At about 6:10, Wang Congcong called Qin Lie, and he set off for the Qianda Hotel.

Originally, he wanted to bring Ye Yuqing, but Ye Yuqing had another party tonight, so Qin Lie had to come alone.

When he arrived at Wang Congcong's exclusive box, Chen Dingsheng and others came, and the wine table was even more filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Nowadays, everyone is on the same boat, and there is no politeness to each other. As soon as everyone arrives, they immediately open the table and push the cup to change.

After drinking three dishes and five flavors, Wang Congcong told everyone about his changed investment plan in detail. In order to prevent everyone from not understanding, he also printed a few paper documents.

Except for giving Wang Congcong some opinions, Qin Lie and the others didn't point fingers and gave Wang Congcong full trust.

After eating and drinking, it was natural time for entertainment. Wang Congcong called ten fair-skinned and beautiful girls into the box to sing and dance with them. Qin Lie found that two of them were still actors, but they were only third- and fourth-tier actors.

Although Qin Lie never claimed to be a gentleman, he did not take advantage of it.

And Chen Dingsheng and the others are not so self-disciplined, and they move from time to time in the name of singing and dancing.

However, these girls are obviously accustomed to this kind of occasion, and they did not resist or show any displeasure, and some even took the initiative to send a secret message to Chen Dingsheng, the billionaire boss.

After all, if they can come out to accompany the wine, their own family conditions will not be very good. If they can get close to Chen Dingsheng, they will definitely immediately turn the pheasant into a phoenix and ascend to the sky in one step!

What's more, any one here is a super rich second generation, who doesn't have tens of billions? For these girls, this is an opportunity to step into a wealthy family and change their fate. They cherish what is too late, but no one will pretend to be innocent.

"Brothers, you drink first. I'm too old to drink, so I went back to sleep first."

Chen Dingsheng faced Qin Lie with a drunk look.

"Okay, then, Brother Chen, walk slowly."

Qin Lie knew very well that Chen Dingsheng wanted to go to cultivate the land, but he just couldn't tell.

"Xiao Qi, help me upstairs, I can't walk steadily."

Chen Dingsheng then said to Qi Ying beside him.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Hearing Chen Dingsheng's words, Qi Ying was instantly overjoyed.

You must know that she has been in the entertainment industry for four years. She has participated in at least 20 or 30 film and television works, but basically they are all three women and four women, not to mention the heroine, even the second female lead. She has only acted twice, and they are all small-budget online big movies, so that she is still tepid until now.

But if she can win Chen Dingsheng's favor and let Chen Dingsheng invest in a few movies to support her, she might be popular, and money and fame and fortune will not come soon.

As for selling her body in exchange for her future, it doesn't matter to Qi Ying at all, as long as she can become popular, as long as she can become a big star, it doesn't matter if she gets shot every day.

Soon, Qi Ying stroked the 'drunk' Chen Dingsheng and left, but the laughter and laughter in the box did not stop, and the fortune became more open.


Qin Lie was really drinking when the phone rang suddenly.

Qin Lie couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that it was Ye Yuqing.

"Hey, Sister Yuqing, is there anything wrong with you calling me?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

"You come to Yunyi Guild Hall to pick me up now."

Ye Yuqing said directly.

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Qin Lie agreed immediately.

"I'll wait for you, come here quickly."

After Ye Yuqing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Cong Cong, Sister Yuqing asked me to pick her up, I'll go first."

Qin Lie said to Wang Congcong.

"Do you need me to send someone to see you?"

Wang Congcong asked quickly.

"No, I'll just go downstairs and call a chauffeur later."

Qin Lie declined.

"Then slow down and pay attention to safety."

Hearing this, Wang Congcong did not insist any longer.

Outside the hotel, many chauffeurs were waiting for work. Qin Lie found one at random and drove his own car to Yunyi Club.

In the afternoon, when Qin Lie went to Ye Yuqing's company, Ye Yuqing told him that the place where he was socializing tonight was Yunyi Club, which is a high-end private club. Members who are not here are not allowed to enter.

So, no surprise, Qin Lie was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"Brother, I already said, I'm here to pick up my friend, so you can't be accommodating?"

Qin Lie reluctantly discussed with the security guard.

"Brother, don't embarrass us. We are part-time workers. If you let us in, we will not only be fined, but even lose our jobs."

The security refused Qin Lie with a bitter face.

"Okay, I'm not going in."

Qin Lie knew very well that the security guards were just doing their job, and they were very polite, so Qin Lie didn't break in.

After all, he was born in poverty, and he knew how difficult it was for the bottom-level people to make money.

Qin Lie then took out his mobile phone and dialed Ye Yuqing's.

The phone went through, but was directly hung up.

Qin Lie then dialed again, and the voice prompted Ye Yuqing's phone to be turned off.

You know, it was Ye Yuqing who asked him to pick her up, but now he doesn't answer his phone, and even turned off his phone.

"Please let me go, I have to go in today."

Qin Lie looked at the security guard again.

"Brother, don't make it difficult for us, I still rely on this job to support my family."

The security guard replied with a bitter look on his face. He had seen his former colleague be fined and fired, so he would rather be beaten by Qin Lie than let Qin Lie go in against the rules of the club.

Qin Lie frowned, and without wasting any more time, he forced his way into the clubhouse.

Seeing this, the security could only stop Qin Lie again.

But they were just ordinary people, Qin Lie knocked them to the ground with just two strokes.

"Don't stop me, I will naturally make up for your losses when I come out."

After dropping this sentence, Qin Lie entered the clubhouse.

The two security guards knew that they did not have the ability to stop Qin Lie, so they could only report the matter to the security captain through the walkie-talkie.

After entering the clubhouse, Qin Lie searched for Ye Yuqing from room to room, but it was too slow to do so, and he quickly gave up.

Qin Lie was just about to ask a staff member here, when he happened to meet the security captain Lu Yiqun and rushed over.

"Captain, he was the one who forced his way in just now."

A security guard who was just beaten by Qin Lie at the door hurriedly pointed at Qin Lie and shouted.

"Bring him to me!"

No matter what Qin Lie was doing, Lu Yiqun directly gave the order to do it.

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