The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 504 Su Xiaoxiao Is Being Held Hostage!

"Brother Qin, are you kidding me? You really sold this chain to Yixian?"

Yan Shuo asked in disbelief.

"To be precise, it was my friend's friend who sold it to Han Yixian as a middleman. Besides this necklace, there are several pieces of jewelry here that originally belonged to me."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Previously, the Han family held a cocktail party dedicated to selling jewelry, and those jewelry were handed over to Lin Zheng by Qin Lie for sale.

At that time, he was still wondering what was going on. Later, he asked Lin Qiuzhu to understand that it was Lin Zheng who found a friend named Tang Jian, and then Tang Jian contacted the Han family, and then he used the Han family's connections to sell jewelry.

However, Qin Lie did not expect that many of them were bought by Han Yixian.

If he had told himself earlier, he might have given Han Yixian a friendship price.

"It turns out that Brother Qin is a jewelry tycoon. No wonder you are so rich. Brother Qin, my younger brother will follow you in the future. You can eat meat and give your younger brother a sip of soup."

After confirming that Qin Lie was not joking, Yan Shuo immediately lowered his face deliberately to please Qin Lie.

"Brother Yan is someone who eats delicacies from mountains and seas. If you really follow me, you will have to eat bran and pharynx in the future."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Han Yixian told him about Yan Shuo before. The family's assets exceed one billion yuan, and Yan Shuo is the only heir of the Yan family. He is not short of money.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can saddle up for Brother Qin, I'm willing to drink the northwest wind every day."

Yan Shuo quickly replied.

"Forget it, I can't afford a younger brother like Brother Yan."

Qin Lie knew that Yan Shuo was just joking with himself, so naturally he wouldn't take what he said seriously.

After that, Qin Lie admired these treasures carefully selected by Han Yixian.

Nearly half of them were bought from him, and the other half were rare treasures, especially a ruby ​​peacock crown, which was only slightly cheaper than an emerald necklace, up to 88 million .

However, Yan Shuoming told Qin Lie that these priceless jewels were obtained for this exhibition mainly for the opening today, and they will all be recovered from the Han family's treasure trove tomorrow.

After all, a random piece of these jewels is worth millions. If some lawless elements come to rob them at the risk of recklessness, the loss of the Han family will be too great.

Before I knew it, the time came to 8:55, and the opening ceremony was about to start.

Qin Lie walked to the gate and took a look. In addition to a few celebrities, there were also several Lucheng government officials who were invited today, including Qi Xiangdong, the No. 2 figure in Lucheng.

This is also the Han family, and any other jewelry store will definitely not have such a grand opening.

After Qi Xiangdong finished speaking, Han Yixian let the image ambassador Su Xiaoxiao, who had just arrived, come on stage.

I have to say, with the popularity of "Sister Adventure", Su Xiaoxiao has been in a mess recently. The moment she came to the stage, there were bursts of cheers around, and these people were all Su Xiaoxiao. fan.

Fortunately, Han Yixian had foresight and arranged hundreds of security guards in advance to maintain order at the scene, which did not cause chaos.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't talk much, but he still easily ignited everyone's desire to buy, which made Han Yixian, who was watching everyone's reaction secretly, nod for a while.

He was very fortunate that he knew Qin Lie, so that he could successfully grab food from the tiger's mouth and grab Su Xiaoxiao from his eldest brother. Lost to his big brother in the war without gunpowder.

After the discovery was over, Su Xiaoxiao was about to leave the stage and walk towards Qin Lie, when a man somehow broke through the isolation belt set up by the security guard and rushed onto the stage.

Qin Lie took a closer look and saw that Hao Ran was the greasy otaku who had proposed to Su Xiaoxiao at the hotel before.

"Little, marry me, I can't live without you!"

The greasy otaku held a bouquet of roses in his hands and knelt down on one knee again to propose to Su Xiaoxiao.

"Please don't bother me again, okay?"

Su Xiaoxiao replied in disgust.

"Little, I really love you, please marry me."

The greasy otaku continued to show his love without giving up.

Before Su Xiaoxiao could make any response, two security guards had already rushed over and started driving away the greasy otaku.

Just when everyone thought this farce would end here, the mutation suddenly occurred!

The greasy otaku suddenly took out a jumping knife from his pocket, stabbed one of the security guards with one knife, and then quickly rushed to Su Xiaoxiao's side and kidnapped her on the spot!

For a time, the audience was in an uproar!

No one expected this fan to be so crazy!

"Let go of the little one!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie rushed onto the stage with a single stride, and a large group of security guards quickly surrounded him.

"Everyone stand back or I'll kill her now!"

The greasy otaku roared frantically.

"You all stand back first!"

Qin Lie immediately shouted at the security guards.

At this moment, this crazy fan is extremely unstable, and a little stimulation may lead to Su Xiaoxiaoxiang's death!

"Back off, you all give me back!"

Han Yixian followed and shouted.

No one dared to disobey Han Yixian's orders, and they all stepped back and distanced themselves from the greasy otaku.

"Brother, if you really like Xiao Xiao, put the knife down, or what if you hurt Xiao Xiao."

Qin Lie persuaded the greasy otaku in the calmest tone possible.

"Don't think I don't know what the hell you're up to, I won't be fooled!"

The greasy otaku replied frantically.

When his eyes turned to Su Xiaoxiao again, he immediately softened, and his eyes were full of love.

It's just that his love is obviously deformed and twisted, and now he is a complete lunatic!

"Xiao Xiao, you are mine, and I will not let anyone take you away from me!"

The greasy otaku said solemnly to Su Xiaoxiao, like an oath.

"Please let me go, I'm really not for you."

Su Xiaoxiaohuarong begged.

She was really frightened.

"No, you are the most perfect goddess in my mind, and I will never marry you in my life!"

The greasy otaku said firmly.

"Brother, that's not what you asked for in a marriage proposal. Look at how you scared Xiao Xiao. You listen to me, put down the knife, what can we do to sit down and talk."

Qin Lie patiently continued to persuade the other party.

"Get out of here, don't try to steal Xiaoxiao!"

The greasy otaku roared, his eyes glaring furiously, those who didn't know the situation would definitely mistake him for a mortal hatred between him and Qin Lie.

"Brother, don't get excited. I really want to help you. As long as you listen to me, I will definitely find a way to get you to catch up with Xiaoxiao."

Although Qin Lie wanted to slap this crazy fan to death, on the surface he could only pretend that I was a good person.

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