"Our family Xiaoyu is still filial."

At this moment, Chen Yukang's wife Zhao Qiaoli suddenly came over and praised Chen Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, Auntie, let me tell you something. My nephew has always been interested in you. Do you think Auntie can be a matchmaker and match you two?"

Zhao Qiaoli then said to Chen Xiaoyu.


Chen Xiaoyu coldly refused.

Zhao Qiaoli mentioned this marriage to her during the Chinese New Year this year. At that time, she also brought the man over. However, after meeting Chen Xiaoyu, she realized that the man is lame and looks crooked. Talk about intermittent psychosis!

Because of this, Chen Xiaoyu immediately rejected the other party.

After all, it's not that no one wants her, and there is absolutely no need to marry a cripple and mentally ill.

"Xiaoyu, Auntie's nephew, although his legs are not very convenient, is a really nice person, and his parents are dual-employees. Their family also bought a house in the county this year. You will definitely enjoy happiness after marrying him."

Zhao Qiaoli continued to persuade without giving up.

"He's so nice, why don't you let your Manman marry him, Aunt San?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked sarcastically.

She knew very well that Zhao Qiaoli's nephew just couldn't get her daughter-in-law, so Zhao Qiaoli made her decision on herself. If she really agreed, it would be like jumping into a fire pit, and her life would be over.

"Look at what you said, that's my nephew. If I let my daughter marry him, it won't be a close relative marriage."

Zhao Qiaoli's face was serious.

"Then I don't need Aunt San's kindness anymore. I already have a boyfriend."

After Chen Xiaoyu finished speaking, she pointed to Qin Lie next to him: "He is my boyfriend."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiaoli came to Qin Lie who was standing next to her.

Qin Lie is a talented person, he is extraordinary, and he is many times stronger than his nephew. Even Zhao Qiaoli can't help but nod secretly for a while. Chen Xiaoyu has a good eye and can pick a boyfriend.

This time, Zhao Qiaoli suddenly understood that her nephew was completely hopeless.

"Xiaoyu, isn't your boyfriend renting?"

Suddenly, another discordant voice came to mind.

Qin Lie followed the voice and saw a girl in her twenties walking over with a man's arm.

"Chen Manman, what nonsense are you talking about, you have the ability to rent a handsome and handsome boyfriend like Brother Qin to come and see!"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at the girl and scolded, this girl is none other than Chen Manman, the daughter of her third uncle.

"As long as I'm willing to spend money, I can rent a boyfriend a hundred times more handsome than him."

Chen Manman replied with a smile.

"Hmph, bragging not to make drafts."

Chen Xiaoyu sneered coldly.

"Hello Xiaoyu, I'm Manman's fiance Liao Wenbin."

The man who was held by Chen Manman's arm smiled and greeted Chen Xiaoyu very gently.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face when you reach out. Although Chen Xiaoyu didn't like her third uncle's family, she still replied indifferently "Hello".

"Xiaoyu, what does your boyfriend do? It's not the little white face you raised, right?"

Chen Manman asked playfully.

"Chen Manman, you came here on purpose to find trouble!"

Chen Xiaoyu frowned, and there was already a hint of anger on her face.

"I'm just joking with you. Why are you reacting so much? It's really not fun."

Chen Manman pouted, and the mocking intent became more obvious.

"You can get it, you think I don't know your little thought, that is, I'm jealous that my boyfriend is more handsome than your fiancé, you are not as good as me, even the man you are looking for is not as good as me, you are really enough Failure."

Chen Xiaoyu retorted unceremoniously.

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Xiaoyu was prettier than Chen Manman, studied better than her, and had more suitors than her. Except for her family, Chen Xiaoyu was stronger than Chen Manman in almost every way. I am very jealous of her, and I often trouble her, so the relationship between the two has not been very good.

"I'm not as good as you? You really laughed at me to death. Do you know how powerful my husband is, I'm afraid to scare you to death!"

Seeing that he was stabbed in the weak underbelly, Chen Manman's voice became sharp.

"Hey, then don't say anything, I'm really afraid of being scared to death by you."

Chen Xiaoyu sneered.

She didn't know what Chen Manman's fiance did, but even if he was a billionaire, it was nothing in Chen Xiaoyu's eyes. After all, Qin Lie's net worth was tens of billions, and the rich generation and the second generation had to stand aside.

"Originally, my husband said to keep a low profile, but since you are so ignorant, I won't hide it. Let me tell you, my husband is one of the best young entrepreneurs in Qiannan. He is only twenty-eight today, but he is already thousands of Millionaire!"

Chen Manman said proudly.

"My mother, multimillionaire, this is too rich."

"It's no wonder that the three old Chen family are all driving Mercedes-Benz. They're looking for a golden tortoise-in-law."

"I really envy Man Man. If I can find a millionaire husband, I'll wake up laughing if I sleep."

"Third brother, you have really found a good son-in-law. If there is any chance of making money in the future, you will also bring your brother with you..."

As soon as Chen Manman said this, the surrounding villagers and relatives of the Chen family exclaimed in surprise. Everyone's eyes on the Chen family became different, and many people directly flattered Chen Yukang.

The Chen family members held their heads high, like arrogant peacocks.

"Is a multi-millionaire rich?"

At this moment, Qin Lie suddenly opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

His voice was not loud, but it was so harsh among the compliments that it instantly reached everyone's ears.

"This person actually said such a thing, he is afraid of being a fool."

"Millionaires are not rich, so who is rich?"

"Don't pay attention to him, I think there is definitely something wrong with this person's brain."

Everyone around was mocking Qin Lie for a while.

"It's ridiculous, pitiful, and pathetic that a little white-faced person who is all over the place would dare to speak up here!"

Chen Manman glanced at Qin Lie and sneered with contempt.

The clothes on Qin Lie's body are all custom-made, and the clothes cost nearly 10,000 yuan, but Chen Manman doesn't know it at all, and subconsciously thinks that Qin Lie is wearing street goods.

Hearing Chen Manman's funny remarks, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

"Beauty, please correct me. First of all, I am not a white face. Second, the multi-millionaire is really ordinary, and there is really nothing to show off."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

"Boy, do you know what the concept of a multi-millionaire is? You can't make so much money without eating or drinking in your life. And I, in just three years, you are not even worthy to carry shoes in front of me!"

Liao Wenbin smiled and looked at Qin Lie in a condescending manner.

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