickly denied it.

"It's better. If you let me know you lied to me, I promise everyone in this room will die."

There was a smile on the corner of Qisha's mouth, but his smile did not have any warmth, but instead gave people a sense of fear of being targeted by the devil.

"I don't care who you are, and I'm not interested in knowing what you want to do, but don't think that I'm a soft persimmon that can be handled by you. It really annoys me, I'm a big deal with you."

Qin Lie replied sternly.

As the saying goes, the clay figurine still has three points of anger. This guy didn't take himself seriously when he talked and behaved, which made Qin Lie feel a little anger in his heart.

So, even though he knew that this guy should be easy to mess with, his dignity did not allow him to bow down.

He would rather die standing than live on his knees, this is his life creed!

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