"Sister, I know I'm wrong. You can beat me and scold me, but I hope you don't tell our parents. I don't want them to be angry."

Chen Zhibo lowered his head and said with guilt on his face.

"You also know that you are afraid that your parents will be angry? Then why didn't you consider the consequences when you lied to us for money!"

"Do you know that since you went to college, I haven't even bought more than 200 cosmetics, and the clothes are all cheap from Taobao. Basically, the money saved is called to you, just thinking about being able to Let you live a better life in the university, I hope you will have a bright future and honor your ancestors."

"But you go to learn these crooked ways, are you worthy of me? Are you right to our parents!"

Chen Xiaoyu asked angrily.

Before she met Qin Lie, she was an ordinary flight attendant. Although her salary was good, in order to help her younger brother learn to paint, she had always been frugal.

She has high hopes for her younger brother, hoping that he can become a master oil painting in the future.

Unexpectedly, he didn't study well in school, cheated himself of money, and pretended to be a rich second generation, which really disappointed her.

"Sister, I was wrong."

Chen Zhibo felt remorse in his heart, and his eyes were wet.

"Is it useful if one sentence is wrong? Kneel down for me. Today I must teach you a lesson for our parents!"

Chen Xiaoyu shouted sharply.

What Chen Zhibo did really made her heartache. She had to teach her brother an unforgettable lesson, lest he really degenerate into the kind of playboy who would only be frivolous and not doing his job properly.

For Chen Zhibo, Chen Xiaoyu's status as a big sister is the same as that of his parents. In addition, he did something wrong in this matter. He did not hesitate and was ready to kneel as soon as his knees bent.

However, Qin Lie stopped him.

Not to mention that Chen Zhibo didn't make any unforgivable mistakes, just because he was already an adult, he couldn't let him kneel down and apologize casually.

"Xiaoyu, you go over there to calm down first, I'll have a few words with Zhibo alone."

Qin Lie quickly persuaded Chen Xiaoyu.

Now Chen Xiaoyu is obviously angry and will inevitably make some irrational decisions.

"Brother Qin, don't interfere with this matter today, I can handle it myself."

Chen Xiaoyu said with a cold face.

"Xiaoyu, are you not even listening to me?"

Qin Lie frowned.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu walked to the basketball court not far away.

"Come on, Zhibo, let's sit here and have a chat."

Qin Lie waved at Chen Zhibo and told him to sit on the edge of the flower pond.

"Zhibo, apart from this time you made up excuses to cheat money from your mother and your sister, have you ever done such a thing before?"

Qin Lie asked.

"I did. Since September this year, I have been asking my mother for money for various reasons. Later, after my sister returned to China after the plane crash, I asked her for money. There are about seven or eight times before and after. I asked for about 50,000, and I asked for 20,000 from my mother."

Chen Zhibo did not hide it, and took the initiative to tell the "crimes" he had committed.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help feeling the urge to beat Chen Zhibo.

He originally thought that Chen Zhibo was a first-time offender, but he didn't expect that the other party was a repeat offender!

But Qin Lie is not Chen Xiaoyu, he is not so angry.

"You need all this money to chase after your girlfriend Liu Ruohan, right?"

Qin Lie asked sharply.

Chen Zhibo's lips moved, but in the end he didn't nod his head.

"Well, mainly to chase after her."

Hearing Chen Zhibo's admission, Qin Lie immediately knew that his guess was correct.

After all, Chen Zhibo was born into a poor family. This kind of child knows that it is not easy for his family to make money. Even if he goes to college, it is impossible for him to suddenly become a bad boy who lies and cheats money and compares with famous brands.

"In that case, your money should basically be spent on Liu Ruohan, right?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Ruohan's family is in good condition, and she has high material requirements, so I pretended to be a rich second-generation, and I lied to her that my sister runs a company. And in order to please her, I bought it for her. They are all famous brands, so my living expenses and the money I earn from part-time jobs are slowly not enough, so I can only cheat money from home.”

Chen Zhibo said frankly.

"Then are you not afraid that she will know that you are lying to her and break up with you?"

Qin Lie laughed dumbly.

"Of course I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that she will look down on me and lose her, so I can only bite the bullet and continue to pretend."

Of course Chen Zhibo knew that his behavior was wrong, but because his family was relatively poor, he always had a potential sense of inferiority in front of Liu Ruohan. He could only use material things to satisfy his poor vanity, so as to maintain his wealth. image of the second generation.

"Oh, you, ah, you are still too stupid, brother tell you, if a girl really likes you, even if you have nothing, she is still willing to stay with you for life, but if she doesn't love you, even if you have gold and silver No mountain can keep her heart."

"Not to mention Liu Ruohan's white and rich beauty, she is arrogant and arrogant. You may be able to deceive her for a while, but can you deceive her for the rest of her life? If she finds out the truth in the future, if she doesn't break up with you, I will your name!"

Qin Lie is someone from the past. He knows too well that a real good girl will never dislike the poor and love the rich. People who dislike the poor and love the rich will definitely kick you away without hesitation when they know that you are a poor man.

"Brother, what should I do now?"

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Zhibo couldn't help but panic.

He has long regarded Liu Ruohan as his only one, and he must not lose her.

"Listen to me, take the initiative to tell her the truth, if she can forgive you, then you can continue to talk, if she can't forgive you, then you will work hard in the future, wait for your career to be successful, and find someone more suitable for you in the future. of."

To be honest, Qin Lie is actually not optimistic about couples like Chen Zhibo and Liu Ruohan, mainly because the gap between their backgrounds is too great, and Chen Zhibo can't hold each other down at all, and the two will break up sooner or later.

Just in order not to hit Chen Zhibo, he didn't say so much.

"Brother, I really love Ruohan, I can't lose her."

Chen Zhibo said immediately.

"If you listen to me, you may still save Liu Ruohan, but if you continue to deceive her with lies, you will lose her forever. Anyway, I have said what I should say. Do you want to listen to yourself and think about it."

Qin Lie is rich, he can make Chen Zhibo a real rich second generation, and spend a lot of money to make beautiful people smile, but he hopes that what Chen Zhibo gets is a pure love, not a fake based on money. emotion.

So he won't pay Chen Zhibo, just give him some suggestions, just to verify whether the two are really in love.

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