"Okay, brother Qin, I'm fine now. You can do whatever you need to do."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xiaoxiao's whole body has basically returned to normal.

"What are you busy with, I have nothing to do."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

"Then let's go eat, I'm hungry."

Su Xiaoxiao touched the stomach that started to protest.

At noon, she was not in the mood to eat, so she only ate half a bowl of millet porridge. When her mood recovered, she had to fill her stomach quickly.

Qin Lie naturally had no opinion on this, and the group quickly came to the private room downstairs.

After waiting for a full meal, Han Yixian came to the hotel again.

"Qin Lie, these two are my bodyguards for Xiaoxiao. This is Lu Fengyan and this is Zhou Haiyun. Both of them are the elite of the elite. They have both served as soldiers before, so they should be enough to protect Xiaoxiao. Safe."

Han Yixian immediately introduced the two female bodyguards he brought with him.

Han Yixian was told by Qin Lie to find a female bodyguard. He had read the news of fans harassing and harassing celebrities before, but he didn't take it too seriously, but today Su Xiaoxiao was kidnapped and directly sounded the alarm. .

There is a greasy otaku today, and tomorrow there will be no other crazy fans doing crazy things, so Su Xiaoxiao must be arranged with bodyguards to ensure her safety.

In order to test the strength of these two bodyguards, Qin Lie tried it himself, and the result was very satisfactory to him. The two of them reached out their hands very well, and they were already considered strong among women.

If Qin Lie and Su Xiaoxiao were looking for bodyguards before, she would definitely think that Qin Lie was making a fuss, but this time she accepted them quickly, and she didn't want to encounter similar things in the future.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie said goodbye to Su Xiaoxiao and took Chen Xiaoyu home.

The next morning, Qin Lie took an early flight to Qiannan, Chen Xiaoyu's hometown.

There were only Qin Lie, Chen Xiaoyu, and Xing Feng on this journey. As for Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang, Qin Lie stayed at their hometown.

Under Chen Jinhu's arrangement, Qi Tianchang was assigned to the construction team and moved bricks and cement with the workers.

Even though the work was dirty and tiring, Qi Tianchang didn't dare to resist.

After all, Chen Jinhu, the overseer, has been supervising him, let alone running away, he doesn't even have a chance to be lazy.

Qin Lie didn't pay much attention to Qi Tianchang. In his opinion, as long as Qi Tianchang suffered more, he would naturally correct those bad habits in the past.

At 11:40 noon, the plane landed at Qiannan Airport.

Qin Lie and the others ate first, and then they took a taxi and headed to Chen Xiaoyu's hometown.

Chen Xiaoyu's hometown is located in Camellia Village, Wumeng County.

But from the name, Camellia Village seems to be a poetic and picturesque place.

But in fact, because it is located at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, Wumeng County has deep ravines and valleys, and the land is barren, Camellia Village is a real backcountry.

According to Chen Xiaoyu, their village was only connected to electricity ten years ago, and the cement road leading to the village was only built five years ago, and the life of the village has gradually improved.

For example, when Chen Xiaoyu was a child, every household was made of adobe. When he went to the city, he could only make an ox cart, at least for half a day. There were only a handful of households with 10,000 yuan in the whole village.

Because of this, Chen Xiaoyu was sensible at a very young age, and took the initiative to mow grass to feed pigs and cattle every day after school.

In order to lighten the burden on the family, after graduating from high school, he went to technical school and eventually became a flight attendant.

Although Wumeng County is still poor compared to other counties and cities, it has to be said that the scenery here is really good, and it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, making it a more suitable place for health care.

Of course, if you want to live here, you must have money. If you don't have money, even if you live in a picturesque place, few people can stand it.

It takes nearly four hours to go from the airport to Chen Xiaoyu's home. Fortunately, Chen Xiaoyu has been telling Qin Lie about his childhood, so this journey is not so boring.

At 5:20 in the afternoon, Qin Lie and the others finally arrived at Camellia Village.

Even though it has been predicted, the poverty of Camellia Village is beyond Qin Lie's imagination.

There are actually many adobe houses built with adobe in the whole village. Cow dung, sheep dung and eggs can be seen everywhere on the road. Like a two-story building, it can be regarded as a mansion in Camellia Village.

Because Camellia Village is located deep in the mountains, the sun has already set at this time, and the sky begins to darken year by year.

Under Chen Xiaoyu's guidance, the driver turned left and right, and drove for nearly ten minutes before arriving at Chen Xiaoyu's home.

After unloading the purchased items, the driver drove away immediately.

"Brother Qin, the house in front is my home."

Chen Xiaoyu pointed to a house less than five meters away from them.

"Xiaoyu, you said that you are not short of money now, why don't you buy a villa for your parents in the city?"

Qin Lie glanced at the dilapidated old house and said.

This house is definitely more than ten years old, half of which are adobe houses and half of which are brick houses. The conditions seem to be a bit more difficult than when Qin Lie was a child.

"My parents are both native farmers. They are used to living in the countryside and don't want to go to the city at all. After all, there is not even a single acquaintance in the city. It is better to live in the village if you go there."

"And I've already spent money to build a new house for them. Did you see the first one? I asked someone to build it, but it's estimated that it will take a few more months to live in."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly explained.

Qin Lie looked towards the front, and a few tens of meters ahead, on a flat ground, another farmhouse was under construction.

"Let's go, Brother Qin, let's go back to my house first."

Chen Xiaoyu said to Qin Lie, and then walked to the door of her house.

The door was an old-fashioned wooden door. Chen Xiaoyu twisted the knocker and found that the door was unlocked and went straight in.


After Chen Xiaoyu entered the door, she called her mother in dialect.

Chen Xiaoyu's mother, Wang Xiangfen, was cooking in the kitchen. After hearing someone outside, she immediately came out of the kitchen.


When she saw that it was Chen Xiaoyu who came back, Wang Xiangfen was stunned for a moment, and then her face showed ecstasy.


After Chen Xiaoyu called Mom, she ran over and hugged Wang Xiangfen.

After the mother and daughter hugged, Chen Xiaoyu pointed to Qin Lie behind him: "Mom, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Qin Lie."

"Aunt is good."

Qin Lie took the initiative to greet Wang Xiangfen.

"Hello, hello, hurry up and sit in the room."

Seeing that Chen Xiaoyu came back with her boyfriend, Wang Xiangfen was even happier, and hurriedly welcomed Qin Lie into the house.

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