Qin Lie used the remote control to change several channels one after another, but it was either a shitty romance drama or a nutritious reality show. He couldn't watch it anymore, so he turned off the TV and started playing mobile games.

As soon as the game started, the time passed quickly, and before I knew it, half a day had passed.

"Xiaolie, just stay at home. I'll go to the vegetable market to buy some food."

Yang Cuifeng got up and said.

"Shall I go with you?"

Qin Lie looked up and asked.

"No, I'll go alone, and I'll be back in a while."

Yang Cuifeng replied, pushing the grocery cart and went out the door.

After the game was over, Qin Lie walked to the balcony and looked out the window.

But unfortunately, apart from the mottled walls and the rows of holly trees, there is nothing to look at.

After standing on the balcony for a few minutes, Qin Lie sat back inside the house.

Bored, Qin Lie was about to swipe his phone for a while when there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Qin Lie thought it was Yang Cuifeng who went out without the key, so he walked over and opened the door.

However, standing at the door were two burly men.

"Where's Yang Junyu? Let him get out."

One of the big men shouted arrogantly towards Qin Lie.

"He's not at home, what do you have to do with him?"

Qin Lie replied.

"Not at home? Do you think Lao Tzu is a fool?"

The strong man didn't believe Qin Lie's words, and went straight into the house, but searched the rooms.

Seeing that Yang Junyu was indeed not at home, the brawny man said: "Boy, tell Yang Junyu that he will prepare the money for my elder brother tomorrow morning. If he can't see the money, my elder brother will chop his hand off!"

After saying this, the two strong men left the Yang family directly, with no intention of staying long.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

He originally thought that Yang Junyu was just an old man who was eating and waiting to die. Now it seems that this guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. The two people were obviously here to collect debts, and he didn't know how much this guy borrowed. Even let people chase the door to collect debts.

Qin Lie was about to close the door when he heard footsteps, and then saw Yang Cuifeng returning from shopping.

"Aunt Yang, did you meet two strong men when you went upstairs just now?"

Qin Lie asked.

"I met, what happened?"

Yang Cuifeng asked in confusion.

"The two people just came to ask Yang Junyu for money. It seems that he owes money to others outside."

Qin Lie told the truth.

"This bastard, he went to borrow usury again, this is obviously going to piss me off!"

The more Yang Cuifeng thought about it, the more angry she became, her anger attacked her heart for a while, her eyes darkened, and she fell to the ground while clutching her chest.

Fortunately, Qin Lie was quick-witted and held her up.

Then Qin Lie helped Yang Cuifeng into the house and pinched her among the people. Only then did Yang Cuifeng slowly wake up.

"What kind of sin did I do to give birth to such an unsatisfactory son."

Yang Cuifeng was heartbroken and wanted to cry without tears!

"Aunt Yang, have a drink."

At this time, Qin Lie didn't know how to comfort Yang Cuifeng, so he could only hand over a glass of water.

Yang Cuifeng took a sip from the glass and put it back on the table.

Yang took out his mobile phone again and dialed Yang Junyu's number, and the prompt "The number you dialed is currently on the phone" soon came from the other end of the phone.

Yang Cuifeng knew that it was her son who hung up the phone. She didn't give up and dialed again, but this time the prompt tone changed to "The phone you dialed has been turned off".

The anger spread quickly, but because Qin Lie was present, she still took a few deep breaths to suppress all the anger.

"Xiaolie, sit here and rest, I'll go cook."

Yang Cuifeng said to Qin Lie and got ready to get up.

"I'll do it anyway."

Qin Lie took the vegetables from Yang Cuifeng and entered the kitchen.

Looking at Qin Lie who was busy in the kitchen, Yang Cuifeng couldn't help but flash a complex color in the depths of her eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Cuifeng stood up.

She faces the kitchen, pursing her lips, as if trying to say something, but eventually shuts her mouth.

As Qin Lie was busy cooking, he did not notice anything unusual about Yang Cuifeng.

Half an hour later, Qin Lie's dinner was ready. The main dish was rice, and the dishes were fried garlic sprouts and tomatoes, scrambled eggs.

Although there were only two dishes, it was enough for the two of them.

During the whole process of eating, Yang Cuifeng didn't say a word, with a worried look on her face.

Qin Lie thought she was still worried about Yang Junyu's affairs, so he didn't speak. After all, he couldn't help much if he said more about it.

After dinner, Yang Cuifeng took the initiative to wash the dishes, while Qin Lie sat on the sofa and read a novel.

"Xiaolie, you can sleep in Junyu's room tonight."

After washing the bowl, Yang Cuifeng said to Qin Lie.

"No, I'll just sleep on the sofa."

Qin Lie replied quickly.

"No, I can't let you sleep on the sofa the first day you go home. If you don't sleep in my house, my house is definitely cleaner than Junyu's house, and I sleep on the sofa."

Yang Cuifeng then changed the plan. She could probably guess the reason why Qin Lie didn't go to Yang Junyu's room to sleep.

"Don't argue with me, I like sleeping on the sofa."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Yang Cuifeng tried to persuade Qin Lie again, but in the end she failed to persuade him, so she could only obey Qin Lie's wishes, and brought him a cool Xia quilt and let him spend the night on the sofa.

Qin Lie was worried that Yang Junyu would come back, so he deliberately didn't go to bed so early. Who knew that it was already twelve o'clock, and before Chen Junyu came back, he went to bed first.

However, just as he fell asleep, Qin Lie was woken up by a knock on the door.

He got up and opened the door, only to find that someone had brought Yang Junyu back.

At this time, Yang Junyu was drunk and drunk.

It just so happened that Yang Cuifeng was also woken up. Seeing her son being brought back, she hurried over to help him into the house.

"Aunt, then let's go first."

The two who sent Yang Junyu greeted Yang Cuifeng and went downstairs.

"Junyu? Junyu?"

Yang Cuifeng patted Yang Junyu's face and called his name twice, but there was no response.


With a helpless sigh, Yang Cuifeng could only send Yang Junyu back to his room first.

After lying on the bed, Yang Junyu snored like a pig and slept soundly.

"Xiaolie, you can sleep too. Let's go to your father's grave tomorrow morning."

Yang Cuifeng said to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie nodded, then turned off the light and lay down on the sofa to sleep.

In a daze, Qin Lie heard a faint cry in his ear.

He thought it was a dream at first, but soon he found out that it was not a dream, and the cry came from Yang Cuifeng's room.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie still came to the door of Yang Cuifeng's room.

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