"What are you wearing, you are not worthy to carry shoes for Brother Qin!"

Chen Xiaoyu didn't plan to target Liao Wenbin, but when he saw that he actually humiliated Qin Lie, he immediately reprimanded.

"Chen Xiaoyu, shut up for me, what kind of thing are you, you dare to yell at my husband!"

Liao Wenbin was Chen Manman's fiancé, of course she stood by Liao Wenbin's side without hesitation.

Just when Chen Xiaoyu was about to fight back, Wang Xiangfen ran over.

"Xiaoyu, I suddenly remembered that our pigs haven't been fed yet, so hurry home and mix some pig food for him."

While saying this, Wang Xiangfen kept winking at Chen Xiaoyu.

After all, today is the 80th birthday of the old man. If these two granddaughters quarreled and fought again, it would be embarrassing for their entire Chen family.

Chen Xiaoyu understood what her mother meant, and she finally chose to settle down.

"Brother Qin, come home with me."

Chen Xiaoyu turned around and said to Qin Lie.

"it is good."

Qin Lie smiled and agreed.

To him, being a multimillionaire was just a joke, and he really didn't take it to heart.

This is just like the reason why a super-rich like Wang Jianshe never takes the words of Internet trolls seriously.

"Tsk tsk, it's all these years and you still feed pigs, you deserve to be poor all your life."

Chen Manman took the opportunity to laugh at Chen Xiaoyu again.

However, Chen Xiaoyu didn't have any anger, and ignored her directly, and went home with Qin Lie first.

When I got home, my ears were clean.

"I really don't like my third uncle and the others. I think that when my third uncle lost everything in business for the first time, he still owed a lot of debt to others. It was my dad who sold our cattle to help him pay for it. I got into a hole, and as a result, this family looked down on our poor relative after they became rich, what an ungrateful white-eyed wolf!"

Chen Xiaoyu cursed angrily.

"There are such people everywhere, there is no need to be angry."

Qin Lie looked very open.

As the old saying goes, the poor are in the busy city and no one asks, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains.

It is normal for Chen Xiaoyu's family to be looked down upon by wealthy relatives because of poor conditions. Qin Lie has experienced this kind of thing himself.

"Well, I'm not angry. Anyway, no matter how rich they have money, we won't have any money. When they have difficulties in the future, they want to ask me for help, and let's dream!"

Since Qin Lie gave Chen Xiaoyu 500 million, Chen Xiaoyu has already become a proper little rich woman.

It's just that she didn't even tell her parents about it, she just told them that she made a lot of money so that they don't have to work as hard as before.

She did this because she didn't want her younger siblings to lose their motivation to fight, and secondly, she wanted to take the opportunity to recognize the true colors of all her relatives, to see who disliked the poor and loved the rich, and who was worthy of deep friendship.

As for the family like her third uncle, she doesn't plan to come back again in the future.

The dilapidated courtyard is deserted, but Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu prefer this kind of environment, so as not to be disturbed.

At about eleven o'clock, Wang Xiangfen called Chen Xiaoyu and asked her and Qin Lie to go to her grandfather's old house again.

At this time, the stage was singing a local comedy lantern show in Qianzhou, and there were many villagers carrying stools to watch the show.

The old man Chen Ping'an was chatting with the old people of the same age in the village. At this time, his face was almost happy.

After all, he has lived for 80 years, and today is the most beautiful day in his life.

Under Wang Xiangfen's order, Chen Xiaoyu and Qin Lie helped the country chef.

As for his third uncle's family, they were sitting in the upper room, surrounded by villagers and relatives from the same village, like the stars holding the moon, and their attention was higher than that of today's protagonist, the old birthday star Chen Ping'an.

Chen Yukang sat on the main seat and kept talking at length, which made Chen Xiaoyu feel unbalanced.

"Mom, why do we have to work while they wait there for dinner?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked very dissatisfied.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry about it so much, but do some work, and you're not tired. If you don't want to do it, go and rest. Mom will do it alone."

Wang Xiangfen is an honest and honest farmer, she doesn't care too much.

Chen Xiaoyu couldn't bear to let her mother suffer here alone, so she could only bear it.

"By the way, my dad and my brother, why haven't I seen them?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked after looking around.

"They went to town to buy wine, and the wine in town is cheap."

Wang Xiangfen replied.

"Oh, I didn't say just buy some in the village, it can cost a few more dollars."

Chen Xiaoyu said helplessly.

"You can save a little bit. After all, it's not easy for you to make money. If you and Qin Lie have children in the future, there will be more places to spend money."

Wang Xiangfen has been diligent and thrifty all her life. She is absolutely reluctant to spend one dollar on things that can be bought for nine cents, even if her daughter told her that she is not poor.

Chen Xiaoyu wanted to say something more, but her lips moved and she swallowed the words back.

She knows very well that her mother's temperament is like this, and she can't change it no matter how much she says.

At twelve o'clock at noon, after all the dishes were served, Chen Pingan's birthday banquet was opened.

The relatives of the Chen family, together with some villagers in the village who have a good relationship with the Chen family, as well as their neighbors, had a total of six tables for the entire birthday banquet, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

In the beginning, everything was normal. All relatives and friends congratulated the old birthday star on his long life, but gradually the theme got deviated. Everyone began to compliment Chen Yukang, the third child of the Chen family, and praised and flattered him. This birthday banquet has become Chen Yukang. Show off your stage.

Qin Lie pretended not to be able to hear anything, ate the food by himself, and commented on the dishes with Chen Xiaoyu from time to time.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was still lingering, and soon someone brought the topic to Chen Xiaoyu.

The two sides sat in various comparisons, Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu soon became the contrasting objects of Chen Manman and Liao Wenbin, and they were said to be useless.

"Xiaoyu, why don't my husband find a job for your boyfriend, he just lacks a gatekeeper at his construction site. This job is very easy. For the sake of our relatives, I will ask him to give your boyfriend a month's work. Seven thousand, what do you think?"

Chen Manman said suddenly, making it clear that he wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate Qin Lie.

"Stop being there, you think I don't know what your heart is!"

Chen Xiaoyu said coldly, she really hates Chen Manman very much now.

"Xiaoyu, what you said hurts my heart too much. I kindly introduced a job to your boyfriend, how could I be so pretentious!"

Chen Manman pretended to be angry.

"It's really a dog that bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people, Manman, leave them alone and let them die of poverty."

Because Chen Xiaoyu was unwilling to marry her nephew, Zhao Qiaoli's words also became bitter.

"Originally, I was thinking of supporting you for the sake of relatives. Since you are so ignorant of praise, then forget it. It's really muddy and can't support the wall."

Liao Wenbin then sneered.

"Shut up all of you, a bunch of ungrateful white-eyed wolves, don't think you can point fingers in front of our family with a bit of stinky money, you don't deserve it!"

Unable to bear, Chen Xiaoyu slapped the table, and did not save face for the people of the third uncle's family.

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