"You said you are in your twenties, why are you still like a child, I tell you..."

Chen Hezhou just wanted to educate Chen Xiaoyu again, but he was interrupted by Chen Xiaoyu before he finished speaking.

"Dad, you didn't promise me not to raise cows last time, so why are you raising them again? You're not saying anything."

Chen Xiaoyu pretended to be angry.

"Didn't I think about getting beef jerky for you in the future? You can eat the jerky from our own cattle."

Chen Hezhou quickly explained.

"I don't need you to make beef jerky for me, I just hope that you are healthy and healthy. If you have nothing to do, you can play cards and drink with the people in our village. The task for you and my mother now is to live a long life, understand? "

Chen Xiaoyu then told Chen Hezhou Road.

"Oh, I know, I'll raise it for the last time, and I won't raise it again in the future."

Chen Hezhou hurriedly promised.

"That's what you said. If you don't believe it again in the future, I'll take my mother into the city alone to enjoy happiness, and let you die alone."

Chen Xiaoyu said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely count."

Chen Hezhou knew that his daughter was distressed for him, of course he would not be angry.

After that, Chen Xiaoyu took the initiative to ask to transfer the topic to other things, and Qin Lie finally didn't have to be as embarrassed as before.

Before I knew it, an hour later, Wang Xiangfen finished dinner.

Originally, Wang Xiangfen planned to eat noodles at night, but in order to entertain Qin Lie, she specially cooked several meat dishes and slaughtered an old hen at home and stewed it.

It's just that Wang Xiangfen's cooking skills are not very good, and the taste of the dishes can only be regarded as average, but Qin Lie still eats it with relish and praises Wang Xiangfen's delicious dishes. The son-in-law is quite satisfied.

"Xiaoyu, the day after tomorrow is your grandfather's 80th birthday, do you know?"

After dinner, Wang Xiangfen suddenly mentioned it when he was doing homework.

"Ah, the day after tomorrow? I thought it was next month."

Chen Xiaoyu said embarrassedly.

In addition to letting her relatives meet Qin Lie, she was in a hurry to bring Qin Lie back, and another reason was to celebrate her grandfather's 80th birthday, but she didn't expect that her day would be wrong.

But this can't blame her. After all, rural people rarely celebrate birthdays, let alone those of the older generation. In her impression, except that she bought a cake for her grandfather in the year she just worked, her grandfather never birthday.

"But next month, the day after tomorrow. This time, your second uncle, third uncle, and sister-in-law will come over to celebrate your grandfather's birthday."

"Mom knows that it's not easy for you to make money. I didn't want you to spend money indiscriminately before, but this time your grandfather is on his 80th birthday. When you go to the city tomorrow and book a troupe for your grandfather to come to our village to sing for a day, let him He was happy."

Wang Xiangfen continued.

It’s a centuries-old tradition to celebrate birthdays in the rural areas of Qiannan. It’s just that the Chen family was relatively poor in the past, so they didn’t think about it. The Chen family also has a face.

"It's no problem. I'll go with brother Qin tomorrow."

Chen Xiaoyu originally planned to give her grandfather a good 80th birthday, and she naturally would not refuse.

"Then I'll leave this to you, and my dad and I won't bother anymore."

After talking about this, Wang Xiangfen suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said again: "By the way, Xiaoyu, you will drop by the city tomorrow and give your brother 20,000 yuan. Their school seems to be charging some training. fee."

"I only called him 30,000 yuan a month ago. Why does he ask for money again?"

Chen Xiaoyu frowned.

"Ah? You gave 30,000 yuan?"

Hearing this, Wang Xiangfen was also surprised, she didn't know about it at all.

"Yes, he said that there is a master in the oil painting industry from their school. He wants to go to their training class. If he wants 30,000 yuan, I will give it to him."

Chen Xiaoyu replied.

"This child asks you for so much money without saying a word. This is not taking money as money. No, I have to ask him face to face tomorrow to see where he spent the money."

Wang Xiangfen said angrily.

The Chen family is just an ordinary family. If it weren't for Chen Xiaoyu's help, the two of them wouldn't even be able to get Chen Xiaoyu's younger brother's school.

However, now Chen Xiaoyu's younger brother is asking for tens of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. If you don't know it, you will definitely think that their family is a big family.

"Mom, you don't have to go, I'll just ask him tomorrow."

Chen Xiaoyu also sensed something was wrong, but she planned to figure out the situation first to save her mother's anger.

"Okay, then you must ask clearly, this child is getting more and more outrageous now."

Wang Xiangfen is just a farmer, even if she knows that her daughter is rich now, in her opinion, these are all hard-earned money earned by her daughter, and she absolutely does not want to be squandered by her son.

"Mom, don't be angry, maybe my brother is really spending money. After all, learning to draw is quite expensive."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly reassured Wang Xiangfen again, and Wang Xiangfen slowly calmed down.

Originally, Chen Xiaoyu wanted to visit her grandfather, but it was too late after the chat, so she hurriedly went to clean up the room.

That night, Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu lived in the same room, while Xing Feng lived in Chen Xiaoyu's younger brother's room.

Qin Lie tried the bed, and it creaked non-stop when he moved it, which made Qin Lie give up the idea of ​​exercising.

At one o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was sound asleep when there was a knock on the door.

Qin Lie went out and took a look, only to find out that it was Xing Feng.

"What's wrong, Xing Feng?"

Qin Lie yawned and asked.

"Young Master Qin, the palace master called me just now and gave me a task. I have to go abroad and may not be back until a week later."

Xing Feng quickly replied.

"Are you going now?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Yes, I'm leaving now. I want to ask Qin Shao to ask the Chen family if they can find a trolley to take me to the county seat."

Xing Feng replied.

Camellia Village is located deep in the mountains, and he couldn't even get a taxi if he wanted to.

"Okay, let me ask for you."

Qin Lie didn't ask what Xing Feng's mission was, but went straight to the upper room and knocked on the door.

After Chen Hezhou came out, Qin Lie told him that Xing Feng had to leave in a hurry and wanted him to help him find a trolley. Chen Hezhou readily agreed, and soon found a friend in the same village and let the other's son drive the car. The motorcycle sent Xing Feng to the county seat.

After breakfast the next day, Chen Xiaoyu asked the person who sent Xing Feng to drive her and Qin Lie to the county seat on their tricycle.

Of course, they didn't let people give it away for nothing, and they even paid 200 yuan for the car.

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