Seeing the security guard rushing towards him, Qin Lie didn't waste his words explaining, and moved his hand directly.

These security guards are just ordinary people, and no one is Qin Lie's enemy. In just a few seconds, the five security guards are all lying on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yiqun was dumbfounded.

"Have you seen her?"

Qin Lie didn't care about Lu Yiqun's feelings, he walked to him step by step, took out the photo of Ye Yuqing saved in his mobile phone, and put it in front of Lu Yiqun and asked.

"No...I haven't seen it."

Lu Yiqun replied nervously, but his evasive expression undoubtedly proved that he was lying!

Qin Lie couldn't help but grabbed Lu Yiqun's collar very roughly.

"Where is she?"

Qin Lie asked coldly.

"Boy, let me tell you, the owner of this club is Mr. Du Yuheng. If you dare to make trouble here, Mr. Du will definitely not let you go."

Lu Yiqun swallowed his spit and shouted sternly.

"I'll ask you one last time, where is she!"

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed, his icy gaze seemed to be staring at death, causing Lu Yiqun's body to tremble uncontrollably.

He had a feeling that if he didn't answer Qin Lie's question, Qin Lie would really kill him!

But if he dared to say this, he would also have bad luck.

For a time, Lu Yiqun couldn't help but be in a dilemma.

Seeing that Lu Yiqun was so uncooperative, Qin Lie, exhausted of his patience, grabbed Lu Yiqun's arm and twisted it suddenly.


With a crisp sound, Lu Yiqun's left arm suddenly turned into a twist.

"In ten seconds, if you haven't answered my question, you'll be in more pain than death."

The icy voice was like a death knell, instantly defeating all Lu Yiqun's will to resist.

"I said, I said, this woman was taken to the bedroom on the third floor by President Du."

In Lu Yiqun's eyes, Qin Lie is a cold-blooded killer, he would rather be revenge by Du Yuheng later than dare to anger Qin Lie.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's heart tightened.

"Take me there immediately!"

Qin Lie shouted sharply.

Lu Yiqun did not dare to disobey Qin Lie's wishes, and quickly led the way. In less than three minutes, they came to the front of the room closest to the third floor.

Qin Lie didn't knock on the door, just raised his leg to face the wooden door.


The wooden door was kicked open instantly.

Looking at everything in the house, Qin Lie's eyes were split instantly.

I saw Ye Yuqing lying on the bed wearing only a pair of underwear, obviously unconscious.

And by the bed were candles, leather whips, ropes, and various other tools that were obviously used for sex.

In addition, there was a young man who was taking a photo of Ye Yuqing with a digital camera.


Qin Lie roared, like a beast out of control, and appeared in front of the young man in an instant.

"Who the fuck are you? Get out of here."

Looking at Qin Lie who came in, the arrogant Du Yuheng wanted to scold him, but Qin Lie's iron fist responded.


The screams sounded, Du Yuheng's nose was broken by Qin Lie's punch, and his nose bleeds!

But this was just the beginning, Qin Lie's fists rained down on his face one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Du Yuheng was beaten into a pig's head.

However, Qin Lie felt frustrated with his fists, and kicked him violently. The last kick directly hit Du Yuheng's tool for committing crimes.

Hearing a shrill scream, Du Yuheng passed out on the spot, and there was no sound.

Qin Lie didn't care about Du Yuheng's life or death, and quickly came to the bedside.

He could see at a glance that Ye Yuqing should have been drugged, so he was at the mercy of others.

This is also thanks to his early arrival. If he came a step later, Ye Yuqing would have been stained by this beast.

"Sister Yuqing, sister Yuqing."

Qin Lie tried to call Ye Yuqing's name twice, but got no response, she was still unconscious.

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, and quickly helped Ye Yuqing get dressed again.

Then Qin Lie picked up the digital camera on the ground and carried Ye Yuqing downstairs.

When he was about to get to the door, Qin Lie met the security guard who had just been beaten by him.

"Give me your bank card."

Qin Lie shouted at the security guard.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The security guard asked tremblingly. After seeing Qin Lie's strength with his own eyes, he no longer had the courage to do anything.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Lie replied pretending to be impatient.

After hesitating for a while, the security guard still took out his wallet from his pocket, then took out a bank card and handed it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie held Ye Yuqing with one hand, and quickly entered the bank card number on the phone with the other hand, and transferred 500,000 yuan.

"I transferred 500,000 yuan to you, and each of the five of you will share 100,000 yuan, which is my compensation to you."

He is almost certain that because of his actions, these people are expected to lose their jobs, and it is reasonable for him to give these people some compensation.

"Thank you."

Hearing this, the security guard couldn't help being a little flattered. Qin Lie, who was like a demon in his heart, suddenly turned into a glorious saint.

But Qin Lie didn't communicate with the security any more, and returned to his car with Ye Yuqing in his arms.

"Drive to the Palm Springs community."

Qin Lie said to the chauffeur who had been waiting in the car, and the price left here immediately.

It wasn't until Qin Lie left for several minutes that Lu Yiqun, whose legs were all soft, returned to normal.

He ran to Du Yuheng first and found that Du Yuheng hadn't been beaten to death, and then he let go of his dangling heart.

Then Lu Yiqun called the emergency number, and then ran non-stop to the largest box on the first floor.

At this time, a private reception is being held here.

Not many people participated, but they were all celebrities from all walks of life in Longcheng.

After Lu Yiqun glanced at the crowd, he came to one of the middle-aged men.

And this person is Du Yuheng's father Du Kanghua.

"Mr. Du, it's not good, Mr. Du was beaten."

Lu Yiqun said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Who dares to hit my son?"

Hearing this, Du Kanghua was instantly furious.

"Mr. Du, just now Mr. Du brought a woman to the bedroom on the third floor, but who knows..."

Lu Yiqun didn't dare to hide it, so he quickly attached to Du Kanghua's ear and briefly recounted what had just happened.

"This worthless thing! Take me to see him immediately!"

Du Kanghua shouted angrily, and he didn't care about drinking anymore, and quickly came to the bedroom on the third floor.

Du Kanghua was even more furious when he saw that his son was beaten with blood on his face and only half his life left.

"Find out the identity of the murderer for me immediately, and I want him to pay for it with blood!"

Du Kanghua knew that it was his son's fault first, but if his son was wrong, he was his son, but now he was beaten like this. cost!

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