Chen Xiaoyu's house is also very primitive. The furniture is not known for how many years, and it looks tattered. The only electrical appliance is a black and white TV. The newspapers on the wall are blackened. It is a family with four walls.

"Child, you sit here first, and I'll wash the fruit for you."

After Wang Xiangfen handed Qin Lie a stool, she quickly picked up a few apples from a cabinet not far away and ran to the kitchen.

"Brother Qin, our family is relatively poor, you will take it for a while."

Chen Xiaoyu said a little embarrassedly.

The last time she came back, she planned to buy new furniture and appliances for the house, but her parents refused to let her. Later, she considered that she was going to build a new house anyway. After the house was renovated, she would just buy the whole set, so the family still has a relationship with the family to this day. Same as before.

"It's okay, it's not like I've never been poor."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

His previous family conditions were almost the same as those of Chen Xiaoyu's family, so he would not dislike Chen Xiaoyu's family.

During the conversation between the two, Wang Xiangfen came back with an apple.

"Come, come, eat apples."

Wang Xiangfen enthusiastically handed a big red apple to Qin Lie, but Qin Lie did not refuse and took it.

"Xiaoyu, who is this?"

Wang Xiangfen looked at Xing Fengdao, who was taciturn next to Qin Lie.

"He is Qin Lie's friend Xing Feng. He has nothing to do at home, so he came back with us."

Chen Xiaoyu introduced.

Wang Xiangfen snorted and took out another apple and handed it to Xing Feng.

"Young man, eat one too."

"I won't eat it, thank you."

Xing Feng is a top professional killer. He never eats food from strangers. This is a habit he has maintained for many years.

"Eat it, this apple is grown by us, it's sweet."

Wang Xiangfen persuaded.

"Xing Feng, eat one."

Qin Lie winked at Xing Feng.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Xing Feng hesitated for a while before taking over the apple.

As for Chen Xiaoyu, without her mother giving it, she picked a red apple herself.

"Mom, where's my dad, isn't he at home?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked after taking a bite of the apple.

"Your dad went to mow the cows, I guess he should be back soon."

Wang Xiangfen replied.

"Didn't I say that you won't be allowed to raise cattle again, why are you raising them again?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked angrily.

Raising cattle is very tiring, she has to mow the grass every day, and her father's waist is not good. After she came back last time, she specifically told her parents that she was rich, so that they would no longer have to raise livestock or plant them in the future. She didn't expect her father to get another cow to raise.

"Hey, isn't that the last time your dad went to the town to go to the market to see that the calf was cheap and bought another one? He said, when it grows up, he will kill it to make beef jerky for you. Our own cattle are not fed feed. , the beef tastes more delicious than the ones sold outside."

Wang Xiangfen explained.

"If I want to eat beef jerky, I can just buy it directly. I don't need my dad to spend so much effort raising cattle. If he gets tired again, it's not worth it."

Of course Chen Xiaoyu knew that domestic beef was delicious, but she really felt sorry for her father and didn't want him to suffer any more.

"Don't worry, our family doesn't farm anymore. The two of us only raise one cow, one pig and a few chickens. We're not tired of this work."

Wang Xiangfen smiled.

While the two were talking, the door to the Chen house opened, and then a middle-aged man came in with a large basket of green grass on his back.

This person is Chen Xiaoyu's father, Chen Hezhou.


Chen Xiaoyu called Dad and ran over excitedly.

When he saw his daughter suddenly appear in front of him, a look of joy appeared on Chen Hezhou's face, and he quickly put the grass for feeding the cows on the ground.

"Xiaoyu, why didn't you tell us in advance when you came back?"

Chen Hezhou looked at his daughter and said.

"Didn't I want to surprise you?"

Chen Xiaoyu replied with a smile.

"Just come back. Your mother was talking about when you would come back two days ago."

Chen Hezhou said happily.

"Dad, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Qin Lie."

After a brief chat, Chen Xiaoyu couldn't wait to introduce Qin Lie to her father.

"Good Uncle."

Qin Lie took the initiative to greet Chen Hezhou.


Chen Hezhou looked Qin Lie up and down and nodded in response.

"Come on, let's go into the house and talk."

It was getting late, and Chen Xiaoyu hurriedly called everyone back into the house.

"Xiaoyu, you guys chat first, I'll cook."

Wang Xiangfen told everyone and went to the kitchen.

Chen Xiaoyu wanted to help, but Wang Xiangfen refused.

Inside the house, Chen Hezhou took out a cigarette from his pocket, then took out two, and handed them to Qin Lie and Xing Feng respectively.

Qin Lie took the cigarette, but Xing Feng refused on the grounds that he did not smoke.

After taking a puff of cigarettes, Chen Hezhou said, "Qin Lie, where are you from? What work are you doing now?"

"I'm from Lucheng, and now I'm doing a little business myself."

Qin Lie replied.

Before he came, he knew that Chen Xiaoyu's parents would check his household registration, and he had already thought about the answers to all the questions in his heart.

"It's good to do business. By the way, how are your parents and how many brothers and sisters in the family?"

Chen Hezhou then asked.

"I am an orphan with no parents and no mother. I was adopted by my grandfather, but my grandfather has passed away."

Qin Lie replied.

"Sorry, I don't know your situation."

Hearing that Qin Lie had such a tragic life, Chen Hezhou was also a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, there's nothing to say about it."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

"Then what, Qin Lie, when are you and Xiaoyu going to get married?"

Chen Hezhou asked a key question after pondering for a while.

"Well, we haven't thought about this yet."

Qin Lie replied a little embarrassedly.

"This matter has to be planned quickly. Xiaoyu is in her twenties, so she can't drag it on any longer, and it just so happens that Xiaoyu's mother and I are still young. If you have children, we can help you take care of the children."

Chen Hezhou continued.

Hearing Chen Hezhou's words, Qin Lie didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about our affairs. We will get married naturally when it's time to get married."

Chen Xiaoyu hurriedly interjected to make a clearance for Qin Lie.

"What you said, I'm your father, I don't worry about who cares."

Chen Hezhou glared at Chen Xiaoyu and said.

His daughter's life-long affairs are what he is most concerned about. His biggest wish is that his daughter can find someone who loves her and accompany her to grow old together, so that even if he dies one day, he can go in peace.

"I understand what you mean, but getting married is not shopping for groceries, so you have to plan it out anyway."

Chen Xiaoyu pouted and replied.

"Then you should hurry up and plan. Look at the villagers who are about the same age as you. Basically, the children will run away."

Chen Hezhou said angrily.

"They are them, I am me, and I don't want to be like them."

Chen Xiaoyu knows very well that rural girls get married early, and they are mothers in their early twenties, but she still wants to live with Qin Lie for a few more years, but she doesn't want to have children so early.

Besides, having a child is a matter of two people. Qin Lie wears a condom every time, and she can't conceive even if she wants to get pregnant.

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