"Junyu, why are you so rude, can't you say hello to your brother first?"

Yang Cuifeng stopped Yang Junyu and shouted angrily.

"Wait when I get back."

Yang Junyu didn't take Yang Cuifeng's words seriously, and left these words behind and rode on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle parked not far away.

Boom boom boom.

With a roar, the Harley-Davidson drove away.

"Xiaolie, don't be angry. Your brother has spoiled me. I really don't understand politeness at all."

Yang Cuifeng said to Qin Lie helplessly.

"It's all right."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

Even though Yang Junyu was his own younger brother, the two of them hadn't seen each other for more than 12 years, and they were no different from strangers. It was normal for the other party to have a bad attitude towards him.

"By the way, Aunt Yang, take the liberty to ask, what does Junyu do?"

Qin Lie asked casually.

The one that Yang Junyu drove just now was a Harley-Davidson. The official price was more than 300,000 yuan, which was more expensive than an entry-level Mercedes-Benz. It was not something that ordinary people could afford.

"Before, I asked him to find a few jobs for him, but he spent three days fishing for two days, and he was fired after a while. In the past two months, he was either playing games at home, or going out with himself. A bunch of fox friends fooling around, they're almost mad at me."

Yang Cuifeng said that she hated that iron is not steel.

Just now, Yang Junyu was dressed very fashionably, and he was driving a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, so he looked like a handsome man.

However, the fact is that he is an old man, which makes Qin Lie feel a trace of contempt in his heart.

"Aunt Yang, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. You dote on him a little too much, which means you are indirectly hurting him. And I personally think that with your family conditions, there is really no need to buy him a Harley motorcycle of hundreds of thousands of dollars. , it is better to buy a car if you have that money.”

Qin Lie thought for a while, but still spoke his true thoughts.

From the fact that they live in such an old community, it is enough to see that Yang Cuifeng's family is not very good, but it is obviously a bit extravagant to buy more than 300,000 Harleys for his son.

"You mean Junyu paid hundreds of thousands for that motorcycle just now?"

Yang Cuifeng opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the current price should be around 350,000."

Qin Lie replied.

"This pervert, he didn't even tell me that he bought such an expensive car!"

Of course, Yang Cuifeng saw that Harley-Davidson motorcycle, but in her opinion, a motorcycle is worth tens of millions at most, and the most expensive is no more than 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. She never thought that it would be more expensive than a car.

Yang Cuifeng quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Junyu's mobile number.

Soon the phone was connected.

"Hey, Junyu, where did you get the money for the motorcycle?"

Yang Cuifeng asked immediately.

"I'll tell you when I get back."

Yang Junyu replied impatiently.

"No, you must tell me now."

Yang Cuifeng continued.

"No time, hang up."

After Yang Junyu said this, he hung up the phone, showing no respect for his mother at all.

Yang Cuifeng called again, but Yang Junyu didn't answer for a while.

"What kind of sin did I do to give birth to such a bad boy, I will be mad at him one day sooner or later!"

Yang Cuifeng beat her chest and feet, her face full of grief.

"Don't be angry. Talk to him after he comes back. If he is still disobedient, you will cut off his source of income, and he will naturally look for a job at that time."

Qin Lie comforted Yang Cuifeng and said.

Like Yang Junyu, he has seen a few idlers like Yang Junyu. After all, they are all spoiled at home.

If they can't be reformed in time, they will become social assholes, and sooner or later they will go to prison.

"Well, I will definitely not be used to him in the future, I will not give him a dime again!"

Yang Cuifeng nodded immediately and said, she knew what Qin Lie said was reasonable, and she really couldn't be so used to Yang Junyu anymore.

"Let's go, go upstairs first, and Mom will cook for you."

Yang Cuifeng didn't sully anymore, and took Qin Lie upstairs.

There are six floors in this building. Yang Cuifeng's house is on the fifth floor. Because it is an old community, there is not even an elevator. Qin Lie and the others can only take the stairs.

After reaching the fifth floor, Yang Cuifeng took out the key and opened the door.

"I go!"

At the moment when the door opened, a pungent stench hit his face, Qin Lie covered his mouth and nose directly, and his stomach turned upside down.

"This dead boy."

Smelling the stench in the house, Yang Cuifeng was also very angry, and quickly ran into the house and opened the window.

Qin Lie stood at the door and glanced at it. The small living room was filled with all kinds of domestic garbage, including cigarette butts, empty wine bottles, instant noodle boxes, unfinished takeaways, and smelly socks on the ground. The nest is not much stronger.

"Xiaolie, wait outside for a while, and I'll clean up the house first."

Yang Cuifeng couldn't care less about being angry at this time, and hurriedly packed up the house.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qin Lie himself would not have believed that Yang Junyu, who was handsome and handsome, was so sloppy in private. He didn't even know how the other party lived in this pile of garbage.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to wait for Yang Cuifeng to clean up the house before going in, but after thinking about it, he went in to help.

It took the two of them twenty minutes to tidy up the house, and as the air in the house began to circulate, the sour smell slowly dissipated.

"Xiao Lie, I'm so sorry to make you see a joke."

At this time, Yang Cuifeng was also embarrassed. She didn't expect that she would be taken out of the pig's nest after going out for a few days.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Qin Lie could only pretend to be calm at this time, but he didn't say anything nasty.

Yang Cuifeng opened the refrigerator and glanced at it. The vegetables in the refrigerator were damaged. She was even more embarrassed to cook at home, so she directly called Qin Lie to eat at a small restaurant outside.

After returning home after dinner, Yang Cuifeng quickly cleaned up Yang Junyu's room.

Although his room was slightly cleaner than the living room, there was also a lot of garbage.

After cleaning up the room, Yang Cuifeng said to Qin Lie, "Xiao Lie, lie down in Junyu's room and rest for a while."

"No, I'm not sleepy."

Qin Lie very euphemistically rejected Yang Cuifeng's kindness.

He was born in the countryside, not the kind of person who is particularly particular, and has no cleanliness.

But the key point is that he just saw that there were several useless covers in the bed, and there were some unknown marks on the sheets. Who knows what happened to this bed.

So he would rather spend a day on the sofa than sleep on this bed.

"Okay then, I'll turn on the TV for you, and you can watch it."

Yang Cuifeng didn't know what Qin Lie was thinking, and thought he was really not sleepy, so she turned on the TV and handed the remote control to Qin Lie.

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