After listening to Qin Lie's words, Chen Zhibo couldn't help but struggle.

He was not a fool, he knew very well that what Qin Lie said was the truth.

He actually wanted to tell the truth, to see if Liu Ruohan liked him or his money.

But he was worried that Liu Ruohan would leave him after telling the truth.

This made Chen Zhibo unable to make up his mind for a while.

"You can make a decision immediately without rushing, think about it first, and I believe you will make the right choice."

Qin Lie patted Chen Zhibo's shoulder, who frowned.

Chen Zhibo nodded and didn't say any more, but he made a difficult choice in his heart.

Seeing that Qin Lie's conversation with Chen Zhibo seemed to be over, Chen Xiaoyu came over.

"Zhibo, I'm sorry, my sister was a bit rushed just now, don't worry about it."

At this time, Chen Xiaoyu had calmed down, so she took the initiative to apologize to her younger brother.

"You don't have to say sorry, it was all my fault."

Chen Zhibo didn't mean to blame Chen Xiaoyu, he could fully understand why his sister was so angry just now.

"Brother Qin, how are you two talking?"

Chen Xiaoyu then looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"It's been negotiated, and Zhibo will definitely not lie to you again in the future."

Qin Lie replied.

"Zhibo, as long as your money is used in the right place, let alone tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands or millions of sisters don't feel bad, but I definitely don't want you to spend money indiscriminately to satisfy your vanity, you understand me do you mean?"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Chen Zhibo earnestly.

"Well, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely continue to be the most authentic version of myself in the future."

Chen Zhibo replied very solemnly.

"Sister trust you again, don't let me down again."

Chen Xiaoyu knew her brother was a man, and she believed that her brother would keep his promise.

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, but sister, don't tell our parents about it."

Chen Zhibo continued.

"Don't worry, I won't tell them."

Chen Xiaoyu knew very well that if she told her parents about this, they would definitely beat Chen Zhibo to death. Of course she wouldn't do such a thing.

"Thank you, sister." Chen Zhibo quickly thanked him, and then said, "Sister, will you go to my dormitory and sit for a while?"


Chen Xiaoyu thought about it and agreed.

The girls' dormitory prohibits boys from entering, but the boys' dormitory has no such restrictions at all. Under the leadership of Chen Zhibo, Qin Lie and the two soon came to his dormitory.

Chen Zhibo's dormitory is a quadruple room, and there are two people in the house at this time.

"Sister, let me introduce you, this is my roommate Liao Kai, this is Gu Fan, Hu Xingxu should be out."

Chen Zhibo quickly introduced the two people in the house to Chen Xiaoyu.

"I didn't go out."

At this moment, a voice came from the toilet, and soon a young man with long hair came out.

"Wow, Sister Zhibo is so pretty."

Hu Xingxu looked at Chen Xiaoyu and praised.


Chen Xiaoyu replied with a smile.

"Let me introduce you, this is my sister Chen Xiaoyu, and this is my brother-in-law Qin Lie."

Chen Zhibo then introduced Qin Lie and the two.

"Sister, brother-in-law, come come, take a chair."

Hu Xingxu shouted, very attentive, moved two chairs and handed them to the two.

Qin Lie and the others were not polite and sat down, while Chen Zhibo brought two cans of Coke from under his desk and gave them to Qin Lie.

Chen Zhibo's roommates were familiar with each other, and they took the initiative to chat with Qin Lie. It was obvious that they should get along quite well.

At about five o'clock, Chen Xiaoyu proposed to invite everyone to have a meal together, mainly because they had to go back to the village at night.

Hu Xingxu and the others did not refuse, and the group went to a restaurant not far from the school.

After drinking and eating, Qin Lie got up and went to the cashier to settle the bill.

Just when he was about to go back upstairs to tell Chen Xiaoyu and the others to leave, Hu Xingxu suddenly came over.

"Brother-in-law, come here and let me tell you something."

Hu Xingxu said to Qin Lie.

"What's up?"

Qin Lie looked at Hu Xingxu in surprise.

"Well, do you know that Zhibo has a girlfriend?"

Hu Xingxu asked.

"You mean Liu Ruohan?"

Qin Lie replied.

"That's right, it's her."

Hu Xingxu replied.

"What's up with her?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"This woman is a green tea, and she is with Zhibo for his money. The key point is that this woman has two boats. Last time I saw him hugging with a rich second-generation economic department, you persuade Zhibo, let him break up with Liu Ruohan earlier."

Hu Xingxu continued.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

"Is what you said true?"

"I'll die if I tell a lie!"

Hu Xingxu swore poison.

Qin Lie stared at Hu Xingxu for a few seconds, and he quickly determined that what Hu Xingxu said should be true.

"Have you told Zhibo about this?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and asked again.

"I said it long ago, but he doesn't believe me at all."

"How do you say that, a woman in love has no IQ, but Zhibo in love is definitely mentally retarded. He has been fascinated by Liu Ruohan's goblin, and now Liu Ruohan believes whatever he says. Last time I told He Liu Ruohan cheated, and he also said that I was spreading rumors, and we almost didn't fight."

Hu Xingxu is Chen Zhibo's good friend. Of course, he doesn't want Chen Zhibo to be teased by a son of a bitch, but the key point is that Chen Zhibo can't hear others say that Liu Ruohan is not good at all, otherwise he wouldn't have told Qin Lie about it.

Seemingly worried that Qin Lie would not believe in himself, Hu Xingxu continued: "The conditions of Zhibo's family are not very good. He used to spend money very carefully, but since Liu Ruohan became her girlfriend, he began to spend money lavishly, all from his family. Find all kinds of reasons to cheat money."

"Besides, Zhibo was the first in our major in the past, and never missed classes, but since he started dating Liu Ruohan, he has been absent from class almost every week. If it wasn't for the brothers who called for him when they called him, he would have been notified long ago. criticized."

After listening to Hu Xingxu's words, Qin Lie said directly: "Tell me your Alipay account number."

"Why do you want my Alipay account?"

Hu Xingxu asked in a daze.

"If you give it to me, give it to me."

Qin Lie said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing this, Hu Xingxu told Qin Lie his Alipay account, and Qin Lie immediately transferred 100,000 yuan.

"You help me find out the evidence of Liu Ruohan's derailment, and the money will be regarded as your hard work."

Qin Lie said to Hu Xingxu.

What he hates most is the green tea bitch. If Liu Ruohan is also that kind of person, he will definitely reveal her true face to Chen Zhibo.

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