"I won't believe you rich second-generation, you will cheat and play with other people's feelings, you are all scum! Only I have the purest feelings for Xiao Xiao, I will only love Xiao Xiao in my life, for the sake of She, I can die!"

The greasy otaku is like a sympathetic saint, showing love in a high-profile manner.

Qin Lie really wanted to say, "You're going to die now and let me see, but he changed his words when he got to the point."

"Brother, do you know that you are very selfish by doing this. Relationships are a matter of two people, not one's wishful thinking. What is the difference between you and those scumbags when you force Xiaoxiao with a knife like this."

Qin Lie persuaded the greasy otaku earnestly, hoping to wake him up.

"Don't say it, Xiaoxiao is mine!"

Unfortunately, Qin Lie's persuasion didn't work.

The greasy otaku randomly looked at Su Xiaoxiao again, and asked in a gentle voice, "Xiaoxiao, will you marry me?"

"I don't want to, I don't like you at all!"

Su Xiaoxiao resisted the fear in his heart and replied.

"No, I want to hear from you that you like me, hurry up!"

After being rejected by Su Xiaoxiao, the greasy otaku became more excited, the tip of the knife cut through Su Xiaoxiao's skin, and blood began to flow out along the wound.

"Xiao Xiao, you quickly promise him!"

Qin Lie was worried that the greasy otaku would kill Su Xiaoxiao on a whim, and quickly persuaded her.

"I...I like you."

In order to survive, Su Xiaoxiao said these words against her heart in tears.

"Haha, I knew you liked me, we are a match made in heaven!"

After hearing Su Xiaoxiao's words, a sick smile appeared on the greasy otaku's face.

Looking at the greasy otaku who was a little overwhelmed, Qin Lie quietly took out the golden sword from his waist to slay the dragon, ready to kill him with a knife.

At this moment, several police officers suddenly rushed out of the crowd and pointed their guns at the greasy otaku.

The greasy otaku became tense again, and Qin Lie's rescue plan was aborted at the same time.

"Let go of the hostages!"

A young policeman raised a gun and shouted at the greasy otaku.

"You all get out of my way, or I'll blow up you all!"

The greasy otaku let out a loud roar and yanked off his clothes.

No one expected that there would be a circle of bombs wrapped around his clothes!

"Everyone back away immediately!"

In order to prevent the greasy otaku from detonating the bomb, causing heavy casualties, the police quickly evacuated the crowd from the scene.

In fact, there is no need for the police to say anything, everyone has spontaneously started to retreat.

After all, no one thinks that life is long, and no one wants to be bombed to death for watching the fun.

In the blink of an eye, everyone retreated to twenty meters away from the stage.

However, Qin Lie still stood on the stage and did not step back.

"Brother Qin, hurry up and leave me alone."

Su Xiaoxiao Lihua said to Qin Lie with rain.

She didn't know if she could survive, but she definitely didn't want to implicate Qin Lie.

"Xiao Xiao, don't be afraid, I will definitely save you."

Qin Lie quickly appeased Su Xiaoxiaodao.

"Get out of here, or I'll blow up with you!"

The greasy otaku shouted sternly.

"You set off a bomb if you have one."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

In his opinion, the other party must be bluffing, and he naturally cannot retreat at this time.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

After the greasy otaku replied viciously, he looked at the reporters who were still filming.

"Listen to me, I am the most loved Su Xiaoxiao in the world. Su Xiaoxiao will always belong to me, and none of you can take it away!"

After saying this, the greasy otaku looked at Su Xiaoxiao again.

"Little, I know you like me, but people in this world are too bad, they don't want us to be together, but I'll take you to another world now, where we can live happily ever after together."

After expressing his love to Su Xiaoxiao, the thumb of the greasy otaku was ready to press the detonator.


At this moment, a gunshot pierced the silence, and a blood hole appeared between the greasy otaku's eyebrows.


After a moment of silence, the greasy otaku fell to the ground immediately, blood gurgled out, and he couldn't rest his eyes!


Looking at the corpse in the pool of blood, Su Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she screamed.

Qin Lie was the first to react, and quickly rushed forward and took Su Xiaoxiao into his arms.

"It's alright, everything is over."

Qin Lie patted Su Xiaoxiao's back lightly and reassured him repeatedly.

At the same time, Xing Feng rushed over with several police officers.

The police first checked the greasy otaku, and after confirming that he was dead, they quickly removed the bomb jacket on him, while the other two policemen maintained order at the scene and directed anyone to approach here.

After all, Su Xiaoxiao had experienced a lot of life and death on the deserted island. In less than five minutes, she gradually controlled her emotions, but it was not difficult to see from her face that she was a little frightened.

In order to give Su Xiaoxiao a good rest, Qin Lie took her away from the scene and returned to the hotel quickly.

Without outside interference, Su Xiaoxiao gradually returned to normal.

At nearly ten o'clock, Han Yixian came to the hotel and sincerely apologized to Su Xiaoxiao.

After all, in any case, his security was not in place, which gave the crazy fan a chance.

But Su Xiaoxiao didn't blame Han Yixian. She knew very well that even if there was no opening ceremony today, the fan would still find a way to hold her hostage. If she was in other places, she would be even more dangerous.

Another half an hour later, Xing Feng came back.

It was he who shot and killed the crazy fan just now, and then went to the police station to make a record, which took a little time.

After an urgent investigation by the police, it was found that the fan himself was a top student in science and engineering, but he was withdrawn and had few friends.

And that bomb was made by the fan himself. If Xing Feng hadn't killed him in time and detonated the bomb, Qin Lie and the others would have been killed on the spot.

Qin Lie, who heard the news, couldn't help but feel scared for a while. He really didn't expect the bomb to be real.

Fortunately, now that the crisis is over, he is still alive.

And because of this fan's crazy behavior, the opening of Han Yixian's jewelry store was forced to be interrupted today, and Su Xiaoxiao also suffered some minor injuries and shocks.

However, as the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on, misfortunes and blessings lie in the back, and the news that Su Xiaoxiao was kidnapped by fans to propose marriage instantly exploded the Internet, and she reached the top of the hot search list in just ten minutes, which made her popular again. Bundle.

As for Han Yixian's jewelry store, it is equivalent to a free advertisement on the entire Internet. Now everyone in the whole country knows about this jewelry store in Lucheng.

Originally, Su Xiaoxiao was going to film in the afternoon, but now her mood has not fully recovered, and the filming in the afternoon can only be interrupted. Qin Lie also changed the ticket for the afternoon and stayed with her at the hotel.

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