"Xiaoyu, wait for me, I'll answer the phone."

After talking to Chen Xiaoyu, Qin Lie walked outside the house.

"Hey, brother-in-law, I have found the evidence you want."

After the call was connected, Hu Xingxu said immediately.

"What have you found?"

Qin Lie asked.

"According to my investigation, Liu Ruohan's family is actually not rich. Her image of Bai Fumei is completely packaged by herself."

"And this woman is very good at playing. She has a boyfriend in high school. Later, she only talked to seven or eight boyfriends in college, and they can form a class."

"The most shameless thing is that this woman is actually on three boats now. Apart from talking to a rich second generation from the economics department of our school, she is also a rich businessman outside!"

"If my guess is correct, she is treating Chen Zhibo as a free cash machine, and she is not really in love with him at all."

Hu Xingxu was indignant and told everything he had inquired about.

After learning this information, Qin Lie's face suddenly sank.

He originally thought that Liu Ruohan was a green tea bitch like his ex-girlfriend, but now it seems that this woman is simply Pan Jinlian who is sloppy!

No, she should be more shameless than Pan Jinling!

"By the way, brother-in-law, just now, Liu Ruohan and the wealthy businessman went to open a house again, and I even took a photo of them kissing."

Hu Xingxu continued.

"You continue to stare at Liu Ruohan, I will go to the city to find you tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie ordered.

"I know, I'm just staring outside the hotel right now."

Hu Xingxu said.

In order to follow Liu Ruohan, Hu Xingxu hadn't eaten dinner yet, but he didn't feel bitter. After all, Qin Lie gave him 100,000 yuan, so he naturally wanted to get things done.

Without further chatting, Qin Lie hung up the phone directly.

After returning to the house, Qin Lie's expression returned to normal. He didn't reveal what Hu Xingxu told him just now.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiaoyu originally planned to take her younger brother back to school after breakfast, but Qin Lie woke her up at five o'clock, and the three drove back to the city in a rented car.

At 7:30, Qin Lie parked his car at the entrance of Rihao Hotel.

"Brother Qin, why are you bringing us to the hotel?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"You'll find out later, get out of the car."

After replying, Qin Lie got out of the car.

"Brother-in-law, this!"

Seeing Qin Lie, Hu Xingxu, who had been guarding the door of the hotel, waved quickly, and then saw him trot over with Gu Fan.

"Are you two here?"

Seeing his two roommates, Chen Zhibo couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Xingxu, repeat what you found to Zhibo."

Qin Lie ordered.


Hu Xingxu nodded, then looked at Chen Zhibo and said, "Zhibo, what I tell you next may cause you a big blow, I hope you can be mentally prepared."

"You kid won't play any trick games again, will you?"

Chen Zhibo asked with a smile, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Don't laugh, I'm telling you the business, according to my investigation, Liu Ruohan is a bitch who doesn't know how to love herself, she doesn't associate with you because she likes you, but to spend your money. Besides, she also…”

Hu Xingxu didn't have any ink, and immediately repeated what he said to Qin Lie yesterday.

"Hu Xingxu, Ruohan is not the kind of person you said at all. If you throw dirty water on her again, don't blame me for not recognizing you as a friend!"

Chen Zhibo said with a cold face, he didn't believe Hu Xingxu's words.

"Zhibo, don't be stupid. Many people in the English Academy know that Liu Ruohan is a green tea bitch. This woman is not worthy of your sincerity!"

Hu Xingxu said solemnly, he definitely does not want his brother to be deceived by another woman.

"You fart, those who are jealous of Ruohan slander her, don't follow others and destroy my relationship with Ruohan!"

In Chen Zhibo's heart, Liu Ruohan is the most perfect woman in the world. She is beautiful, considerate, pure and lovely, and she will never lie to herself.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. If you don't believe it, let's go to room 1603. She came here last night with a big boss from Qianzhou to open a room."

Hu Xingxu said that he was going to speak with facts.

"Go, go, I don't believe Ruohan is such a woman!"

Chen Zhibo replied and followed Hu Xingxu into the hotel.

Soon the group came to room 1603.

Hu Xingxu stepped forward and knocked on the door, the door opened, and it was Liu Ruohan in pajamas who opened the door.

"How did you come?"

Liu Ruohan frowned and looked at Chen Zhibo and asked, there was surprise on her face, but she didn't panic, because she had long expected such a day.

"Ruohan, who are you opening a room with?"

Chen Zhibo asked with a trembling voice, he was really afraid that what Hu Xingxu said was true.

"Ruohan, who is outside?"

At this moment, a man's voice came from the house, and then a bald man in only shorts came over from the bedroom.

At that moment, Chen Zhibo's heart was broken!

"Ruohan, what are these people doing?"

The bald man looked at Qin Lie and the others with a vigilant look.

"It's nothing, they knocked on the wrong door."

Liu Ruohan replied lightly and was about to close the door, but Chen Zhibo stepped forward to stop her.

"Ruohan, why, why are you lying to me, why are you with such a person!"

Chen Zhibo asked sadly.

"It's my right to be with whom I want to be with, can you control it?"

Liu Ruohan replied coldly, now that the incident has already happened anyway, she has no need to continue to conceal Chen Zhibo.

"Ruohan, he forced you, right? You told me he forced you to open a room, right?"

Chen Zhibo couldn't accept the reality, but took the initiative to find a reason for Liu Ruohan.

"Okay, don't be stupid. To tell you the truth, I'm just playing with you. I don't like you at all for a poor guy like you."

Liu Ruohan replied unceremoniously.

She has never liked Chen Zhibo, and when she is with him, she just likes the feeling of being spoiled as a little princess, and because of this, she has never had a too close relationship with Chen Zhibo.

"Impossible, you said you only love me alone, you said you wanted us to grow old together!"

Chen Zhibo shook his head and shouted, he really couldn't accept that the innocent and lovely goddess in his mind could be such a scumbag who deceived his feelings!

This hit him too hard.

He feels his heart is bleeding!

"Hehe, those are just my tricks. I didn't expect you to believe it. There are not many fools like you in this world."

Liu Ruohan sneered.

There was no trace of repentance on her face, only a mockery of Chen Zhibo.

She perfectly interprets what it means to be a ruthless bitch and a ruthless play.

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